Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 1934 Yi Huailong's Request

Such as the golden rat, the ear rat, and the Huayu weasel, are all rare existences.

Yi Lingxi has always been very proud of own collections.

But Lin Yuan's mind at this time was not on the other rat spirits in the picture album.

Lin Yuan was completely attracted by what Yi Lingxi said, two squid rats with bright red tails.

Lin Yuan has always been distressed by the fact that the fortified Squishy Rat can no longer obtain the Shouyuan Rat.

After Lin Yuan's summary and memories, Lin Yuan discovered that the tail of his first strengthened mouse was bright red.

After intensified, the tails are dark red.

The one with the bright red tail evolved into a longevity rat.

And the dark red ones have all evolved into minarets.

After this discovery, Lin Yuan informed the Sui people and asked the Sui people to look for the squid whose tail was bright red.

It's just that even if the Suyis started the entire Shengfan Chamber of Commerce and asked Philharmonic to search in secret, they still found nothing.

As a result, a deal with Yi Lingxi gave Lin Yuan what he dreamed of.

In Yi Lingxi's eyes, the squid with bright red tails are just two pets that can be enjoyed at will.

But here in Lin Yuan, they are two secret treasures that can make people live forever.

Lin Yuan always felt that he was overjoyed to find another squid with a bright red tail.

Now it's double happiness.

Lin Yuan's demon beast needs a contract with a longevity rat.

Lin Yuan can use the remaining shouyuan rat as a resource reserve and use it when necessary.

Like Lin Yuan, he has mastered the code of the soul since he obtained the soul whale.

Can gather the souls of the dead again.

People who have died just because Shouyuan has died, their souls will be annihilated due to aging.

Such a soul will not form fragments after death.

Therefore, it cannot be collected by the Mind Whale.

Hun and Po, collected by the soul whale, still uphold the original longevity in the soul.

Therefore, the soul whale can only regenerate the souls of people who have not yet reached the end of their lives.

For those strong people whose lifespan is exhausted, the soul whale will no longer have any effect.

An extra Shouyuan Rat made Lin Yuan more confident in doing anything.

Originally, Lin Yuan didn't intend to give Yi Huailong a chance to talk in private immediately.

Because he is now talking to Yi Huailong in private.

It will give other forces a signal that the sky creates a great relationship with Yijia.

However, the picture album that Yi Lingxi handed made Lin Yuan change his mind.

Lin Yuan said to Yi Huailong.

"Since you want to discuss a big deal with me alone."

"Then follow me upstairs!"

While talking, Lin Yuan handed the picture album back to Yi Lingxi and said.

"I won't look at the picture album. I'm very interested in the two red-tailed squid rats you mentioned."

"You follow up and take a look at your Hundred Honey Rats."

"Then send me the two mussels with bright red tails."

Lin Yuan's current control of emotions is far from what it used to be.

Hearing Yi Lingxi mention the two squids with bright red tails, Lin Yuan did not obviously lose his attitude.

At this time, Lin Yuan's tone was casual, and he called for the two squid rats with bright red tails.

But he didn't show his eagerness for these two squid rats.

Yi Lingxi was also reluctant to collect the rare rat spirits.

Listening to what Lin Yuan said, Yi Lingxi said hurriedly.

"I don't think you will lie to me. I will tell the guard at the door to fetch the two squid rats."

"After I get the two Squid Rats, I will go upstairs to find you and Daddy!"

"You talk to Daddy first!"

After speaking, Yi Lingxi jumped and left the treehouse like a butterfly.

Seeing Yi Lingxi bounce around.

Lin Yuan couldn't help thinking of his first customer who opened a store on Xingwang.

The original braised egg head was also jumping like this.

It's just that Yi Lingxi's mind is much deeper than that of Marinated Egg Head.

Yi Lingxi will leave the tree fort at this time, but not just to fetch the squid for himself.

But to save space for myself and Yi Huailong.

And in this way, he bought enough time for Yi Huailong to talk with himself.

Yi Huailong glanced at Yi Lingxi's back with satisfaction.

Then smiled and said to Lin Yuan.

"Mr. Chu, the little girl has always been spoiled by his uncle and used to it loosely."

"Make you laugh!"

Lin Yuan had no words when he heard Yi Huailong's words.

Instead, he walked upstairs first.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was busy, Liu Jie took the initiative to step forward and handed over the order completed yesterday to the veteran noble child who came to receive it.

At the same time, materials were selected from the children of the old nobles.

Liu Jie is not a creator, but his vision is not bad at all.

And Liu Jie is much more ruthless than Lin Yuan.

These precious resources are produced in the Continent.

Most of them are local creators of the horror pattern mainland, and they have no ability to use them.

These high-end resources, even if they are just the same, have far exceeded the value of the order.

And Liu Jie basically chose five to six high-end resources as compensation for each order.

With each order received by Liu Jie's unceremonious resources, Lin Yuan made a lot of money.

On the second floor, Lin Yuan carefully observed Yi Huailong.

Lin Yuan found that Yi Huailong's eyebrows were full of fierce energy.

It shows that Yi Huailong is a very decisive person who likes to use violent means to solve problems.

Indeed, only such a courageous person can revitalize a dilapidated family.

While Lin Yuan was observing Yi Huailong, Yi Huailong was also observing Lin Yuan.

As Yi Huailong's No. 1 combat power, his strength has already entered the emperor rank.

Although Lin Yuan's Spiritual Qi professional breath was shielded by some means.

But Yi Huailong can be sure that Lin Yuan's age is absolutely impossible to be an A-level Spiritual Qi professional.

Even a five-star creator cannot cultivate such talents.

With own strength, he can easily kill the boy in front of him.

But the boy in front of him didn't have the slightest defense.

If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, it is impossible for the young man in front of him to understand this.

The boy's expression was calm and calm.

Yi Huailong immediately realized that this young man must have something to guard against his own means.

If Lin Yuan didn't wear this Spiritual Qi costume, Yi Huailong realized the huge resources that the sky created and believed in the foundation of the sky creation.

What Yi Huailong said would test Lin Yuan.

Yi Huailong wanted to test now, but Yi Huailong didn't dare to do so.

Because after the trial, the young man in front of him didn't even turn his face with him.

It is impossible to cooperate with oneself any more.

Yi Huailong lowered his posture as much as possible and said.

"Master Chu, my Yi family wants to cultivate a batch of snake-like spirits."

"Strengthen another plant-like creature with the blood of the holy wood."

"The plant spirit with the blood of the holy wood has been transformed from the tenth-level fantasy five-change Ascension of the diamond rank to the mythical species of the lord rank."

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