Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1486 The Sixth Person Who Appeared

Lin Yuan could not imagine that if Chuci had encountered the same situation as Bupo Big sis.

What kind of mood should I feel when I am powerless.

But after thinking about it, the only way to solve the problem is for Lin Yuan to bet on Bubo's talent.

After all, the current celestial body council is still unable to teleport the strong here.

It was also unable to send Buper over.

But if Buper really has the talent of a builder, then with the help of Lin Yuan, Buper will become a three-star builder in a short time.

Buper was only fifteen years old at this time, and a three-star maker at this age was placed in the Huiyao Federation.

They are all geniuses rare in the world.

If the Heavenly Mother of the God Mother Federation finds an excellent Earth Mother, she will be rewarded by the God Mother.

Therefore, the heavenly mothers of the Goddess Federation often try their best to support the earth mothers they find.

After Buper's talent was discovered by Tianmu, Tianmu wanted to get rewards.

It is bound to report Buper's situation to the godmother.

It is rumored that the god mother of the god mother federation has already accepted four disciples.

Presumably, the godmother of the godmother federation shouldn't mind accepting more Bupo such a talented disciple!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan said to Wen Yu.

"Libra, it was Lyra who introduced Buper into the Celestial Council. Let Buper and the Lyra seat sign a contract."

Wen Yu heard this and said to Bu Po.

"The Lion allows you to join the Celestial Council and place your hand on the back of the Lyra seat next to you."

"Use your soul to sign a contract with this Lyra seat."

Buper heard the words and stood up busy.

He clumsily printed his hands on the back of the Lyra seat.

Buper knew that the other party would say so, it was the other party who agreed to own request.

own Big sis is finally saved!

Although I don't know how the other person will help me, but the other person can lead myself here.

It shows that the other party must have a powerful power.

Anyway, none of the earth mother masters Bupo had seen before had this ability.

The moment Buper printed his palm on the Lyra seat and the back of the chair.

In the Ten Thousand Duo Nebula overhead, the Lyra Nebula is bright.

The brilliance of Lyra fell on Bu Po, making Bu Po look dazzling.

At the same time, the function of the Celestial Council is connected to Bubo.

Lin Yuan used the smart and exclusive feature to interconnect the tail to send Buper a huge amount of creator knowledge.

After the knowledge passed, Lin Yuan spoke to Bubo.

"Now I send you away from the Celestial Council. You already have the ability to actively communicate with the Celestial Council."

"After you leave, take the existing savings in your family to buy spiritual materials based on the extra things in your mind."

"If you can mix these spiritual materials with spiritual liquid, then you will know what to do."

"If you can't do anything with the spiritual materials you bought, you can contact me through the Celestial Council."

As soon as Lin Yuan's voice fell, Wen Yu sent Bu Po away from the Celestial Assembly.

After Buper left the Celestial Assembly, Youyou woke up from the bed.

Not waiting for Buper to discern whether the experience just now was real or a dream.

A lot of explosive information appeared in Buper's mind.

Bubo was dizzy for nearly a day before he recovered from the dizziness.

Buper was hungry and didn't even have the mind to eat.

Buper's heart was filled with gratitude and excitement.

Buper knows that he has met a noble person!

Because the current Bubo felt that as long as he got the spiritual material, he could immediately cultivate the spiritual fluid that only the master builders could dispense.

With such excitement and anxiety, Buper carefully took half of his and Big sis savings from under the bed.

Buper intends to use the money to buy some scarlet fruits.

Crimson fruit, fish lamp grass and seven or eight auxiliary spiritual materials can be used to make a kind of spiritual liquid called Crimson Potion.

The scarlet potion is for animal spirits to drink, and can enhance the physical strength of animal spirits.

Of course, Spiritual Qi professionals can also drink Scarlet Potion.

The scarlet potion can quickly replenish the physical stamina of Spiritual Qi professionals.

Buper intends to prepare a bottle of scarlet potion.

If it succeeds, Buper can go directly to create a report for the Division League.

Go to Master Tianmu who is in the Alliance of Founders and apply for the status of Mother Earth.

If it can't, Buper, hurry up and contact the person who promised himself among the stars.

After all, there is not much time for own Big sis.

The marriage process of the Shenmu Federation takes four days in total.

The third day is to visit each other's parents.

My parents are dead, so I want to save own Big sis.

Buper is only available for one day.

Bupo didn't go home after shopping for spiritual materials all the way.

Simply rent a most common room in the Alliance of Founders.

Buper tried to make the scarlet potion according to the knowledge in his mind.

There is no knowledge, the first step of the operation is very unfamiliar.

But after twenty minutes, a crystal bottle of dark red spiritual liquid appeared in Buper's hand.

After Buper tentatively drank the dark red potion, Buper's tears flowed out all of a sudden.

These tears are not sad, some are just tears of joy.

Because Buper knew that he was now qualified to be the mother of the goddess federation.

In this way, he can be on the same level as the father of the sixth Young Master who robbed Big sis.

Buper can finally rescue Big sis!

From now on, Buper decided to protect Big sis while repaying his own two figures in the shining stars.

However, what Buper didn't know was that he was about to become famous for the Federation of Goddess.

Become the youngest Samsung creator on the Rinsha continent.

He was even accepted as a disciple by the godmother who only exists in the legend.

Because of a grand gathering among the stars, a revolution in Rinsha Continent has quietly unfolded.

After Wen Yu sent Bubo back, he continued to pass the astrology.

Search for other people who are willing to use all of them to exchange wishes.

But under the first election, both Lin Yuan and Wen Yu were quite embarrassed.

Because many of these people are not in a difficult situation, and they are not changing what they just need.

Most of the things that I want to change are money that can't be spent in a lifetime, and the status is high.

Even the unavailable woman.

Even if Lin Yuan could help him fulfill these wishes, he couldn't do it.

Otherwise, help these people fulfill their wishes.

Lin Yuan would become a heinous bully.

And there is no need for such a person in the Celestial Council.

At this moment, a figure with two wills entwined on its body appeared in the Celestial Assembly.

After this figure appeared, it was just a start to check the surroundings.

It shows that this person has seen the world.

Otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate this kind of calmness when things happen.

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