The orcs were blown away, and the ground was blown away.


Almost at the same moment.

Invisible shock waves spread and exploded!

The orc whose spear was about to pierce Xingxi turned into meat in an instant.


The earth trembled.

The ground was instantly torn apart.

With the white deer as the center, the orcs were like broken balloons.

There was no chance to struggle at all.

All of them exploded in an instant.

After just one second, those orcs who easily slaughtered the Star Gate Guild were left with only a pool of meat.

The originally noisy plain became silent almost in an instant.

It was not silent.

The earth is still cracking and shaking!

But other than that, all other creatures are gone.

Only a few people from the Star Gate Guild survived.

In addition, four people from the God Killing Guild came out of the dungeon.

The entire plain has become an area that can be called "wasteland".

The girl stood on an independent plot of land separated by a crack in the distance.

Her eyes were calm and erratic, looking into the distance.

There was no joy, anger, sadness or happiness in her eyes.

Looking at her, I can only think of four words: like a god.

So handsome.

That graceful figure, this handsome rescue!

"White-haired Witch of Destruction." Xingxi swallowed her saliva.

This title is well deserved.

Witch of Destruction?

It's really beautiful.

The four people from the God Killing Guild have come out of the dungeon.

Lu Cang glanced around and murmured, "It's really cool to use large-scale destruction magic."

Even in Lu Cang's previous life, it would take a lot of effort to deal with such a large number of orcs during this period.

But Bai Lu used all of them with one skill.

It has to be said that everyone has their own expertise.

It's still the magician who cleans up the small fish.

This is the advantage of the guild, gathering all the strengths and making up for all the weaknesses.

"Level 39, so fast." The fearless brave saw his experience bar.

Just after defeating the BOSS, he had already reached level 29.

The level of Lu Cang and others has also reached 30.

But Bai Lu used a skill directly to kill all the orcs nearby.

The experience points provided by hundreds of thousands of orcs made everyone's level soar.

The reason why it only reached level 39.

Because the highest level of orcs here is level 35.

There is no way to continue to plunder experience points from players who are 5 levels lower than themselves.

Of course, after killing him, the opponent's experience points will still drop.

But I can no longer get them.

The fearless brave has gradually seen the world, and he is no longer surprised by such a scene of destruction.

Leng Qingying also glanced around and asked: "President, if we encounter an attack like Bai Lu in the future, how should we deal with it?"

Lu Cang smiled lightly and replied: "We can only die."

"Even you don't have a way to deal with it?"

Lu Cang shrugged and said: "Of course not now, because we won't encounter such a situation now."

"Our team's output is already sufficient, but there is no character who can really resist damage."

These few copies are all because of the lack of a character who can resist damage.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so hard to fight.

Lu Cang can only rely on his own skills to fight.

However, if faced with that kind of completely indiscriminate full-map attack, skills are really useless.

"Bai Lu, magic interrupt."

Bai Lu nodded.

With a light wave of his hand, the earth stopped shaking continuously.

The cracked earth gradually showed a tendency to close.

The biggest feature of the magic of the destruction system is that the damage caused is extremely difficult to recover.

In addition, most of the magic of the destruction system has special effects such as being unable to recover and unable to heal.

If it is the [Destruction System] magic targeting weapons, it can even easily destroy the enemy's weapons.

The destruction system is the most violent type of magic faction.


Lu Cang sent his thoughts in the direction of Xingxi.

This update of the fantasy world completely updated the function of telepathy, which allows people to communicate with others directly through thoughts.

However, this communication is still limited by the spirit value.

The higher the spirit value of the player, the wider the range of telepathy communication. In addition, according to the different spirit values, there is also a special ability such as forced voice transmission.

Of course, it is not only the spirit value attribute that has special abilities.

[Agility value]

[Strength] [Constitution] The improvement of other values ​​can also provide more convenience for various basic operations in the fantasy world.

"Cang... President Cangkong."

But as soon as the words came out.

Xingxi felt strange. Cangkong was the president of the God Killing Guild. It was completely fine to call Cangkong President Cangkong.

But now that she said it, it became like she was treating Cangkong as her own president.

"Help me thank Xingdeng."

"I have always been clear about gratitude and resentment."

"You help me out, and we will also give you corresponding rewards."

"This time, all the silver equipment dropped by the orcs killed by Bai Lu can be directly given to you."

"Oh, and this job transfer book should be quite suitable for you."

Lu Cang walked to the corpse of an orc next to the copy, and took out a job transfer book of [Multiple Arcanist] from its gradually disappearing wreckage.

Bai Lu killed hundreds of thousands of orcs.

Compared to the more than 20,000 people who died in the Star Gate Guild, the Star Gate Guild can be said to have made a big profit.

And for Lu Cang and others, if the Star Gate Guild did not come to help.

The trap at the door is unsolvable, and you must die once.

It is better not to die if you can.

It seems that the fantasy world can be resurrected, but in fact, death in the fantasy world will still have various troublesome effects.

For example, some trials require that you have never died to participate.

Leng Qingying transmitted her thoughts to Lu Cang: "Is this reward too much?"

Lu Cang smiled and responded with thoughts: "Not much, and they won't really be so shameless to ask for all our equipment for nothing."

"I said it when I taught the fearless brave, predicting how the opponent will act is the key to victory."

Xingxi heard Lu Cang's assurance.

There was ecstasy on his face.

Multi-arcanist, this is the most suitable profession for him in theory according to the guild's deduction.

As for the only profession, it is a matter of chance.

If you have to wait for the only profession to change, then I don't know when you can really change your profession.

"Lord Cangqiong, this job change book is already valuable enough."

He thought about it and decided not to call Cangqiong the president.

And the God Killer Guild is much stronger than the Star Gate Guild...visibly much stronger.

Calling him by his name seems a bit disrespectful.

In the end, Xingxi could only call Cangqiong Lord Cangqiong.

"We really can't accept those silver equipment."

Xingxi has a very high voice in the Star Gate Guild, second only to the president.

At the same time, when Lu Cang gave the report, he also directly told the president about Lu Cang's report.

The first response was: "Can't accept it."

Xingxi continued: "Thank you for your generosity."

"Such a generous reward, our Xingmen Guild can't afford it."

"Lord Cangqiong, thank you for your generosity... but Xingmen Guild doesn't want to destroy our friendship because of this."

"We only want to make up for the equipment lost by the sacrificed personnel of our guild. We hope to trade the equipment in the future by purchasing it. I hope you can give us a price that everyone is happy with."

After Xingxi said this, Lu Cang sent a message to Leng Qingying: "You see."

Leng Qingying was stunned.

Really don't want it for free, but have to buy it?

Xingxi, Xingxi...

Generous? He is not generous.

What you think and how you will respond, this old fox has already calculated it.

And just when Lu Cang and others were negotiating with Xingxi.

On the wall of Fenghua City, the players looked at the cracks in the ground that stretched to the edge of the city and swallowed their saliva.

"Was there an earthquake just now?"

"What's going on with this crack?"

"I just received the latest gossip. This crack in the ground was caused by the magic of Bai Lu from the God Killing Guild."

"Are you kidding? Ruokong Plain is dozens of kilometers away from here... Magic? What kind of magic can do this!"


On New Year's Day, I'll take a short holiday, so I'll only update once.

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