Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 862 Harsh Competition Rules

Hearing the words of the right clerk, Right Sting, and just seeing Wu Lei Shang Liu Jie slaughter the already enthusiastic Zongze in the Quartet, he rushed behind Right Sting with a vigorous step.

Zongze's actions made the face of the War Practitioner who had participated in the civil and military double challenge immediately show a hint of timidity.

Zuo Ming said with a light cough when he saw the situation.

"Before I only announced that the rewards for the first place in the Civil and Martial Arts Championships were the artifacts of the holy source and a Glory Medal, but I did not announce the awards for the second and third place in the Civil and Martial Arts Championships."

"Now I declare that the reward for the second place in the civil and military doubles is an opportunity provided by Master Chef to nurture spiritual things."

"This opportunity can be to cultivate a designated bronze rank legendary quality spirit, or to bring your own spiritual material and ask Master Zhu to help the spirit to break through the level."

Hearing Zuo Ming's announcement of the second prize for the Civil and Martial Arts Double Challenge, not only the old and top powers of the Yeyang Outer Palace, the younger generations were short of breath.

Even the head of the Yeyang Inner Palace couldn't help gasping for breath.

Although the reward for the second place in the civil and martial arts doubles is not as good as the first place, it is equivalent to giving a future to its own forces.

Before everyone sighed for the second prize in the Cultural Relics Double Challenge, Zuo Ming's voice sounded again.

"The reward for the third place in the civil and martial arts double race is one hundred drops of Yinrui Jinze honey provided by the adults after the month. Ninety drops of this one hundred drops of Yinrui Jinze honey can wash away the impurities on the body, and ten drops can wash away. Impurities on the soul."

Zuo Ming's words shocked everyone again.

Rumor has it that after the middle of the moon, a silver core Jinzegui that the adults grasped has undergone transformation, and now these ten drops of silver core Jinzegui that can wash away the soul magazine should come from the transformed silver core Jinzegui.

Washing away the impurities on the soul can increase one's own understanding of the will of heaven and earth on the one hand, and on the other hand can ascension the purity of the soul.

The purity of the soul is a prerequisite for contracting the things of the holy source.

If the purity of the soul is not enough, it is a very dangerous thing to contract the things of the holy source.

Lin Yuan raised his brow slightly when he heard the reward for the third place in the Wenwu Double Challenge. He didn't expect that the reward for the third place in the Wenwu Double Challenge was actually provided by his master a month later.

Seeing other people hearing Yinrui Jin Zemi's longing look, Lin Yuan touched his chin in embarrassment.

When I drink Yinrui Jinze honey, whether it is Yinrui Jinze honey that washes away the physical Impurities or the Yinrui Jinze honey that washes away the soul Impurities, I seem to drink it in a bowl.

And sometimes one bowl is not enough to drink two bowls directly.

After Zuo Ming announced the rewards for both civil and martial arts, Right Sting spoke directly.

"The assessment method of the civil and martial arts competition is the same as that of the civil and martial arts competitions, but the final ranking method of the civil and military competitions is different from that of the civil and military competitions."

"For a while, no matter how many people participate in the civil and martial arts competition, in the end, only the top three in the civil and military competition in the Chinese competition will be selected."

"The third place in the literary competition is the third place in the civil and military double competition."

"The top two players in the literary ring will compete in the martial arts double ring, and the first and second place will be directly determined based on the martial arts competition."

Right sting's words made the younger generation of top forces and old forces who are preparing to participate in the civil and martial arts double-stretched.

Except for a situation like Long Tao, who has enough strength in his own right, but seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, he makes trade-offs and chooses to give up participating in the civil and military double arena and instead participate in the literary ring.

The vast majority of the War Practitioners that are ready to participate in the civil and martial arts competitions are better than those who simply participate in the cultural or martial arts challenge.

As long as the talent of the combat Spiritual Qi profession is good enough for a creator, he has the potential to comprehend the will rune.

So in terms of combat, it has an advantage that ordinary combat Spiritual Qi professionals can't match.

In the course of the battle, the creator can perform the most basic detection and consideration of the spiritual objects summoned by the opponent according to the ability of the creator.

Although the creator's ability to detect spiritual objects is far inferior to the real data of Mobius's skills.

But before the start of the battle, the builders can still be in control of the battle.

It's just that the current rules of civil and military competitions are too unexpected.

At the beginning, many people speculated that the match between civil and martial arts will adopt the points mode.

Although this is a bit troublesome, it is possible to more comprehensively select the person with the highest relative strength of the builder and combat strength.

However, the current rules of the civil and military competitions are too simple and rude. It can be said that the top three in the civil and military competitions are basically determined by the competitions in the cultural competition.

Only the two strongest literary talents are eligible to participate in the martial arts part of the double arena.

Even if the strength of the builder has always been more valued than the strength of combat, it shouldn't be so biased.

The third place in the civil and military competitions to the end is just a competition in the literary competition, and there is no need to fight.

This way of competition makes many War Practitioners who have participated in the competition feel that they have chosen the wrong arena.

If you knew the rules of civil and martial arts competitions, you should go to the civil and military competitions to fight for whatever you said.

But Long Tao, who chose Wen Lei, did not regret it.

Long Tao knew that it was the best result that he could get the second place in Wen Lei.

If you have known the rules of civil and martial arts competitions, go to the civil and military competitions yourself.

Then Gu Lang, the disciple of Lord Zhu Jun, would probably not choose the literary competition and go to the literary and martial arts competition.

Gu Lang, Zong Ze, and Lin Yuan, the three disciples of the five-star creators, can basically be said to have swept the top three in both civil and martial arts, and the others have no chance at all.

But on the other hand, I thought that if Gu Lang went to participate in the cultural relic double arena, then he would be the champion of the cultural relics.

Thinking about it this way, Long Tao couldn't help feeling that own "big chestnut" hurts a bit.

The harsh rules of civil and military competitions have made people can't help but discourage.

In addition, Zongze had already walked behind Zuo Ming before the announcement of the civil and martial arts double arena rules, and expressed his attitude to participate in the civil and military double arena.

For a while, the War Practitioner, who was planning to participate in both civil and martial arts challenge, was filled with pessimism.

Especially the pessimistic mood of those who have weaker abilities in creating division and stronger fighting ability is more obvious.

The rules of civil and military competition can be said to directly stifle the opportunity to challenge the War Practitioner.

Therefore, even after a few minutes, no one walked towards Zuo Ming's back and reported to participate in the martial arts double challenge.

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while.

Zhongzheng's peaceful voice came from the mobile phone placed on the top seat in the middle of the Yeyang Palace.

"The competition between Wen Lei and Wu Lei showed the old man the talent and fighting strength of the younger generation of builders."

"Our younger generation in Huiyao is really getting stronger and stronger, and the younger generation is terrifying."

"But at the beginning of this civil and martial arts competition, how come I can't even see the courage of the old man?"

Speaking of this and that Dao Zhongzheng's peaceful voice, he did not continue.

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