Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1791 Liu Jie's light!

The holy source thing, Wan Chonghuang, checked the blessing of the Chong mother, and aimed at the Chong mother's reproductive cavity.

Ascension is the reproductive ability of the worm mother.

The worm mother itself is a unit that relies on the production of worm creatures and fights on worm creatures.

It can be said that the more insects the insect mother produces, the stronger the insect mother's combat ability will be.

It is important to know that every time a part of the insect units can be produced, more changes in the collocation of the entire insect colony can occur.

Moreover, the genital cavity of the worm's mother was blessed and transformed.

Not only can the insect mother produce more insect swarms, but it can also make the insect mother produce more insect swarms faster.

In a very short period of time, a large number of insect units were produced.

Right now, the worm mother was still asleep and did not wake up from the deep sleep.

Therefore, Liu Jie could not summon the worm mother and let the worm mother produce insects.

Let's see how much the speed of the insect mother's production of insects has increased.

However, through Liu Jie's perception, the speed of the insect mother's production of insects is at least half as fast as the previous Ascension.

In other words, when two insect units were produced before, the current insect mother can produce three.

This kind of Ascension allows Liu Jie's insect swarm to take shape faster.

It also allowed Liu Jie to fight without relying entirely on positional warfare.

In fact, it is just these Ascension, Liu Jie will not compare it with the Ascension that the insect mother has absorbed the Queen's Bee Venom and upgraded.

The worm mother absorbs the toxins of the Queen Blade Queen and is upgraded, so that the worm mother can use these psychotoxins to control the worm-like cancer.

Form a special contract with insects and carcinogens.

It was the Ascension of the insect mother that made Liu Jie, who was only in the middle of the Hui Yao Baizi sequence, suddenly Ascension to the extent that it can be side by side with Zong Ze, Gu Lang, An He and others.

Liu Jie will compare the current Ascension of the insect mother with the previous Ascension.

It is because the cocoon of evolution of the source organism contracted by the worm mother has been rooted in the genital cavity of the worm mother.

Most of the blessings of the holy source thing that the King of Insects had on the Insect Mother were absorbed by the Cocoon of Evolution.

The evolutionary cocoon has been upgraded, and the five gene segments corresponding to the worm mother in the evolutionary cocoon have all been Ascension.

And in the cocoon of evolution, a part of energy is also reserved.

Obviously, it was left to Liu Jie, the last worm-like creature or worm-derived creature that the worm mother had never absorbed.

For a long time, the worm mother has no diamond-level skills.

It's not that Liu Jie doesn't want the Ascension insect mother.

The stronger the worm mother is, the more types of gene fragments of the worm spiritual thing can be obtained.

It can be said that the diamond-level skill is the strongest Ascension among all the skills of the insect mother.

Originally, because of this free federation mission, Liu Jie planned to choose a single body to attack a very strong insect spirit before the Huiyao Baizi sequence test.

Let the worm mother obtain genetic fragments and become the worm mother's diamond-level skills, so as to increase her strength in battle.

However, when Liu Jie was discussing with Lin Yuan, they were directly rejected by Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan knew very well that Liu Jie had never asked the worm mother to solve the diamond-level skill problem.

It is because Liu Jie has never had a suitable choice.

Liu Jie only has a spiritual creature, the insect mother.

Once you make some decision-making mistakes, there is no way to regret it.

And at present, Liu Jie's insect mother is perfect enough.

In the case that Liu Jie didn't think about which way he should develop, the position of the Diamond Tier skill must be kept.

This battle actually made Liu Jie discover the lack of own.

That is, the Swarm faces a powerful opponent, and can only use it hard.

Once the opponent has the ability to recover, the swarm will have nothing to do.

Han Qi, who was confronting Lin Yuan in the battle of Slaying Generals, relied on a treasure, which could be said to be Tianke Liu Jie.

Therefore, Liu Jie intends to limit the healing effect of the opponent while ensuring the single attack power in the choice of diamond-level skills.

With a clear direction, there are many excellent choices immediately, which can be selected by Liu Jie.

Under the blessed Ascension, the cocoon of the evolution of the original creature.

All of Liu Jie's five existing skills have undergone transformation.

Regarding all this, another person, even Zong Ze, Gu Lang, and Gao Feng who have become friends with Liu Jie asked Liu Jie.

Liu Jie wouldn't even talk about it.

However, facing Lin Yuan's question, Liu Jie would definitely not hide a single trace of it.

"Lin Yuan, the current combat ability of the insect mother has at least doubled as before."

"The blessing that the worm mother gets is the reproductive function of Ascension."

"The cocoon of evolution that happens to be rooted in the genital cavity is also evolved because of this blessing."

"Before the five abilities of the insect mother are taken, all of them have been greatly upgraded or ascension."

"It's just that the worm mother is still asleep now. I can't determine through actual combat how big the Ascension of the worm photo produced after the skill change."

Lin Yuan's face immediately showed joy when he heard this.

Lin Yuan regarded Liu Jie as a brother.

Lin Yuan was very happy that Liu Jie's insect mother had such a great opportunity.

You must know that the worm emperor core blesses each worm creature only once.

Next time the worm mother will be combined with the Holy Origin Thing Thousand Worm Emperor Core, she will no longer be blessed.

Lin Yuan was very afraid that the blessing this time hadn't reached the point.

For example, the worm mother is a goblin-derived creature that relies on summoning worm swarms to fight.

If the blessing strengthens the body of the worm mother, it can be said to be an abnormal chicken rib for the worm mother.

Firstly, in the battle, the worm mother is responsible for the production of worm units, and it is impossible to come forward and fight melee.

The bodies of leprechaun-derived creatures are inherently fragile.

Even if you get Ascension, it can't be comparable to the physical quality of those attacking spirit creatures of the same rank.

Secondly, the insect mother hides in the insect swarm and is protected by layers of the insect swarm, and the parasite carcinoid that Liu Jie summons will also protect the insect mother.

For example, in a team battle, the magic flower air shield bug that has been falling on Lin Yuan's body.

If the insect mother is under the protection of layers, if it can be breached by the opponent's line of defense.

No matter how strong the physique of the worm mother is, if it should be killed by the opponent, it will still be killed by the opponent.

"Brother Liu, congratulations!"

Looking at the smile from the heart on Lin Yuan's face, Liu Jie only felt that the sun had risen for a while.

His Ascension this time still relies entirely on Lin Yuan's help.

If there is no Lin Yuan, Liu Jie doesn't think he is qualified for transformation.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan's sudden awakening in the confrontation with the miserable beast.

Even if the final matchup with the Free Federation was victorious.

Own because of the decline of the mother's reproductive function and the passing of life energy.

Destined to become a waste.

In Liu Jie's mind, Lin Yuan is own salvation.

It is the light that I am willing to transform into a shield, into a sword, and also to guard.

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