Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1423 You are also worthy of my Young Master's confession?

The powerful Ding family had just finished speaking, only to hear the clear and happy voice resounding again.

"If the Ding family wants to check, they can do it now."

"There is no need to give an explanation afterwards."

Hearing this, the strong man of the Ding family pierced Lin Yuan with his eyes like a sword, and said coldly.

"You are in Oak City, and you have lit the tree fort of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce."

"On the streets of Oak City again, the imperial emissary besieged and killed the three diamond-level fantasy creatures of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce, causing damage to the three powerful king-level members of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce."

"You still need to give the Ding family an explanation."

Liu Jie said coldly when he heard the words of the strong Ding family.

"Give you an explanation for the Ding family?"

"When is your Ding family worthy of my Young Master's account?"

"A family of four-star low-level builders, really thought it could be screaming and drinking, ordering the world to succeed?"

The words of the strong Ding family just now were tantamount to warning Lin Yuan.

Let Lin Yuan not make things too much.

But Liu Jie's words were tantamount to directly lifting the table.

There is no trace of respect for the Ding family, which is tantamount to slap the Ding family on the face.

When the two strong men of the Ding family heard Liu Jie's words, their anger rose from their hearts, and they were just about to summon a spiritual creature.

At this moment, two groups of fire appeared silently in front of the two imperial powers of the Ding family.

These two fires made the two imperial powerhouses of the Ding family only feel cold on their hands and feet, and the cold sweat soaked their clothes in an instant.

These two fires appeared silently, but they were enough to burn themselves and others to ashes.

Under these two flames, the two of them didn't even have a chance to summon a spiritual thing.

This shows that the black-clothed boy in front of him is surrounded by masters that he and others cannot imagine.

Moreover, the words of the black-clothed boy obeying by his side were full of disdain for the four-star low-level builder family.

These powerhouses, coupled with Liu Jie's attitude towards the four-star low-level founder family.

Let the two royal powerhouses of the Ding family know that the young Ding family in front of them simply can't provoke them.

The Lu family is already regarded as a middle-to-upper-level existence among the hidden elites of the Deep Brahma Federation.

This black-clothed boy aimed at the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce so mercilessly, indicating that he did not put the Lu family in one’s eyes at all.

It seems that this black-clothed boy must come from the true top-notch and hermit family of the Deep Brahma Federation.

In an instant, the two imperial-level powerhouses understood that the black-clothed youth in front of them could only draw in, and could not offend them.

Even if the black-clothed boy next to him had lifted the table, a handful of ashes was raised on the face of Ding's family.

But for the Ding family to subdue in this place, the two imperial powerhouses of the Ding family were also unwilling.

Because once the Ding family is softened in front of the big and small forces in Oak City, the prestige of the Na Ding family in Oak City will be greatly damaged.

Song Dingzhen became anxious when seeing that the two imperial-level powerhouses of the Ding family hadn't responded for a long time, and said.

"Master Ding Jian, Lu Kun came to Oak City on behalf of the Lu family and has not returned from the trip."

"When Lu Kun comes back, we will definitely give Master Ding Jian a satisfactory explanation."

"As for they dare to say such things that despise the Ding family, Master Ding Jian should let them know the lesson!"

Song Dingzhen's words prevented Ding Jian from coming to stage at all.

At this moment, the youthful Qingyue voice sounded again.

"Lu Kun you just said is a fatty, right?"

"He wanted to kill me, but I killed him."

"You people from the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce wanted to kill my caravan, but they refused to admit their fault."

"In that case, just stay here."

Song Dingzhen's expression changed drastically when she heard Lin Yuan's words.

Song Dingzhen never thought that Lu Kun was dead.

Song Dingzhen shouted immediately.

"You killed Lu Kun! The Lu family won't let you go!"

Song Dingzhen's snarled roar did not refute Lin Yuan's words.

Invisibly, the change is equivalent to acknowledging the content of Lin Yuan's words.

The eyes of everyone present fell on Song Dingzhen with contempt.

At this time, the two flames floating in front of the Ding Family Emperor-class powerhouse turned into two flame snail phantoms.

These two flame snail phantoms, one on the left and the other on the right, sandwiched everyone from the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

A lava road was paved under the feet of the two snails, and in an instant, everyone in the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce was burned into nothingness.

This farce ends under a paved lava road.

Lin Yuan is used to low-key and doesn't like high-key, but it doesn't mean that Lin Yuan minds high-key.

At this moment everyone looked at Lin Yuan as if they were looking at a god.

Lin Yuan ignored everyone's gaze and said to the members of the Chengyi Caravan.

"You go find a place to rest first, we'll talk about it later."

After speaking, Lin Yuan took Xiao Hua and walked out of the crowd.

This trip to Oak City came to an end just by looking for the Sui.

Lin Yuan planned to find the Sui and go to the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce to find another backer for the Chengyi Caravan.

The Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce in Oak City was destroyed, and Lin Yuan wanted an unimpeded material circulation channel.

Shengfan Chamber of Commerce is undoubtedly the best choice.

Seeing Lin's far away back, half of his face was amazed and half amazed.

Before Li Wan, he only thought that Lin Yuan had a rich family background, and he was the direct son of a hidden family.

But now it seems obviously more than that.

It is impossible for a son of a hidden family to follow such a powerful guard.

Xiaohua Liwan had seen it before, although Liwan didn't know who was the little boy Liu Jie was holding.

However, the clothes and fox fur cloaks worn by the two children can all tell Lin Yuan's magnanimity.

Liwan was still hesitating before, but now Liwan has made up his mind.

Want to reach long-term cooperation with Lin Yuan.

I just don't know that I have plans to achieve long-term cooperation. Is Lin Yuan willing to do so?

Li Wan decided to prepare first and returned to the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce to wait for Lin Yuan's ride.

Zhuang Bei, headed by the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce, has already scolded the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce a hundred and eighty times inside and outside.

Zhuang Bei couldn't stay in Oak City at this time.

Zhuang Bei was ready to leave Oak City as soon as possible, and informed the dealer of the situation of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

The two imperial powerhouses of the Ding family returned to the Ding family with complex expressions after dealing with the crowd.

Tell the Patriarch of the Ding family exactly what happened in this place.

How to decide things, and how to face Lin Yuan.

Although Ding Jian and two of them were imperial-level powerhouses, they did not dare to sit down and decide without authorization.

In the previous Shenmu Federation, it was not that there was no precedent for the family of four-star creators to be exterminated because they offended people who shouldn’t be offended.

Ding Jiajue must not be able to follow in the footsteps of the four-star creator family.

The predestined water lily has been secretly protecting the Sui people after being sent to Oak City by Ji Feng.

It just didn't show up in front of the Sui.

The place where the Sui people are located is in another abandoned city, opposite to the abandoned city where Xiaohuaxiaocao is located.

Lin Yuan did not use ethereal jellyfish's skill node to teleport this time.

Instead, he summoned Xiao Hei and took Liu Jie, Ji Feng, Xiao Hua and Xiao Cao on Xiao Hei's back.

Xiao Hei snaked up under the amazed gaze of passers-by.

Flew towards the abandoned city where the Sui were.

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