The Sui themselves were redeemed in the abandoned city of Oak City.

I saw light in that deserted and dark world.

Therefore, the Sui wanted to redeem others in the same place.

In addition, the women in exile in the abandoned city are generally determined.

It has the tenacity and strength that ordinary women can't match.

Such a woman became fourteen millet fruits, and then went to build a Philharmonic Square in fourteen cities.

On the one hand, in the face of the temptation of the floating world, I can hold on to my heart.

On the other hand, these women have experienced hardships, which can also let these women know that they must continue to improve their dance and singing skills.

Regarding the appearance of the fourteen women selected in the abandoned city, the Sui didn't care at all.

At the moment when Juelian Poppy performs its function and contracts it as a poppy.

The appearance and temperament of these women will change under the transformation of Jue Lian Poppy.

All become stunners that can charm sentient beings.

Hearing that the Sui people explained that they were going to find 14 millet fruits, Lin Yuan naturally wouldn't object.

"Between the Underground Palace and Oak City, back and forth, the distance is almost two thousand miles."

"You don't have a contract flying spirit object, so it's not convenient to go back and forth."

"In this way, tomorrow morning, I will prepare you a snow-necked swan at the pinnacle of the Diamond Step."

"Although the snow-necked swan does not fly as fast as the black one, it is enough to go back and forth between Oak City and the Underground Palace."

Lin Yuan currently uses pure Spiritual Qi to strengthen a snow-necked swan at the pinnacle of the Diamond Stage, and it takes at least half a month.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lin Yuan to cultivate the snow-necked swan at the pinnacle of the Diamond Stage for the Sui himself.

But clever and a hundred questions beast army can do.

Lin Yuan’s diamond-level trapped spirit box contained many bronze-level high-quality spiritual objects.

These high-quality copper-step artifacts were all captured by Lin Yuan when he went to the endless forest for wild harvesting a few months ago.

Lin Yuan had strengthened these long ago, but he has never found a suitable destination.

At present, among these spirits, the snow-necked swan is the most suitable as a flying spirit.

It's just that this snow-necked swan is still in the epic quality of the bronze stage.

Of course, after being handed over to the cleverness, tomorrow morning, this copper-level epic snow-necked swan can become a diamond-level tenth-level legendary existence.

Upon hearing this, the Suyi wanted to thank Lin Yuan again.

But the Suyi suddenly thought that Lin Yuan had just asked himself why he wanted to thank him.

After the Sui people were very afraid of thanking him, Lin Yuan would ask himself this question again.

The Sui people simply didn't say thank you to Lin Yuan this time.

Anyway, I became Lin Yuan's subordinate, and it was better to do well for Lin Yuan than to say thank you.

Lin Yuan smelled the tempting aroma of barbecue only when he walked to the door of the underground palace.

Smelling the aroma of barbecue, Lin Yuan's stomach screamed in an instant.

Liu Jie roasted a whole black-backed boar of platinum rank.

It is not easy for the black-backed boar to reach the platinum rank.

However, the degree of deliciousness of the platinum-ranked black-backed boar is not at all silver-ranked, and the golden-ranked black-backed boar is comparable.

This platinum black-backed boar roasted by Liu Jie has 200 kilograms of meat, not to mention.

Lin Yuan and others couldn't finish it at all.

At this time, Liu Jie was sprinkling sea salt and black pepper on the roasted golden black boar.

Xiao Hua and Xiao Cao stood beside Liu Jie, looking at the black-backed boar that was roasted sizzlingly.

Xiao Hua is okay, she just keeps swallowing saliva.

And Xiaocao's saliva directly overflowed from the corner of his mouth, dripping from his chin onto the white placket.

A fist-sized drool stain was formed on the white placket.

Hu Quan was holding a brush and brushing honey on the black-backed boar's butt.

Compared with the flavor of Haiyan black pepper, Hu Quan still prefers the flavor of honey juice.

And among the meat of the black-backed mountain pig, Hu Quan is most interested in the firm back mound meat.

Looking at this huge black-backed mountain boar, Lin Yuan said to Hu Quan.

"Uncle Hu, you go and call Hu Tian and those spirit craftsmen over."

"This black-backed boar just left half of it for them."

"Everyone has worked so hard for so long, and all come to have a good meal."

Hearing this, Hu Quan, who was brushing honey on the meat of the back mound, stood up and said to Lin Yuan with a smile.

"Okay! The old man will call that group of bastards, and Hu Tian, ​​who can only be sneaky and slippery at work, call over for dinner."

Hu Quan is a rude person and has always been informal in his work.

Even if you read the book, you never carry anyone behind your back.

But even a rude person like Hu Quan understood how far Lin Yuan was from the sages.

At this time, Lin Yuan could think of the ordinary spirit craftsmen, willing to ask them to eat together.

It is enough to see that Lin Yuan is a person who can sympathize with the hard work of his subordinates.

Lin Yuan was shining like this, making it difficult for Hu Quan to look away.

In less than half an hour, the black-backed boar, which was only more than two hundred catties, was eaten by everyone and only the bones were left.

One of the thigh bones was being held by Hu Tian, ​​gnawing on the muscles attached to the bone "crunchy".

Hu Quan gave Hu Tian a vicious look.

This Hu Tian relied on being an imperial powerhouse and could run Spiritual Qi to speed up his digestion.

He ate at least 80 catties of meat and went to the toilet three times in between.

How can someone not even want to eat their face!

Little flowers and grasses have never been eaten before, so delicious.

Lin Yuan was afraid of the accumulation of food that Xiaohua and Xiaocao would eat, so he deliberately took out some sweet and sour plums when Xiaohua and Xiaocao were eating meat.

The people in Lin Yuan's side and in the underground palace were eating the black-backed boar happily.

But on the side of the Deep Brahma Federation, it was a cold winter at this time.

The Shenmu Federation is hot in all seasons, and the more the Hammer Federation is to the north, the colder the weather.

In the middle, the weather in the Hammer Federation had begun to snow.

But to the north of the Hammer Federation, the Deep Brahma Federation is close to the sea.

It is covered by ice and snow all year round.

It is precisely because of this climate that the land of the Deep-Vatican Federation is not suitable for growing food.

This allowed the people of the Shenfan Federation to embark on the path of forming a chamber of commerce and a caravan.

It was also the Spiritual Qi professionals of the Shenfan Federation that chose this path that made the wealth of the Shenfan Federation the top of the three major federations in the Continent.

Those hidden tycoons who hold the Chamber of Commerce in their hands are rich in wealth.

Among them, the four hidden families of the Deep Brahma Federation are the most powerful and mysterious.

The vast majority of the hermits have received funding from these four hermits.

Of course, the funding of these four hidden families is not free.

The vast majority of the hidden families in the Deep Brahma Federation have been given a small amount of shares by these four hidden families.

These four hermit families have absolute authority in the entire Deep Brahma Federation.

But at this time, the Patriarchs of the four hidden tycoons of the Deep Brahma Federation, all knelt before a bloody weird ball of flesh.

On the jewel-studded throne, the weird flesh-and-blood ball was trembling gently.

The Patriarchs of the four hidden tycoons kneeling on the ground all had cold sweat on their foreheads, and their expressions were horrified.

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