Psychic Evolution Quotient

Chapter 904 It's Time to Come in Handy (Look for a monthly pass!)

Endless Xia who took over the holy source thing spoke.

"Young Master, I will make a marrow bond with this holy source thing after I go back."

"I will tell the Young Master the function of the holy source as soon as I finish the marrow bond."

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words and did not refuse.

After seeing Wen Yu's celestial body council of the holy source, Lin Yuan realized the importance of the function of holy source to the development of a force.

If the holy source of Endless Xia is as aggressive as Zongze, it is naturally good, and it can enhance Endless Xia's strength.

It can be regarded as raising the level of the top combat power of Sky City.

It would be no difference if the holy source of endless summer is similar to Wen Yu and functional.

Functional holy source objects can greatly help the development of forces, and can even open up different business directions for Sky City.

Xuan Yuejian Lin Yuan didn't think it was weird to give endless Xia Shengyuan's things.

In Xuan Yue's view, Lin Yuan, as the little majesty of Huiyue Palace, had no resources in the world that Lin Yuan was unworthy of allocating.

Lin Yuanhui rushed over to save Wu Endless Xia when he was holding the Night Meeting, which showed that Lin Yuan valued Wu Endless Xia.

But this scene is completely different in the eyes of the old silver-haired woman.

Looking at the holy source thing in endless summer, the envious eyes of the silver-haired old woman lit up with blue light.

As one of the ancestors of the Brahma Insect Cage, the silver-haired old woman has not been mixed up with a holy source.

After the month, the disciple of Master Moon took out a holy source thing and gave it to a spiritual creature that had just been promoted to the creation species.

This is a holy source thing only produced in the fifth-level dimensional crack!

And only one of the holy source objects in the cracks of a five-star dimension can be produced.

The old silver-haired woman is envious, and she is also very conscious.

The resources in Lin Yuan's hands made the old silver-haired woman make up her mind that she must make good friends with Lin Yuan.

This kind of friendship is not for taking the opportunity to please Lin Yuan's wife behind the month, but for Lin Yuan himself.

Looking at Lin Yuan's Yuehua diadem suit, he must have rushed over from the night meeting.

The old silver-haired woman plans to go home and ask Brother Own, the contemporary Patriarch of the top power Brahma Cage, about Lin Yuan's news at the Siyagong.

At this time, Lin Yuan's phone rang.

Lin Yuan took a look at the phone and found that the person calling him was Gu Lang who had just exchanged phone calls with each other in the Outer Palace of Yeyang Palace.

Lin Yuan answered the phone, only listening to Gu Lang's voice on the other end of the phone was very low, as if something was in his heart.

"Lin Yuan is now over for the night club. I've agreed to go to the Kitchen and Shang Palace for dinner together."

"Sorry, I will apologize for you in person when I have a chance in the future."

After speaking, Gu Lang hung up the phone.

Lin Yuan frowned when he heard that, and through a brief contact with Gu Lang, Lin Yuan knew that Gu Lang was a very gentle person.

Gu Lang, who offered to go to the kitchen and Shang Palace to have a dinner, could not break the appointment for no reason.

Could there be any accident during the night meeting?

Lin Yuan remembered seeing Wang Fuxiang behind Zhu Jun, who was enough to be called a man nemesis.

At that time, Lin Yuan wondered how Wang Fuxiang and Lord Zhu Jun sat together, and they looked very much like a couple's clothes.

Moreover, Lin Yuan found that Lord Zhu Jun's expression worsened after the meeting began.

Although Mr. Takekun was in a good mood, there was a smile on his face, but there was a trace of sickness in his smile.

Lin Yuan knew that Jun Zhu was suffering bad luck because of his emotional discussions with Wang Fuxiang.

Lin Yuan didn't know what the bad luck of Zongze was and what effect it had on Zongze.

But Wang Fuxiang's doom can kill a man.

Just as Lin Yuan thought, the phone rang again.

Lin Yuan was still talking about Zongze just now, but he didn't expect that the second call would be from Zongze.

Lin Yuan answered the call, but Lin Yuan only heard Zong Ze on the other end of the phone and said with a light cough.

"Lin Yuan, Mr. Zhu just had some problems in the night meeting. Gu Lang has already followed Mr. Zhu back to Zizhu Forest."

"Master and I will also go to Zizhulin to visit Lord Zhujun tomorrow. The meal we had agreed upon before will be postponed."

Speaking of this, Zong Ze said "sorry" in a very low voice, and then he said hesitantly.

"If you eat my meal and find it delicious in the future, I can always make it for you."

Zong Ze said this sentence very vaguely, and Lin Yuan didn't hear it clearly.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to ask what Zong Ze had just said, he only heard Zong Ze ouch.

It seems to have been attacked by someone.

"Master, can you stop rubbing my hair with your hands, I'm no longer a kid!"

As soon as Zong Ze on the other end of the phone finished speaking, a voice that made Lin Yuan very familiar with sounded.

"Hehehe, what's wrong with rubbing your head?"

"I changed your diapers when you were young!"

"It just so happened that you called Xiaoyuan to save me from dialing."

Lin Yuan immediately heard that it was Uncle Li's voice, and saw that Uncle Li was indeed the great apprentice of Master Chef.

Just thinking of the various rumors of Master Chef's apprentice, Lin Yuan always felt that he was not in line with the uncle Li who was very honest and strict in his impression.

"Xiao Yuan, the fight you just fought with Zongze stinky boy was so handsome!"

"When I come back from Zizhulin, I will cook braised pork for you, so I happen to go to where you live with your Aunt Zhang."

"Let's also see if Xiao Chuci is still as thin as before, and there is no meat in the whole body."

Lin Yuan felt warm when he heard this, and said.

"No problem, if you and Aunt Zhang are willing to come and stay with me for a long time!"

Uncle Li smiled when he heard the words.

"Then the relationship is good, I will go to see you and Chu Ci when I have time in the future with your Aunt Zhang. Before, I wanted to make the old man..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan only heard the voice on the other end of the phone stop abruptly.

Obviously Uncle Li has hung up the phone.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but couldn't help but couldn't understand why Uncle Li hung up the phone in such a hurry.

At this time, Li Changlin's ass was being kicked, and the phone was snatched from him.

Li Changlin looked back and found that the person who snatched his phone and kicked his ass was Master Chef Own.

Master Chef looked at Li Changlin and said angrily.

"What should I say, what shouldn't I say, you're such a big person, don't you have any points in your heart!?"

Li Changlin's words were said, if they were heard over the phone by others, then they would become his apprentice after he grabbed the moon.

With regard to the level of preciousness to his apprentice a month later, he will have to find trouble with his own in the royal court council in the future.

The more and more irritable the chef was, he couldn't hold back and wanted to kick Li Changlin's feet to vent his anger, only to lift his leg and he was pressed by his own daughter.

Seeing his daughter's grotesque eyes, the Chef smirked twice and secretly said.

"It's really the water thrown out by the married daughter."

Thinking of Jun Zhu's situation, Zhu Zun sighed. It seems that this short fate between Jun Jun and Wang Fuxiang should come to an end.

In any case, as a five-star maker, Jun Zhu couldn't and shouldn't be a woman to die.

When Lin Yuan answered the phone, the old silver-haired woman was listening.

Listening to Lin Yuan calling Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang on the phone, the silver-haired old woman's mind started to move.

The man named Li and the woman named Zhang are the only ones who can be linked together.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the old silver-haired woman looking at Lin Yuan became a little different.

Unexpectedly, the disciple of Master Moon would have such a good relationship with people in the same line of Chef Zun.

Lin Yuan still ignored the old silver-haired woman, and first said to the mother of endless summer and the blood bath.

"Endless Summer, the mother of blood bath, you two go back to the manor first."

After speaking, Lin Yuan turned to look at Xuan Yue and said.

"Uncle Xuan, let's go directly back to Huiyue Hall. The night meeting has ended. Master should be anxious after I have been out for so long."

I just heard that Zongze and Uncle Li said that Master Chef would take his own disciples to visit Mr. Zhu in Zizhu Garden.

Lin Yuan doesn't know if Master Own will take him to Zizhu Forest with him after Yuehhou.

However, Lin Yuan felt that it was time for the astrological Zhitan pollen that he had accidentally cultivated in his hands to come in handy.

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