Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 261 Special Flame

The Mother of Blood Bath had experienced the baptism of heaven and earth as early as when she was promoted from the first level of lord-level mythology to the second level of mythology, she knew Lin Yuan's strength.

At that time, the mother of the blood bath did not think too much about receiving the baptism of heaven and earth, but after that, the mother of the blood bath was shocked when she thought of Lin Yuan's strength.

In the eyes of the mother of the blood bath, even if Lin Yuan is the apprentice of Yue Hou, it is too amazing to have such strength at this age.

That's why the mother of the blood bath would recommend Lin Yuan to go to the controlled three-dimensional crack to experience.

Lin Yuan was sitting on the back of the Golden Step Wide Feather Grey Swallow, closing his eyes to rest in the morning breeze of late autumn.

The speed of the Golden Stage Broad Feather Grey Swallow can be ranked in the top three positions in the Golden Stage Wind Travelling Spirit that the king can reserve.

Although the golden-level broad-feathered grey swallow is not as good as the platinum-level black swallow, the broad-feathered grey swallow is much more comfortable than the platinum-ranked black swallow while taking into account the flight speed.

At least Lin Yuan was sitting on the back of the Golden Step Wide Feather Grey Swallow, and he wouldn't have the feeling of resting his ass.

The third-level chasm of the abyss that was controlled outside the capital is not far from the capital.

The golden-level flying creature, the broad-feathered grey swallow, flew for two or three hours to reach the position of the controlled third-level abyssal crack.

Lin Yuan stepped down from the Golden-Rank Wide Feather Grey Swallow and looked at the entrance to the controlled third-level abyss dimension, and couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, there were quite a few vendors at the entrance of the third-level abyssal crack that was under control.

These vendors are selling daily supplies.

This scene reminded Lin Yuan of Mopan Town.

It's just that Mopan Town has experienced nearly a hundred years of wind and frost, and has formed a stable gathering place. Many Spiritual Qi professionals have settled in Mopan Town for generations.

However, the entrance to the controlled third-level Abyss Dimensional Crack, although it looks similar to the bazaar in Mopan Town.

But wanting to stay alive at the entrance of the controlled third-level abyssal dimensional crack, it won't last long.

Because about every ten years, the dimensional crack will enter an active stage.

This period of time started when the dimensional cracks became active, and in the next year, dimensional cracks will be opened successively throughout the Radiance Federation.

The first half of the year was fine, with relatively few dimensional cracks.

However, in the second half of the year, these active dimensional cracks will open more and more frequently.

The Huiyao Federation has even opened a fourth-level dimensional crack in the active stage of the dimensional crack in history.

The sixth-level creature in this fourth-level dimensional crack has the strength equivalent to that of a lord's spiritual creature.

Every time the dimensional fissure is active, the Radiance Federation will enter a state of preparation for war.

This year is both a danger and an opportunity.

Because the active stage of the dimensional crack once every ten years will contribute a large number of source items.

It's just that, like these third-level dimensional cracks that are under control, when the dimensional crack is active, the only remaining source item must be taken out.

Then the third-level dimensional cracks that were under control will be destroyed.

Otherwise, when the dimensional fissure is really rioting, the third-level dimensional fissure that was originally controlled will likely evolve into a fourth-level dimensional fissure.

At that time, it really became a natural disaster.

The third-level crack entrances that are controlled like the Huiyao Federation have established trade union branches.

Here, Spiritual Qi professionals can form a team, and even accept some tasks related to the collection of the abyssal crack spiritual material.

In the cracks of the abyss dimension, there is not much precious material produced.

Even if there are, most of them are some kind of fire material, which is relatively simple.

However, there is a special flame in the cracks of the abyss dimension.

This special flame is very magical, as long as Spiritual Qi is injected into it, it will keep burning.

This kind of flame is very useful for some Life class Spiritual Qi professionals.

For example, some spiritual craftsmen, blacksmiths and other Life class Spiritual Qi professionals all need this special flame.

Even the chef of the three major five-star creators of the Huiyao Federation held a special flame that was said to be a fusion of several types found in the cracks of the fourth-level abyss.

After these special flames merge with each other, a brand new flame will be formed.

The chef also uses this kind of flame, and the delicacies burned can help the quality of the spiritual creature Ascension and quickly advance.

At the same time, it can restore the original source of the damage.

Lin Yuan found that many people around him were pointing to him and discussing something.

Lin Yuan listened carefully with his ears to the side, and then he heard it.

"How many dresses with silver masks have you seen this week? There are not twenty and ten."

"Dage, can you stop using this week? It's only Tuesday today. Can you just say that there are not twenty or ten on Monday?"

"This kid with a silver mask is not professional enough! He didn't even wear black clothes. This is the most dissimilar one I have ever seen, but the silver mask on his face is much more delicate than others."

Lin Yuan heard that some Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but pretending that he is the worst one is OK.

Thinking about this, Lin Yuan suddenly became stunned. Why did he use the word pretend, he was it!

This time Lin Yuan did not choose a team to form a team like the last time he went to endless forest wild picking.

This time, after Lin Yuan himself authenticated his identity, he entered directly from the entrance of the third-level abyss dimension crack into the controlled third-level abyss dimension crack.

After entering the controlled third-level abyssal dimensional crack, Lin Yuan found that the entrance to the controlled third-level abyssal dimensional crack was much more prosperous than the outside.

The entrance is like a large camp, selling some materials that must be used in the rift in the abyss.

In the rift in the abyss, Lin Yuan could feel that the temperature here was more than 30 degrees higher than the outside world.

The temperature outside the royal capital is now 15 or 6 degrees, but the temperature of this third-level abyssal dimensional crack is nearly fifty degrees high, with a smell of sulfur.

This kind of heat made Lin Yuan feel uncomfortable.

But at this time, Lin Yuan ignored the scorching heat.

Instead, an amber crystal button-shaped object less than the size of a bottle cap fell on the ground without being noticed.

This amber crystal button-shaped object directly turned into a strand of fine sand, drilling into the purple-black ground of the abyssal dimensional crack.

The source material source sand is just instinct to make sand, and it does not require Lin Yuan to consume Spirit Power to control it.

Therefore, Lin Yuan simply allowed the source sand, which had reached the first-level fantasy at this time, to make sand freely in the ground under his feet as he progressed.

At this time, Lin Yuan suddenly felt that someone was pulling his own sleeve gently.

Lin Yuan turned around and found that it was a young girl a few years younger than Chuci.

The skin on the girl's face was reddened and freckled, but there was an innocent smile on her face.

The big eyes are round and round like a watery black grape.

At this moment, the little girl saw Lin Yuan looking at her, and she handed the small ice-blue grass she was holding to her.

"Big Big Brother, do you like the black Big Brother too? Xiao Zao also likes it. Here is an ice fog grass for the big Big Brother. I hope that the big Big Brother will not be bullied by those Devil big bad guys."

Lin Yuan looked at the girl who handed him the ice fog grass and knelt down, touched the dull hair on the girl's head and asked.

"Xiao Zao, why do you want to send ice fog grass to the Big Brother?"

Looking at the dull hair on the little girl's head, Lin Yuan couldn't help but think of Chu Ci.

In the Songs of Chu, there are always dull hairs that like to curl up.

Seeing the little girl's skin reddening, Lin Yuan knew that the little girl should have lived in this controlled third-level abyssal crack for a long time.

This redness of the skin is the result of being burned in a hot environment for a long time.

Spiritual objects like ice fog grass are very common in the outside world, and the price is nearly one hundred federal currency.

Ice fog grass is a very ordinary ordinary level ordinary quality spiritual creature.

The only effect it can play is to release some ice mist to lower the temperature of the surrounding environment.

The little girl said with a big smile upon hearing Lin Yuan's words.

"Black Big Brother is Xiao Zao's idol, so Xiao Zao gave Big Brother a frosty fog grass, and Xiao Zao gave others only a blade of grass."

Lin Yuan was a little surprised. The little girl who was affectionately named Xiaozao was still an own fan, but Lin Yuan was a little strange.

"Xiao Zao, why do you send Frozen Mist blades to everyone who comes in?"

Xiao Zao heard this and said happily.

"It was my mother who asked Xiaozao to do this. Mom said it was these big Uncle, Big Aunt, Big Brother, Big Sister who came into the dimensional cracks to beat those Devil big bad guys, and Devil big bad guys will become fewer."

"Mom can bring Xiaozao here to bring some delicious food to Big Uncle, Big Aunt, Big Brother, Big Sister, so that Xiaozao can eat the sand ice made by her mother every day, Mom said... ."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan saw the girl named Xiao Zao thinking about it, and then Xiao Zao's eyes lit up as if thinking of something.

"Mom said it's gratitude."

Lin Yuan looked at the girl named Xiaozao's real smile that day, and there was also a sun-blooming smile on her face behind the mask.

The words of the girl named Xiaozao gently stroked Lin Yuan's heart.

There seemed to be a shining light in this simple sentence.

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