Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 246 The First Tool Man

When Lin Yuan left the star network, the sky in the real world was already shining slightly.

Although the cold rain overnight increased the chill of late autumn and early morning.

But it cleaned the light of dawn even brighter.

Lin Yuan stretched his waist as he watched the rising sun, and then lay on the bed carefully, fearing that he would wake up the clever harmony Yinyin who was already asleep.

He was lying on Lin Yuan's pillow cleverly and arrogantly, but in his sleep, clever and sound as if instinctively felt Lin Yuan's arrival, they all moved towards Lin Yuan's direction.

This scene is just like the scene that happened in the small shop in Xia County half a year ago.

Lin Yuan closed his eyes, thinking in his head what had happened in the past few months, and then proceeded to settle.

This kind of precipitation is a complete analysis of one's own gains and gains and losses after a period of time.

Not only consolidate the path you have traveled before, but also clarify the path you want to take in the future.

When Lin Yuan woke up, he was already three poles in the sun.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes and found that Clever He Yinyin was looking at herself with her big, sullen eyes.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and scratched his clever chin, then rubbed Yinyin's little head, and said.

"Are you two little things hungry?"

After speaking, Lin Yuan fed the leaves of the platinum celeriac vine and the fruit of the platinum vine horn melon in the Suo Ling space to Smart Harmony.

After washing, Lin Yuan went downstairs and found that Wen Yu was hosting the four-star spiritualist Hu Quan in the living room downstairs.

Lin Yuan quickly went downstairs and said to Hu Quan.

"Hu Quan senior, are you planning to close the shop and stay in my manor to work?"

Hu Quan's eyes lit up when he saw Lin Yuan.

"You can be regarded as waking up. You were unconscious yesterday. I waited for you for a long time. I came to you this morning and you slept until noon."

Lin Yuan reached out and scratched the back of his head when he heard the words.

Lin Yuan had always been a very regular person in Life, but Lin Yuan has been busy these past two days, constantly compressing his own time.

This is because Lin Yuan intends to go out early to practice after he is busy.

Since Hu Quan had the idea of ​​staying in the own manor, it was definitely good news for Lin Yuan.

Seeing that Lin Yuan hadn't spoken all the time, Hu Quan couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

Hu Quan had only moved his mind to stay in Linyuan Manor before, but since returning, Hu Quan has scratched his heart.

Because after seeing this red sandalwood longevity fish tank, Hu Quan saw that Lin Yuan's background was extraordinary.

For the four-star spiritual masters, the most attractive is those rare spiritual materials.

Creating with rare and rare spiritual materials is in itself a thing that a spiritual craftsman dreams of.

Working for Lin Yuan, Hu Quan had the opportunity to get in touch with those rare spiritual materials every day.

Hu Quan felt satisfied that he could see the red sandalwood longevity fish tank every day.

"Let the senior wait for a long time. I don't know what are the conditions for senior to stay and work in my manor?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Hu Quan was relieved and said.

"If possible, if you can give me spiritual materials equivalent to this completely jade-like red sandalwood every month, I won't charge you."

"If you can't give me a piece of spiritual material equivalent to this completely jadeized red sandalwood every month, then it will be based on the market price of a four-star spiritualist."

Hu Quan said this very bachelor.

Hu Quan's purpose in staying at Linyuan Manor was to have another chance to obtain spiritual materials like this completely jade-like red sandalwood for creation.

If Lin Yuan could not meet Hu Quan's requirements, Hu Quan would naturally not give Lin Yuan a waste of money.

You must know that the market price of the Four Stars is not cheap.

Lin Yuan heard Hu Quan's words without saying a word, and took out a very huge piece of wood from the own Spirit Locking Space.

The wood presents a very beautiful red-gold color, full of oiliness, with a unique texture, and a very fragrant woody aroma.

As soon as Hu Quan saw it, he couldn't help but want to touch the golden red wood.

This golden red wood is exactly the old pear wood that is completely jade.

Lao Limu is a batch of wood that Lin Yuanhou put in the space of Suo Ling.

However, the old Limu that was later put into the Spirit Locking Space had also undergone a complete jade-like change at this time.

Lin Yuan originally prepared this old pear tree to use it as a cushion on the huge table in his soul-locking space.

When Lin Yuan bought this old pear, he bought four of them directly.

Lin Yuan took out one of the three remaining ones that was in the Spirit Locking Space.

Now that the four-star spiritualist Hu Quan is here, Lin Yuan's completely jade-like old pear wood can finally come in handy.

"Senior, I am in charge of rare spiritual materials. It seems that senior is going to work for me in the manor for nothing."

Hu Quan was no longer young at this time, and seeing the completely jade-like Lao Limu that Lin Yuan took out, he almost lost half of his life in happiness.

Hu Quan felt that he was the happiest craftsman in the world.

With so many precious spiritual materials for himself to sculpt, Hu Quan suddenly felt that he might still have a chance to be a five-star spiritualist in the future.

If that were the case, then my family's ancestral tomb would be smoked.

Hu Quan's face turned into a bitter chrysanthemum with a smile, and Wen Yu felt a chill.

Wen Yu felt that adding a bit of tempeh fish and snapping it on Hu Quan's face would directly serve as a cold dish.

"Lin Yuan, please say, what are you going to do with this completely jade-like old Limu? I think it's a good idea to carve a picture of a thousand tigers out of the mountain or a Parasol Tree!"

Seeing Hu Quan's eagerness to try, Lin Yuan took out a black stone and wrote two words on the completely jade-like old pear wood.

Far away.

Lin Yuan said under Hu Quan's dumbfounded expression.

"Senior, help me to carve the words "Guiyuan" on this completely jade-like old pear wood. There is no plaque in this house. Now this plaque can be hung."

The word "Guiyuan" came to Lin Yuan when he watched Liu Jie go to practice today.

This is a kind of wish from Lin Yuan.

Whether it's Liu Jie or Wen Yu in this house, or Chu Ci who hasn't lived in the house, no matter who travels far, he hopes to come back safely.

At the same time, Lin Yuan also hoped that he could "return half a lifetime away and still be a teenager" with the same original intention and sincere sincerity.

Hu Quan looked at the two words of Guiyuan with complicated expressions, and the writing was good, but if you want to be so direct, knowing that you are the owner of this house, you don't need to make such a high-profile oath!

In Hu Quan's view, the meaning of the word Guiyuan translated into the vernacular is that this land belongs to me, Lin Yuan.

Unlike Liu Jie and Wen Yu, Lin Yuan and Hu Quan signed a very comprehensive employment agreement.

On the one hand, it was a guarantee for Hu Quan, and on the other hand, it was also a protection for those precious spiritual materials of Lin Yuan.

From now on, Hu Quan, the four-star spiritualist, has become a member of Guiyuan Manor and the only tool man.

Lin Yuan is going to set off tomorrow to practice.

Before going out to practice, Lin Yuan planned to complete the transaction with Gao Feng, who had previously agreed on the transaction.

Just as he was about to dial the phone to Gao Feng, Lin Yuan's cell phone rang.

Lin Yuan looked at the phone's caller number, his pupils shrank, and his heart jumped quickly.

Because it was not someone else who called me, it was Aunt Zhang, who Lin Yuan had been thinking about for a while, but had no news.

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