Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1925 How many square meters did they undertake?

To the east of Holy Wood City, in a lush forest.

Several girls in standard clothing were picking tea leaves from the platinum-level Bilu Camellia.

These girls first carefully wiped off the dew on the shoots.

Then carefully cover the fingernails with water onion, and pick the tenderest bud heart.

Bilu Camellia, a spiritual object, doesn't need topping at all.

Picking off new shoots will affect the continued growth of Bilu Camellia.

Basically, the picked bud heart, Bilu Camellia will not grow new leaves for a whole year.

But in the holy wood city, the bud heart of Bilu Camellia has always been regarded as the best delicacy.

Ordinary veteran aristocrats can't afford it at all.

After all, no one would drink it for one sip and enjoy the deliciousness between the lips and the teeth.

It has curbed the growth of a bilu camellia for nearly a year.

If the bud tip of Bilu Camellia is not picked, the tea produced by a platinum-level Bilu Camellia can bring nearly 200,000 deep vanguard coins.

However, the five girls were very skillful in picking the bud tips of Biluo camellia.

There is no slight fluctuation in his expression.

I want to come to these girls, they have done this kind of thing many times.

One of the young girls suddenly discovered that the bud tip of a Bilu camellia was not like an ordinary green color, but was slightly purple.

Hurriedly asked a leading woman next to him.

"Sister Caizhi! This Bilu Camellia has been upgraded! There is a trend of evolution towards Zilu Camellia!"


The woman known as Sister Caizhi smiled upon her face and said.

"San Ye likes to drink fresh tea made from the bud tip of Zilu Camellia and Hexinlu!"

"Lingzhi, you have only come to the Shu's house to serve you for a few months."

"But the second master is not in the holy wood city, you must firmly remember the preferences of the third master!"

"Next time I meet the purple bud tip, I will pick it directly and make a tea for Sanye to send it over."

"San Ye can't do your good!"

"You've been here for so long and haven't seen your face in front of the third master. It just so happened that you found the tip of the Zilu Camellia bud."

"It's up to you to make tea and bring it to San Ye!"

Lingzhi heard the words and hurriedly nodded to meet him.

Sister Caizhi is the leader of herself and others.

Sister Caizhi can completely bake the bud tips of Purple Lu camellia for San Ye.

Sister Caizhi gave herself this opportunity just to exalt herself.

Lingzhi couldn't help being very grateful to Caizhi.

While just grateful, Lingzhi did not feel surprised.

Once Bilu Camellia is upgraded to Purple Lu Camellia, the price of tea will be more than three times more expensive than before.

The income generated by a plant of Purple Lu camellia can steadily reach 600,000 Shenfan coins a year.

However, with the status of the Shu family in the Shenmu Federation, San Ye indeed deserved to drink such good tea.

The old house of the Shu family was built like a garden connected by pavilions and pavilions.

Anyone with a little bit of knowledge can see that this is the result of several five-star spiritual masters who have been sleeping in the night.

On a long corridor, an elegant-looking middle-aged man is stroking the mural in front of him with his hand.

While watching the murals, while listening to the report of the sturdy middle-aged man next to him.

"San Ye, I rushed to the tree fort as soon as I heard the news."

"I just wanted to use Titan Air Moss to explore the bottom of the sky."

"Unexpectedly, Sky Creation took our order."

The elegant man stroking the mural frowned upon hearing this.

Asked immediately.

"The hollow tamarisk created by the sky as a tree fort is a mythical species in the lord level."

"It's quite unexpected to be able to cultivate Titan Aeromoss."

"How many square meters did they undertake?"

When the sturdy young man heard his San Ye's expression so lightly, he knew that his San Ye didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Seriously underestimated the ability of the sky to create.

If you directly tell the ninety square meters, San Ye will not lose his stance because of this!

If I see San Ye's gaffe, San Ye's such a good face, I am afraid that my life will not be better in the future.

For a while, the strong man really didn't know how to speak.

Seeing that the strong man didn't say anything for a while, Shu Han didn't continue to touch the fresco in front of him, but looked upright.

Shu Wenliang was born in a distant branch of a descendant of the Shu family.

I saw my ability and pulled it up with one hand.

Shu Wenliang has never been a mother-in-law, clean and neat is Shu Wenliang's style of work.

Now Shu Wenliang heard own question and did not answer for a while.

It certainly shows that the area created by the sky to undertake the cultivation of Titan Air Moss is not small.

Shu Han said with a light cough.

"Wenliang, the tea they brought me just now is still on the table."

"This cup of tea is given to you. Speak slowly while drinking tea."

When Shu Wenliang heard this, he naturally didn't dare to be careless, so he brought Shu Han's tea and drank it by himself.

Shu Wenliang said quickly.

"San Ye, Wen Liang is not thirsty!"

"Sky Creation hopes to obtain a basket of moss placed in my place."

"At the same time, I promised to cultivate 90 square meters of Titan air moss for me."

The first half of Shu Wenliang's words directly tightened Shu Han's brows together.

The number of Titan Air Moss species in Shu Wenliang accounts for one-fifth of all species of moss.

The appetite created by the sky is really not small!

But after hearing that the sky was willing to cultivate 90 square meters of Titan air moss, Shu Han's complexion changed.

If you want to cultivate Titan Air Moss with the creator resources of the Shu family, it would be good if you can have ten square meters a year under the condition of stable development of the Shu family.

Sky Creation has undertaken the production of Shujia Titan Air Moss for eight years.

If the creation of the sky could really cultivate so many titan air moss.

So what about creating one-fifth of the seed moss for the sky.

As Shu Han twisted his eyebrows and thought, he just listened to Shu Wenliang to continue.

"San Ye, in order to test the sky's ability to create, I mentioned the red, white, and green Titan Air Moss."

"The sky makes a promise. Among the 90 square meters of Titan air moss, 40 square meters are mixed colors."

When Shu Han heard the words, his eyes exploded.

The expression was faintly excited.

Shu Han is a person who has seen the world, and logically speaking, his emotions would never be so obvious.

Shu Han would be so excited, on the one hand, because 50 square meters of ordinary Titan air moss and 40 square meters of mixed color Titan air moss, so that the Shu family can put that plan on the agenda.

In addition, Shu Han keenly felt the Bufan created by the sky.

The Shu family is the founder family with the most abundant resources of high-star creators in the Shenmu Federation.

It has been so difficult to cultivate Titan Air Moss, but the sky can easily promise so much area.

This made Shu Han faintly give birth to a guess.

That is, the creation of the sky will not be a force established by a new five-star creator!

The five-star creator is a legend, and Shu Han is not sure how strong the five-star creator is.

But think about it, and only a five-star creator can do this.

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