Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1408 Fifth Natural Disaster

Ji Feng just called Lin Yuan Young Master, indicating that Ji Feng is just a servant of Lin Yuan.

When can even the servants drink this good wine?

Li Wan took a deep breath and took the juice that had just been squeezed not long ago.

Pour a glass for Lin Yuan, Liu Jie and the little girl next to Lin Yuan.

At first the little girl had stage fright.

Seeing that the little girl wanted to drink the juice from the glass, but she dared not pick it up.

Lin Yuan handed the juice in his hand to the little girl and said.

"Drink, if it's not enough, I think the president will not mind refilling you again."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan handed the red jade-like copper-step epic-quality walnut walnut in his hand to Liwan, and said.

"This pair of content walnuts should be able to replace your Shengfan Chamber of Commerce. At present, all the spiritual plants that can generate weather?"

Li Wan heard the words, took the content walnuts that Lin Yuan handed over, and examined it carefully.

After some investigation, the expression on Li Wan's face changed abruptly.

The pair of content walnuts were brought closer, and a very strong fragrance of vegetation could be smelled.

It shows that this pair of content walnuts has just been picked from the tree, and it has not been peeled off.

The time will never exceed ten days.

In this way, Lin Yuan is very likely to have an epic-quality walnut tree of copper rank.

Guessing this possibility, what I don't think about is how to change to the epic-quality bronze walnut in Lin Yuan's hands.

It's how to reach a long-term cooperation with Lin Yuan.

With this pair of epic-quality copper walnuts, the Shengfan auction will be enough to gain enough popularity.

But this pair of epic-quality walnuts of the copper ranks are always going to be sold at auction.

Without this pair of content walnuts, the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce even left a reputation.

There is still no bargaining chip to fight with the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce and the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce.

If there can always be walnuts with epic quality of copper ranks, they will appear at the prosperous auction.

Why shouldn't the Shengfan auction be able to create a whole world under the attack of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce and the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce?

Li Wan sorted out his thoughts and said.

"Mr. Lin, in our Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, there are seven Qingyanghua, nine Yinwu sunflower, six snow crystal orchids, seven panthera, and thunder chrysanthemum, which should be four."

"As for the rainbow hibiscus that can generate rainbows, we only have one plant in the Shenfan Chamber of Commerce."

"According to the price of the auction, these thirty-four plants that can generate weather are worth a total of 6.4 million Shenfan coins."

"I'll give you a 10% discount, which will be 5.76 million deep Vatican coins."

"And Mr. Lin, the pair of walnuts, an epic-quality copper-grade container that has just been planted and no one has ever sold, has an auction price of at least 25 million deep vanilla coins."

"The highest transaction price ever for a walnut, an epic copper-grade container, was sold at the Wanbao auction in Sacred Forest City at a price of 35 million deep vanilla coins."

"But the price of 35 million is too high for my Shengfan Chamber of Commerce to bear."

"Why not, I will price this pair of copper-grade epic-quality walnuts for 31 million yuan, is it okay for Young Master Lin?"

When he was in Nanmu City before, Lin Yuan asked Zhang Tong and Luo Yana about the price of the copper-level epic-quality walnut.

The prices given by Luo Ya and Zhang Tong are both in the 28 million deep vanguard coins, which is exactly in the price range given by Li Wan.

It can be said that the price given by Liwan is very real.

This pair of content walnuts was auctioned at the prosperous auction, and in the end it was not seen that the price of 31 million deep Van coins could be sold.

After all, the highest price of an item at auction often has a lot to do with fighting spirit.

It seems that Lixuan didn't point to a deal with himself, this pair of epic copper-grade container walnuts makes money.

On the contrary, there is the feeling of spending money to buy fame.

As for those spirit creatures that can generate weather, Li Wan gave himself a discount.

It is equivalent to giving himself the benefit of hundreds of thousands of deep-Vatican coins.

Lin Yuan is very satisfied with Li Wan's trading attitude.

"Just do what the president said."

"I just left the president and told me that I was asked to give me the list of auctions. I want to buy some of the auction items on the list for the remaining 20 million deep-Vatican coins."

"Of course, don't worry, the president, I don't mean to scan the goods."

"It's not what I need, I won't buy it."

"If the lot is more interesting to me, I don't mind adding something to the finale of the Shenfan auction."

After speaking, a pair of vermilion walnuts appeared in Lin Yuan's hands again.

Lin Yuan's words made Li Wan's heart happy.

The only thing I was afraid of was that Lin Yuan was scanning the list of auction items.

Although there is a pair of epic copper-grade walnuts, the popularity of the Shengfan auction has stabilized.

But if all other lots were swept away by Lin Yuan, it would undoubtedly appear to be a horrible auction.

The anticlimactic situation is likely to be underestimated by the background of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, Lin Yuan took out the pair of contented walnuts, making Liwang sure that Lin Yuan definitely had a copper-rank epic-quality contented walnut tree in his hands.

Otherwise, how could there be so many epic-quality walnuts from the copper ranks that have just descended from the tree?

This discovery allowed Lixuan to determine Lin Yuan's identity.

A hidden worldly wealthy clan with a four-star senior or higher creator behind it is enough to stand on the top of the deep Brahma.

Such a hidden tycoon is simply not comparable to a ruined tyrant like his own.

Just then, Duan Lao, who was going to get the list of lots, walked in.

In addition to the list of lots, Mr. Duan held a tray in his hand.

Thirty-four pots of Lingzhi were placed on the tray.

Above the tray, a small miniature landscape seems to be formed.

The sky is half sunny and cloudy, with strong wind blowing on the sunny side, thunder shining on the cloudy side, and blizzard.

A rainbow hovered between sunny and cloudy, and there was a sense of fusing all the weather together.

Lin Yuan discovered that all the spiritual plants that could generate weather in the tray were ordinary level.

Each plant is about the same size as a lotus flower, only half the size of Lin Yuan's palm.

These spiritual plants that can generate weather are placed in the lock-spirit space and can't take up much space.

It can make the ash absorb all kinds of weather.

And these spiritual plants are ordinary level existence, indicating that Shengfan Chamber of Commerce should be nurtured.

In other words, it is a channel for purchasing such spiritual plants.

After receiving the list from Duan Lao, Lin Yuan didn't read the content on the list for the first time.

Instead, he raised his head and said to Li Wan.

"I don't know if I want to order some spiritual objects that can generate weather in the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce in the future, is it feasible?"

How did Li Wan Zhengchou establish a relationship with Lin Yuan, so as to ensure future contact.

Now Lin Yuan's words happened to solve the problem of Li Wan.

Li Wan said with a smile.

"Naturally, with the exception of Sunny Sunflower, Cloudy Sunflower, Snow Crystal Orchid, Campanula and Thunder Chrysanthemum."

"There are also Mianyuhe that is not currently in the Chamber of Commerce, I can get it for Young Master Lin."

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