Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1894 Did you let you go?

The man in the golden robe wearing the golden mask never thought of it.

After I speak, it will be such a result.

The man in Jinpao now has two choices.

The first one is relying on the power of the Jin family hidden behind him, and the weird woman under the black robes just to the end.

Another option is to take off the golden mask on her face, as the black-robed woman said.

But once he did this, he would undoubtedly immediately become the laughing stock of the entire Terrifying Run Continent.

Even the power of the Jin family will be greatly reduced.

However, the man in the golden robe could feel it.

If you don't take off the golden mask on your face, you might really die.

Although his strength is higher than Lu Shao.

But even if he used the strength of feeding milk, he couldn't crush the chopping knife that was transformed into the creation of the world's spirit thing, the piercing ferret, and the ten thousand-blade beast with the palm of his hand.

Don't say it's broken, the palm of own touches the slicing knife formed by the piercing ferret.

The palm of his hand will be immediately dripped with blood.

The more the red thorn looked at the golden mask on the face of the man in the golden robe, the more dazzling it became.

When the imperial envoy Zhai Wanmi was about to start his hand, the man in the golden robe stretched out his hand and took off the golden mask on his face.

An unusually ordinary face was revealed.

Seeing the man in the golden robe took off the golden mask on his face, the red thorn did not let Zhai Wanmi act on the man in the golden robe.

Instead, Zhai Wanmi, by fusing the ginseng whiskers extending from the body of the rotting flesh ginseng from the holy source, attacked the large troops of the Lu family behind him.

Shenxu sipped for a feast.

One by one, the living beings withered into slag powder under the entanglement of the ginseng whiskers.

A platinum-ranked Jinfeng wolf wants to bite off the ginseng with sharp teeth and must save himself.

But as soon as the tooth touches the fleshy ginseng whisker, the substance secreted by the fleshy ginseng whisker melts into energy and is absorbed by the ginseng whisker.

Zhai Wanmi's hand made Lu Han feel distressed by the loss of the Lu family's elite troops.

While hurriedly commanding the one hundred remaining Spiritual Qi professionals of the Lu family who possessed fire-attribute magical objects, the imperial emissary attacked the tree fort.

Only by acting according to the words of this black-robed woman, could it be possible to save his life.

The only remaining one hundred Spiritual Qi professionals in the Lu family who possess fire-attribute spiritual objects.

One by one, the imperial ambassadors were mad, burning the tree fort of the Chamber of Commerce.

It seems that the more vigorously one's own spirit is to burn the tree fort, the more likely he is to survive.

The man in the golden robe ignored the occurrence of this scene.

If he said that he just took off the golden mask, the Jin family lost his Face.

Right now, the death of hundreds of Spiritual Qi professionals in the Lu family is equivalent to the black-robed woman in front of her, who completely stepped on the face of the Jin family.

As the powerhouse of the Jin family, the man in the golden robe is willing to fight for the glory of the Jin family.

Even if they know that they are invincible, it is impossible for people to trample on the dignity of the Jin family at will.

The reason why the man in the golden robe has not done anything is because the man in the golden robe heard the black robe woman mention "my master" twice in the words of the black robe woman in front of him.

This shows that there is someone behind this powerful black-robed woman.

No matter what, I have to find out who the person behind this black-robed woman is.

Otherwise, even if he died, he would be dead in vain.

At this time, Zhuang Bei, standing in front of the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce, was shaking uncontrollably.

In his mind, the face of a young man could not help but emerged.

It was the young man who commanded a strong man and burned everyone in the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce with fire.

After that young man entered the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

After that, Shengfan Chamber of Commerce made great progress.

If the rapid development of Shengfan Chamber of Commerce is related to this young man.

Isn't the master that the black-robed strong man in front of him also the boy?

Just as Zhuang Bei was thinking about it, he saw that not far from him, the members of the Giant Eagle Chamber of Commerce were preparing to retreat.

At this time, the weird low voice of the black-robed woman sounded.

"Some people want to leave here, no matter if the audience or the actors are missing, the show will not be lively anymore."

"In case my master comes here and feels that the drama is not good, then you people who make my master unpleasant are a death penalty!"

"If you take a step back, those who just turned into rations for participation will be your fate."

Zhai Wanmi's words caused everyone in the Giant Eagle Chamber of Commerce to immediately stop in place, not daring to take a step back.

Including those strong men led by the Great Eagle Chamber of Commerce.

Can come here and organize a good crowd to watch the excitement.

It's nothing more than waiting for the people of Lu Han to lead the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce and solve the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

I Hao and Lu Shao went to divide the business resources in Oak City.

When Lu Han built the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce again, he could not divide all the business resources in Oak City.

To be able to compete with Lu Sha, every caravan has a strong man who is not weaker than Lu Sha.

At the moment, the eyes of these powerful men looked at Zhai Wanmi together.

Zhai Wanmi wouldn't let the Giant Eagle Chamber of Commerce leave, so if these chambers of commerce wanted to leave at this time, they would definitely not be able to leave.

Zhai Wanmi has just shown his own decisiveness, and Zhai Wanmi's so-called master will be there for a while.

All those who were watching the excitement didn't know what would happen to them after Zhai Wanmi's so-called master arrived.

But right now, if I and others dare to really leave.

Those weird fleshy ginseng whiskers will be turned into residues immediately.

Because of Zhai Wanmi's words, the current scene has become very strange.

Everyone at the scene was watching, Lu Shan commanded the more than one hundred Spiritual Qi professional envoys of Lu's family own fire-attribute spirit creatures.

Against the tree fort of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, constantly creating flames to attack.

Because many Spiritual Qi professionals are afraid, the imperial emissary attacks too fast, causing the Spiritual Qi in the body to dry up.

The psychic can't use the skills again.

Just when these Spiritual Qi professionals whose Spiritual Qi is exhausted want to restore Spirit Power in place.

These Spiritual Qi professionals were immediately digested by rotten flesh ginseng.

Zhai Wanmi's approach immediately made the remaining Spiritual Qi professionals deeply understand.

Why Zhai Wanmi always mentions useful and useless in his words.

Only useful people can live, and useless people will die.

Right now, only those who burned the tree fort with the imperial emissary are useful people.

Once the Spirit Power in his body was exhausted, Zhai Wanmi was deemed useless.

Will be executed immediately.

This makes the remaining Spiritual Qi professionals who possess fire-attribute spiritual objects use Spirit Power cautiously.

But he didn't dare to let the spiritual creature attack too slowly.

For fear of touching the woman's brow under the black robe again.

Ding Chengshuo looked at all this in front of him, and had a clearer understanding of the power Lin Yuan mastered.

Ding Chengshuo couldn't help chuckles in his heart.

Hiddenly that he was able to cling to Lin Yuan early and become one of Lin Yuan's subordinates.

Otherwise, if Lin Yuan wants to do things in Oak City, he has no chance of living in peace.

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