The battle was won, and the battle was won.

As the fearless warriors occupied the last stronghold, rays of light shot up into the sky.

[World Announcement - Orc City - Xilong has been occupied by the human race]

[Occupier: God Killing Guild]

[This city will be completely controlled by the human race - God Killing Guild]

All other races who can see this announcement.

All of them were shocked.

"Hey, is this true?"

"The human race conquered the orcs' city? Are you kidding me?"

"Is there something wrong with the world announcement?"

"That human race actually conquered the orcs' city? Could it be that the human race in the fantasy world is not as weak as we thought?"

"But among the races that have obtained the initial qualification, the human race is obviously the bottom of the lower races..."

The major races were puzzled by the information that popped up in front of them.

"It seems that I have to ask the orcs in person what happened."

"Perhaps, the human race should not be underestimated. At least this time they conquered the orcs' city, and it is reasonable to improve the evaluation of the human race a little bit."

"Hahaha, a race that continues to rise from the bottom! Very good, very passionate! I like it!"

"Yawn~ No matter how hard the small fish races try, they are still small fish~ Whether it's the human race or the orcs~ It doesn't matter what happens to the small fish."

Compared to other races in the world.

The human race was in ecstasy.


"Fuck, it's really victory! We really took down the city of the Orcs!"

"Damn, why are you so excited? It wasn't you who took it down!"

"Oh, no matter who took it down, it's a great honor for us, isn't it?"

"However, the God Killing Guild is really awesome. It seems that they only have four people to attack the city?"

"Yes, I didn't see any reports of other people entering the city of Xilong. It seems that there are only four people in the collapse."

"Nah, this is really... awesome."

The conditions for occupying the city, the players also learned from the player manual.

In the player manual, you can learn almost all the rules.

The rules for siege are also written on it.

Just seeing these rules makes people feel overwhelmed.

Not only do you have to occupy the stronghold, but also ensure that the flags of each stronghold do not fall.

You also have to kill the powerful BOSS inside the heavily guarded mansion.

That's the enemy's base camp.

If it takes too long.

Maybe orcs from other cities will come to support.

And the terrain inside the city lord's mansion is very narrow, and there is no way to crush the BOSS by using the advantage of numbers.

For ordinary players, there is only one word to complete the entire siege: difficult.

And on the contrary.

This also means that if other races want to attack the human city, it is equally difficult.

Even if they are much stronger than the human race, they may not be able to attack it.

"The orcs must be furious!"

"Hahaha! I just heard that in the orcs' world, we humans are called rations!"

"Haha, let them feel the feeling of having their cities occupied by rations!"

"I saw the latest information saying that the orcs are the strongest of all the races that can be explored."

"The God Killing Guild can actually take down their cities... Doesn't this mean that the God Killing Guild is the strongest guild among all races?"

"Ahem, let me correct you, all known races... we don't know what the unknown ones are like yet."

"What are you saying? Is there anything that the God Killing Guild can't do? In my opinion, the God Killing Guild is the strongest guild among all the races. Do you think it can do it? I believe that they can kill gods tomorrow."

"Godslayer, Godslayer, so that's what it means. This name is very sophisticated!"

"Speaking of which, the Yinyuan Guild seems to be in a hostile relationship with the Shensha Guild."

"Fuck! If you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten about this marginal guild."

"Let's stay away from the Yinyuan Guild."

"Speaking of this, I'm worried. I have a younger brother who is a scout in the Yinyuan Guild. His talent is suitable for reconnaissance. Should I persuade him to leave the Yinyuan Guild?"

"The person above, you should find a way to get out of the Yinyuan Guild as soon as possible. Even if you have to pay compensation after signing the contract, it doesn't matter. It's too dangerous to go against the Shensha Guild."

"Yes, yes, isn't Yinkong, who has S-level talent, the best example? Even S-level is miserable.

In that case, ordinary players dare not think about what will happen to them..."

"Indeed... we still have to listen to the netizens. I will try to collect money and see if I can let my brother leave the Yinyuan Guild as soon as possible. I will pay the money if I have to pay the loss."

"Yes, I heard that the former vice president of the Yinyuan Guild, An Tan Wuguang, has already run away. It is definitely a good idea to run away early."

"If you don't run away now, when will you run away? "

In the chat channel, as soon as they heard about the Yinyuan Guild, all parties were fanning the flames.

Some of those fanning the flames were players from other major guilds who were responsible for public opinion.

Some of those fanning the flames were real passers-by players.

But the situation is indeed that even passers-by are not optimistic about the Yinyuan Guild.

In the world channel, many players also shifted the topic to the Yinyuan Guild.

The shift of this topic is naturally inseparable from the major guilds secretly fueling the flames.

The Yinyuan Guild can be called the enemy of the Shensha Guild.


Former enemy.

At first, people thought that the Shensha Guild, which was against the Yinyuan Guild, would not have a good end.

But now, the situation has completely reversed.

Many people are feeling sad for the Yinyuan Guild. Why would they mess with the God-killing Guild?

Now, even if the God-killing Guild does not take the initiative to cause trouble for the Hidden Origin Guild.

The Hidden Origin Guild cannot protect itself.

Every time the God-killing Guild appears on TV, fewer players are willing to join the Hidden Origin Guild.

The main guild of the Hidden Origin Guild used to only accept A-level and S-level players.

There are also a large number of A-level players in other branches.

But now, the standard for recruiting people in the Hidden Origin Guild has been lowered to B-level.

In addition, various coin dealers have also exchanged what they have with Yun Qing of the God-killing Guild and the Star Gate Guild.

As a result, when the buyers of the Hidden Origin Guild asked them if they had gold coins to sell.

They would only respond apologetically: "Sorry, it's a bit difficult to collect gold coins recently, and the large gold coins have been sold out. "

And the coin dealers within the Yinyuan Guild.

Because of the name of the Yinyuan Guild, it is difficult to receive gold coins from players.

Even many coin dealers who originally signed contracts with the Yinyuan Guild also switched to the Star Gate Guild.

Collecting coins for the Star Gate Guild.

In the end, the gold coins that the Yinyuan Guild could receive from the coin dealers became less and less.

After a few hours, it only received a few hundred thousand.

It was not even as much as the pocket money that the Shensha Guild distributed to its members.

And the gold coins purchased by these coin dealers were sold to the Star Gate Guild.

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it.

Those who resigned resigned, Those who ran away ran away, and those who defected defected.

Newcomers didn't come, old players left, and capital turnover was difficult...

Since Yin Kong was killed to level 1, the overall development of the Yinyuan Guild began to collapse unstoppably.

Not to mention fighting with the Shensha Guild.

The current Yinyuan Guild has fallen to the point of competing with second-tier guilds for resources.

[Maple City - Cat Cafe]

Yin Chen sat on the steps of the Fenghua City Cafe.

He lit a cigarette.

Xingdeng came to his side and patted Yin Chen on the shoulder.

Yin Chen didn't look up and said, "I'm here."

Xingdeng nodded: "Well, do you want to pick a place where no one is talking?"

"No need." Yin Chen took a deep puff of cigarette.

"It's a bit inappropriate to talk about the merger of the Yinyuan Guild into the Xingmen Guild on the street."

Xingdeng smiled bitterly: "I can already feel the malicious eyes around me."

"The maliciousness towards me, not towards you. "Yin Chen said indifferently.

Yin Chen took three puffs in total and finished the whole cigarette.

He threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it twice, saying: "I have seen the conditions. You proposed to meet once. Now that we have met, you can decide. I agree to it. There is nothing else to say."

"Well, but I'm sorry, although you are the president of the Yinyuan Guild, our Xingmen Guild can't provide you with a good position."

"It doesn't matter, I deserve it. I am a disqualified leader and made a wrong decision." Yin Yuan took out another cigarette and said dully.

Xing Deng looked into the distance. He didn't have the addiction to smoking in the fantasy world because it was harmful.

Xing Deng sighed: "I just didn't expect that the two-year struggle between our two major guilds would end in this way. It's really sad. "

"Then it is decided. The Hidden Yuan Guild will be merged into the Star Gate Guild. The Star Gate Guild will take over all the members, funds, equipment and other sundries of the Hidden Yuan Guild, including all the debts of the Hidden Yuan Guild. From today on, Yin Kong will obey the orders of our Star Gate Guild."

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