Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1495 Call Xuanyue

Upon hearing this, the young man couldn't distinguish the "mischief" of Master Tian Feng for a while.

Are they talking about the two major city guards of Diancang City and Jingtao City, or the Whale Ocean Trade?

The two major city guards reported the situation, and the matter was over.

But if Whale-Ocean Trade is condemned by Tian Fengmian, it will inevitably lead to Zhen Lingsi's investigation afterwards.

However, Jingyang Trade has been low-key for so many years, even if it is investigated by the Jinling Division.

Presumably, there shouldn't be any major problems.

It will take at least ten days before the price fluctuations of the spirit material and spiritual things have completely stabilized.

During this time, I have to keep an eye on it.

Otherwise, Tian Fengmian will be reprimanded again.

When the youth returned to work and turned back to work, a trace of doubt emerged in Tian Feng's mind.

The opening of the sixth-level abyss dimension was made temporarily by all the subordinates.

Otherwise, according to the normal situation, the sixth-level Abyss Dimensional Crack Hole meeting will be arranged after the Huiyao Baizi sequence assessment.

Whale Ocean Trading employs a large number of creators, and it is absolutely impossible to hear the news of the opening of the abyss dimension cracks in advance.

So Whale Ocean Trade needs so many creators, what are they going to do?

Moreover, Wang Ting had restricted all the top powers and did not allow top powers to use their resources to influence the market situation.

If the Jingyang Trading employs all high-star creators, that's fine.

A large number of low-star creators are employed by Whale Ocean Trade, which will affect the economic system maintained by these low-star creators downstream.

I don't know how many small chambers of commerce and Starnet stores will be on the verge of collapse because these low-star creators are hired by Whale Ocean Trading.

Tian Feng gave birth to the impulse to go to the Whale Ocean Trade to investigate the situation, but this impulse was quickly suppressed by Tian Feng.

Because as Mianxia, ​​Tian Feng has more important things to do in these ten days.

This is to maintain the stability of the economic material system.

Prevent ordinary people and Spiritual Qi professionals from being affected by the changes of the times.


Soon time came the day Lin Yuan, as the creator of the two stars, signed up for the Whale Ocean Trade Experiment.

Lin Yuan got up early on this day.

Lin Yuan, wearing an extremely plain gray Spiritual Qi costume, looked out the window.

Today is a sunny day.

It's just that the clouds in the sky are dense and dense, blocking the sun's light.

However, under the shining sun, these dense clouds will sooner or later evaporate into flowing clouds and graze to the sky.

Looking at the thick clouds, Lin Yuan thought about it in his heart.

If the whale-to-ocean trade matter is true by oneself, then this matter is a big deal.

It is related to the background of Huiyao's creator.

From meeting Ji Feng and learning about Ji Feng's life experience and circumstances, it was difficult for Lin Yuan not to speculate about the purpose of the Whale Ocean Trading as a builder.

As a top power formed by a collection of three powers, the three powers should have the most intimate relationship between them.

Moreover, the Haitian line, as the line that masters the resources of the creators, should become the side of the force surrounded by the other two lines.

However, Wanqi pulse is a killer to Haitian pulse.

Even if there are real grudges, Whale-Ocean Trade wants to develop, it is impossible to lack the resources of creators.

Lin Yuan heard Miao He talk about it when he went to the main house of Miao's Di Animal Garden.

The number of island whales controlled by the whale ocean trade has been increasing.

This shows that after the Haitian line of creators died, the Wanqi line itself had a huge resource of creators.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan only felt as if he had caught a spot that he had never caught before.

Creator resources?

But what kind of creator resources should be filled with the life of a creator?

It stands to reason that Lin Yuan should have told Master Own about this after a month.

Lin Yuan has never told this matter to Master Own Yuehou. One is because Master Yuehou has been in Closed Door Training recently.

If Lin Yuan told Xuan Yue about this.

The matter is of great importance, and Xuanyue is bound to tell this matter to the moon in the Closed Door Training.

At that time, it will undoubtedly disturb the Closed Door Training in the next month.

You must know that once the top powerhouse Closed Door Training is delayed, it is difficult to enter the Closed Door Training state again.

On the other hand, this incident is, in the final analysis, a speculation made by Lin Yuan based on the information he has learned.

If Lin Yuan was wrong, he started investigating with great fanfare after the month.

On the contrary, it will make a joke.

Now Lin Yuan wants to act on his own. Before the act, Lin Yuan decided to call Xuan Yue.

Lin Yuan is now the disciple of Yuehhou, and any actions related to the face of Master Yuehhou.

Tell Xuanyue in advance that Xuanyue can respond in time when encountering a situation.

Lin Yuan used the power of faith to increase Bai Yan before, and Bai Yan's strength has reached the peak of Immortal.

Recently, with the explosion of public opinion on Star Network, Lin Yuan's power of faith has nearly doubled as before.

This makes Bai Yan's strength only stronger than before under the increase in the power of faith.

Lin Yuan didn't think that in the whale ocean trade, there would be strong people with higher strength than the white words at the peak of Immortal.

But nothing is absolute.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

If it is the Whale-Ocean trade, the strong man whose strength reaches eternity is accidentally concealed.

Tell Xuan Yue in advance that Xuan Yue can also intervene.

But when Lin Yuan dialed the phone to Xuan Yue, the phone was not connected by Xuan Yue until the ring tone ended.

This caused Lin Yuan's brows to frown slightly.

Before that, Lin Yuan called Xuanyue, and there has never been a similar situation.

Every time it was a ringtone, but after three times, the phone would be picked up by Xuan Yue and sounded.

Lin Yuan didn't wait for Xuan Yue to call herself back, but dialed Xuan Yue again.

When the second ringing tone was about to end, Lin Yuan only heard Xuan Yue pick up the call in a hurry.

Said apologetically.

"His Royal Highness, I am here to upgrade the star network together with the two crowns, and I didn't bring my mobile phone with me."

"The people below took the cellphone to report that I knew that the little majesty called me."

Xuan Yue knows Lin Yuan very well, knowing that Lin Yuan dials herself two calls in a row.

There must be something important.

Lin Yuan hurriedly asked when he heard that Xuan Yue was upgrading the star network.

"Uncle Xuan, how long will it take you to upgrade StarNet?"

When Xuan Yue heard this, she didn't conceal the slightest.

"My Majesty, thanks to you, my sacred source has made a breakthrough, and my strength has also passed that hurdle."

"The one-third of the star network is my holy source thing and my own mental energy."

"Ascension of my holy source and body, Starnet's spiritual perception network needs to be upgraded on the original basis."

"Since the selection of the Hundred Sons sequence this year is conducted on the Star Network, the two crowns and I have made every effort to upgrade the Star Network. It should be possible to complete the upgrade within the first ten days of the selection of the Hundred Hundred Sons."

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