Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1799 Two cooperation!

Because in the game between the two federations, news is sometimes more important than resources and strength.

At this point, anyone with a strength of Ascension to the imperial level or above will feel it.

What's more, this kind of body is under the crown on the cloud.

In fact, not to mention the imperial-level powerhouses, the battle between the king-level powerhouses, the strength is not only limited to the ranks.

In the case of mutual restraint between the spirit creatures, there are many examples of king-level peak powerhouses seeking to kill the king-level powerhouse.

The stronger the Spiritual Qi professional is, the more powerful the imperial emissary will be.

This kind of restraint between each other is clearer.

Pity God must know the detailed information of the powerful people in the Free Federation.

With these detailed information, when the subsequent targeting is carried out, the most effective targeting can be made.

On the other hand, the information given by Pity God is not just as simple as the information of the strong.

Although everyone in the Free Federation is crowned, the degree of freedom is extremely high.

Be able to represent individuals as you like, and cooperate with other federations and other forces.

But in the face of issues related to the free federation as a whole, its size.

It will be discussed and decided by the subordinates in the Temple of Freedom.

The matters discussed in the Temple of Freedom belong to the secrets of the Freedom Federation that will never be known to outsiders.

If Huiyao is able to grasp it in advance, it can be guaranteed to take the lead in the game with the free federation.

Seeing that after Yuehhou had thrown out his second plan, he still didn't respond, and Lian Shen knew that he was squeezing himself after the month.

Otherwise, after summoning the Moon of the Rabbit Emperor, you should directly do it on yourself.

Until now, the old man and Huiyao have not done anything, indicating that the two have acquiesced to the transaction in their hearts.

This makes Pity God's heart certain.

If you put it in the usual way, you can pinch yourself after the month.

Pity God will never be willing.

But at the moment, Lian Shen wanted to express his own attitude to the Huiyao Federation through the use of Yuehou's grip on own.

Pity God is very clear that in order to find a further opportunity, he betrayed the interests of the Free Federation.

It can even be said that it violates the Free Federation.

Once this matter spreads out, there will be no more room for own in the free federation.

However, Lian Shen did not regret the slightest bit of own practice.

If it is not for the Mirror God and the Fool God, I am afraid that I will go further and threaten the two.

I broke my own hope first, and suppressed myself again and again.

Why do you need to do this?

Pity God is an extremely selfish and cold-blooded person.

Others treat own well, but Lian Shen may not remember it.

But when others treat themselves badly, Pity God will magnify it ten times and keep it in mind.

Therefore, after making this decision, Pity God no longer binds himself to the interests of the Free Federation.

On the contrary, he leans on the Huiyao Federation, and Pity God hopes that the Huiyao Federation can give himself a guarantee.

At the same time, don't let yourself be busy in the process of providing information.

Give yourself some material support.

Pity God now made an embarrassed expression on his face.

After a while, Lian Shen felt that Own was almost done.

If it goes on, it will be too fake.

So pity God, threw out the third condition of own.

"In the future, in the conflict between Huiyao Federation and the Free Federation, I can act as a third party in my personal capacity to help Huiyao and become an alliance with Huiyao."

Pity God's words, let the month after the month can be sure.

Pity God has no bottom line for the free federation.

The Pity God now has begun to seek benefits for himself as a third party, relying on the Free Federation.

For Lian Shen, it is a good thing for Hui Yao to form an alliance with Hui Yao as a third party.

Fortunately, what God said is not to join Huiyao.

If Lian Shen joins Huiyao, neither the Moon Queen nor the elderly will agree.

Huiyao has been able to develop to this day, and the latecomers have taken the lead, becoming one of the three major federations.

It depends on the concerted efforts of the subordinates.

At the beginning, the old man was in desperation, embarking on the road to heaven and awakening his life.

Let the free federation begin to fear glory in its true sense.

It also allowed the Azure Blue Federation to recognize the status of one of the three major federations.

After the old man determined that his lifelong breakthrough was hopeless, for the brilliance of the background.

I used my own vitality and the sparks that ignited in my life, and practiced the seven great weapons

Let the seven major determinants have a qualitative Ascension.

Today, the generation after the month can accumulate and withstand the beam, relying on the shelter of the elderly.

Therefore, for this old man, all of Hui Yao's crowns are in awe from the heart.

Unity has become a kind of soul of Huiyao, and it is implemented in the spirit of Huiyao.

Pity God, can use the Free Federation as a bargaining chip for own purposes.

After joining the Huiyao Federation, he will definitely not have a peaceful life.

This is determined by the quality, character and three outlooks of Lian God.

But as long as Lian Shen doesn't join Hui Yao, there is no problem in forming an alliance with Hui Yao.

At this time, after a month, he finally spoke.

"Since you have become an ally, you might as well have pity for the gods and us, and let's have a meeting in the Huiyao Sanctuary!"

"Sincere is never spoken by the mouth."

"During the meeting, I hope Pity God will show us your sincerity to Huiyao."

Pity God heard the words and sat directly on the golden mutton jade chair beside him.

"This is natural!"

"Just as we finished talking, I went to see Lin Yuan, so I could leave and return to the Free Federation."

A meeting between the three people took place quietly in the Huiyao Church.

In the next two years, this meeting will affect the changes in the overall pattern of the main world.


After Lin Yuan let the soul whale condense the soul of the jade sundial, everyone had a meal together.

For Ziqing, Xueshuo, Lanlian, Baifeng and others, I want to thank myself again.

Lin Yuan refused directly.

The blessing that Lan Lian gave Lin Yuan at the beginning can be said to have helped Lin Yuan a lot.

At that time, it was precisely because of the blessing of the blue lotus that the power of faith in the shrine of Lin Yuan was able to fully integrate with himself in the state of a mermaid.

In own body, a special and pure mermaid bloodline is derived.

As a human, Lin Yuan was in a state of being in a body with a spiritual creature.

Because of the blessing of the Spirit of God, a new bloodline has been born.

Although this kind of blood originated because of Bilan, it was left in Lin Yuan's body at this time, and it had nothing to do with Bilan.

This can be regarded as a kind of adventure for Lin Yuan.

It's just that Lin Yuan is not sure whether this adventure is good or bad for him.

Lin Yuan declined the material gratitude expressed by Ziqing and others to herself.

But threw a word.

"Ziqing Aunt, you are the master of the Tianjuan Pavilion, and Tadian is the enemy of the Tianjuan Pavilion."

"The Freedom Federation and the Radiance Federation are enemies again."

"The relationship between Tadian and the Free Federation is a cooperative relationship."

"I hope that Tianjuan Villa and Huiyao can also reach a close cooperative relationship!"

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