Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1438 Lin Yuan's Arrangement

But even so, there are still many old customers who still feel that Shengfan Chamber of Commerce's goods are incomplete and of low quality.

Lixuan desperately wants to change the situation in the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

So facing Lin Yuan's question, Li Wan answered very greedy.

"Young Master Lin, we can eat all the materials of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce and put them on the shelves for sale."

"With the success of this auction, I have plans to regularly hold prosperous auctions in various branches."

"So even if it is some strange materials, my Shengfan Chamber of Commerce can digest it."

In the process of speaking, Li Wan specifically mentioned the Shengfan auction.

The purpose is to imply that Lin Yuan can provide more high-quality materials when providing materials.

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words.

Lin Yuan is not afraid of Li Wan's ambition.

On the contrary, the more ambitions Liwan is, the more Lin Yuan appreciates Liwan.

If Liwan behaves like a salted fish.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan had to reconsider whether to continue cooperating with Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

"I don't provide too much supplies for the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce."

Listening to Lin Yuan's words, Li Wan and Duan Lao's gaze dimmed in an instant.

But wait for Li Wan and Duan Lao to smile bitterly disappointedly, just listen to Lin Yuan continue to say.

"I can send a four-star low-level builder to station in the Shenfansheng Prosperous Chamber of Commerce in Oak City."

"At the same time, ten three-star pinnacle creators were assigned to customize the spiritual liquid according to the requirements of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce."

"Every month, the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce provides ten pairs of copper-level epic-quality content walnuts, two hundred copper-level perfect-quality spiritual objects, and five copper-level epic-quality spiritual objects."

"As for some other trivial materials, I will not provide them to the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce."

"It is up to the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce to resolve it by itself."

Every time Lin Yuan said something, Li Wan and Duan Lao's eyes widened.

The two were directly surprised by Lin Yuan's sentence "Send a four-star junior creator to come to the Oak City Shengfan Chamber of Commerce branch".

You must know the lord of Oak City, that is, the Patriarch of the Ding family.

He is just a four-star low-level builder.

As long as this four-star low-level builder sent by Lin joins the Shenmu Federation and is certified by the Shenmu Royal Court.

More than ten years' time is enough to create a prosperous city like Oak City.

Moreover, Lin Yuan did not just dispatch a four-star low-level builder to Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

There are also ten three-star pinnacle creators who work specifically for the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

In Oak City, there are not twelve three-star builders under the seat of the Ding family.

Among them, there is only one family of three-star pinnacle builders.

Just because of the resources of Samsung's creators, Shengfan Chamber of Commerce can't afford it for any amount of money.

A four-star junior builder, and ten three-star pinnacle builders, although at the top builder level, they can’t leave home.

There are currently two four-star intermediate builders and one four-star junior builder away from home.

However, there are only five Samsung creators in the Li family.

In terms of the total number of creators, it is almost equal to the resource of creators that Lin Yuan poured into.

Each of the two hundred bronze-level spiritual objects of perfect quality is eligible to appear in the prosperous auction.

As for the ten pairs of epic-quality bronze walnuts, and five epic-quality spiritual objects of the bronze stage, resources of this level.

Only four-star or higher builders can be cultivated.

Lin Yuan was not talking about providing all these quantities of walnuts and spiritual objects with epic copper-grade content.

It will be provided once a month.

This shows that Lin Yuan has four-star or higher-level creator resources behind him.

Moreover, Lin Yuan was able to instruct the four-star or higher creators to work at will.

These are things you don't have when you are away from home.

These resources, which only four-star senior creators or above can deploy, are enough to bring Shengfan Chamber of Commerce to the next level.

As for the other trivial materials mentioned by Lin Yuan no longer being provided by the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, Li Qian didn't care.

There are so many good things, those trivial things are just for Liwan, and Liwan also looks down on it.

Lin Yuan would choose to pour these materials into the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce every month, Lin Yuan carefully considered it.

If Lin Yuan wanted to, he could provide the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce with hundreds of epic-quality Bronze artifacts every day.

But to do so, first of all, I will be surprised that Li Wan will not say.

Just dare to reveal such a huge material.

Shengfan Chamber of Commerce will immediately become the target of the three major federations: Shenmu, Shenfan, and Hammer.

The investment of materials like this can just make Shengfan Chamber of Commerce dazzling but unobtrusive.

While accelerating the development of the prosperous chamber of commerce, it also contributed to the construction of the 14 Philharmonic Squares of the Sui.

Master Hong Shen helped Zhang Xiaobai, Xin Ying, Tan Ran, and Lu Pinru in Guiyuan Manor to strengthen their spiritual things.

Then began to cultivate plant spirits in the underground palace.

However, plant spirits often have a strong growth cycle.

Therefore, for nearly a month, Master Hong Shen has been idle in Guiyuan Manor.

Master Hong Shen's soul was traumatized before, and he couldn't do anything.

Master Hong Shen hates this idle state very much.

The last time Lin Yuan returned to Guiyuan Manor, Master Hong Shen had been chasing behind Lin Yuan.

I want Lin Yuan to assign tasks to him.

Master Hong Shen used the rule rune and issued a pledge of allegiance to Lin Yuan. He is a person that Lin Yuan can trust 100%.

Therefore, arranging Master Hong Shen to the branch of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce in Oak City, one can find something to do for Master Hong Shen.

Secondly, I can also arrange a person next to Liwan.

Let Lin Yuan have precise control over the situation of Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

As for the ten three-star pinnacle builders arranged by Lin Yuan, all of them came from the Hundred Question Beasts in the Hundred Question Beast Legion.

The whole hundred hundred questions beasts that had been adopted before, the wisdom has been taught.

Each has the level of a three-star pinnacle maker.

In addition, the current level of Ascension has reached the diamond level, and he has the energy to teach the new Baiwen Beast.

Therefore, the members of the Hundred Question Beast Army will only increase in the future.

Sending ten Baiwen Beasts to serve the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce had no effect on Lin Yuan's accumulation of resources.

Regarding the dividends of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, Lin Yuan did not intend to ask for Shenfan coins.

Instead, it intends to exchange a large amount for the production-type spiritual plant unique to the Shenmu Federation.

And the rare minerals that are relatively rare in the Huiyao Federation.

These are the materials that can really be called strategic reserves.

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan suddenly thought of something.

That is, Lin Yuan wants to obtain a large amount of content walnuts, and can freely pass through the space corridor to and from the Shenmu Federation.

You also need some aged walnut trees.

So Lin Yuan spoke to Li Wan.

"President Lixuan, the common plant-like spirits such as the walnut tree, I want to come to Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, there should be a lot of reserves."

"I want five hundred walnut trees that are more than three hundred years old."

Li Wan heard the words and said immediately.

"Mr. Lin, I will immediately ask Duan to bring you all the walnut trees that are more than 300 years old."

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