Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 875: An Indescribable Miracle

After that, Zong Ze whispered to the orange mouse squeaking on his shoulders.

"Burning Tianzhen, use the skill flame energy to conduct!"

After the words were finished, the orange mouse suddenly ignited fire, and two orange flame marks appeared on the orange mouse's head.

One appeared on the reincarnated inflammation beast that was knocked down by Lin Yuan and was staggering up.

The temperature on the ring rose in an instant, and even Lin Yuan suddenly felt the pressure of this temperature on his own.

Sweat immediately leaked from Lin Yuan's body.

However, Lin Yuan wasn't intolerable of this heat, and Lin Yuan didn't have the slightest fear or worry about the sudden heat of Ascension.

Currently, Lin Yuan has not used the function of the queen's skirt to actively stimulate the mythical three-level ice flame rules inscribed in the queen's skirt and the scorching flame rules in the gilt-flaming dragon lice.

At this time, Lin Yuan's resistance to the fire attribute was only passively incidental to the prince's bond.

After using real data to check the attributes of Burning Tianya and Yanshengyan Beast, Lin Yuan decided not to actively activate the fire attribute rules inscribed in the queen Luo's skirt to increase his own fire attribute resistance.

Because of the reincarnated flame beast, he and Zongze are destined to have a protracted battle.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan has now been promoted to a B-level Spiritual Qi professional. If Lin Yuan is still a C-level Spiritual Qi professional, he is first-level lower than Zongze in the Spiritual Qi professional level.

Then Lin Yuan could only throw big moves directly in this battle.

In Lin Yuan's eyes, the battle in front of him was also a test of his own strength in the battle.

Many of own cards are not only not honed after they are owned, they are not even used.

As a result, Lin Yuan himself did not have a clear understanding of the strength of his hole cards.

This is not a good thing for a Spiritual Qi professional.

Zongze's reincarnated flaming beast evolved from Source Fire, and Source Fire and his contracted source sand are both elemental-derived creatures.

However, based on real data, the prerequisites for the source fire and source sand contract for the same elemental source creatures are quite different.

Yuanhuo swallowed a large amount of metal spiritual materials, relying on liquid metal to form a viscous lava-like body.

The huge tiger-shaped creature just formed from the lava-shaped body is the Salamander Beast that has performed the skill beast attachment, which stimulates the power of the tiger-shaped creature's bloodline in the body.

At this time, the giant lava tiger with increased flame power roared towards Lin Yuan again.

Just like Zongze didn't use his full strength before, Lin Yuan's punch just now was only a tentative attack.

The exclusive characteristic of Spiritual Qi burst is the damage caused by gathering Spiritual Qi at one point.

This makes the purer the Spiritual Qi, the higher the damage of the Spiritual Qi burst.

The Spiritual Qi in Lin Yuan's body has been refined to a certain extent.

This time Lin Yuan didn't stingy with the Spirit Power in his body, and ran a large amount of Spirit Power on his left fist.

Lin Yuan's body muscles reacted habitually, and the flexible Movement Technique with the tricky angle not only avoided the offensive of the lava giant tiger carrying the raging flames.

At the same time, he punched the lava tiger severely on the chin.

Lin Yuan's ruthless blow directly destroyed the form of the giant lava tiger, and the powerful explosive force pierced through the body of the giant lava tiger and exploded a hole that was creeping with liquid lava.

And at this moment, the giant lava tiger that was clearly hit hard suddenly roared, and a lava antelope with sword horns suddenly drilled out of the hole and slammed into Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's right fist seemed to have foreseen the future, already gathering Spirit Power and slamming on the horn of the lava antelope.

The lava antelope formed by the Salamander Beast was bombarded out.

The body of the distorted and deformed lava tiger and lava antelope split again, splitting a lava cheetah.

Lin Yuan knew that this was the result of the combined effect of the monster-type attachment of Salamangreli's skill and the differentiation of its exclusive characteristic flame.

There is an exclusive characteristic of the differentiation of flames. As long as there are enough bloodlines of beast spirits in the Yanshengyan Beast, the Yanshengyan Beast can always offset the damage.

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, letting his muscles relax.

Suddenly, he leaped up high with a tight stance, waved his fist, and took the initiative to attack.

This made Liu Jie, who had always been very familiar with Lin Yuan, couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He didn't expect that Lin Yuan, who was always sunny, would fight so fiercely in this way.

Lin Yuan's offense made Zongze attach great importance to it, although the reincarnated flame beast offset the damage through the differentiation of its exclusive characteristic flame.

But Zongze could feel the damage that Lin Yuan's punch could explode.

However, even if Zong Ze commanded the lava giant tiger, lava antelope and lava cheetah to evade Lin Yuan's fist, which was differentiated from the beast bloodline.

Lin Yuan would still use the dexterous Movement Technique to chase and strike.

However, the lava tiger, lava antelope and lava cheetah were easily evaded by Lin Yuan relying on Movement Technique.

Lin Yuan was not affected by the scorching flames, and the beast-shaped individuals differentiated from the salamander beast could not cause an effective physical blow to Lin Yuan.

This made Zongze quite a headache. It can be said that Lin Yuan is like a catfish that is slippery and does not leave his hands.

A series of fights took place in a flash.

Lin Yuan punched out a punch, and when he hit a lava rhino, the lava rhino turned into an irregular lava body and did not differentiate into new individuals.

Lin Yuan, with beads of sweat rolling off his forehead, smiled brightly and said.

"It seems that your reincarnated flame beast has absorbed the blood of eight kinds of beasts."

While speaking, Lin Yuan's attack was still very clean and tidy.

In the fight, he was impartial and rewarded every giant lava beast with a punch.

Eight groups of irregular lava balls fell on the ground of Wu Lei and rolled, but they were unable to condense into the form of beasts.

Obviously suffered severe trauma.

And Lin Yuan's Spirit Power in his body under the fight just now has also been exhausted.

Now Lin Yuan's body can be said that Spirit Power has dried up.

Lin Yuan's punches not only hit the reincarnated Yan Beast's body, but also hit the hearts of the younger generations of the top forces in the Outer Palace of Yeyang Palace and the old forces.

At this time, the originally noisy Yeyang Palace was silent, and everyone looked at Lin Yuan as if they were watching an indescribable miracle.

Zong Ze looked at Lin Yuan's stern face with enthusiasm, showing a smile.

He didn't worry about the injury of the Salamander Beast in the slightest.

"Each of your punches will consume about one-twentieth of Spiritual Qi in a B-level Spiritual Qi professional. You punched 21 times. Now there should be no Spiritual Qi in your body."

"Rebirth Flame Beast, use the skill to reincarnate the fire!"

At this moment, the orange mark on the orange mouse on Zongze's shoulder became brighter.

A thin layer of orange flame ignited on the reincarnated flame beast that was marked with an orange mark.

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