Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 176 Are you there?

——Psychic Skills · [Scorched Earth].

In simple terms, its effect is to quickly transform the surrounding area into a favorable environment centered on the holder, that is, "scorched earth".

Burning winds raged, the earth cracked, and the lava flow overflowed.

Just standing in it, the holder can get a series of improvements such as recovery and psychic strength.

This kind of psychic skill used for "laying the field" is basically a must-have for psychics on the [Dayuan] path - to some extent, this is an imitation and attempt of "Dayuan".

In my previous life, I had more than one psychic skill with similar effects, [Scorched Earth], but [Scorched Earth] was basically enough for the second and third rings.

After all, in the definition of "Dayuan", everything in the world is its reflection and projection.

And the above is the basic ability of [Scorched Earth].

According to the different divisions of "attack" and "defense" routes, the two will show completely different effects while maintaining basic abilities.

Song Shi felt this familiar power.

With just one thought, he could turn the surroundings into scorched earth.

Because of the "attack" route, this scorched earth will be extremely corrosive and can continuously corrode the things that are blocked. If the scorched earth can be turned on when fighting the "Anfu Axeman" just now, the latter will continue to be suppressed and hurt.

"And there is [Rendering]"

Song Shi thought.

With [Rendering] and [Scorched Earth], the latter's corrosiveness will be further improved, and it can expand at a terrifying speed, turning everything into scorched earth.

This is also one of the reasons why I chose [Rendering].

And in the case of the combination of these two, [Embers] are thrown in.

——From now on, there will be no so-called "siege" for me.

Enemies whose strength has not reached a certain level will be burned to death in the scorched earth no matter how many, how exquisite the cooperation, and how tight the encirclement.

If one day I can step into the realm of the fifth ring, then I can really realize the literal "thousands of miles of red land".

As for the remaining "defense" route.

I already have an idea of ​​how to achieve it, so there is no need to rush now.

So, Song Shi exhaled, suppressed these thoughts, and turned to look at the person beside him.

Since not long ago, the other party has been silent, just following him, and the two of them shuttled through the streets.

And because of the night and the semi-paralyzed lighting facilities such as street lights around, he couldn't even see the other party's expression - the long hair almost blocked half of his face.

"Cha Ke Luo, is there anything you want to bring?" Song Shi suddenly asked.

Fast shook his head.

He thought for a while and added: "Gwenlin said, do you need us to provide a safe house."

"I know." Song Shi nodded: "Tell her, no."

"There will be no fourth ring to enter. Under such a favorable situation, if I still hide, why did I come to the Casting Light City in the first place." He said: "Without sufficient, lethal pressure, how can it really bloom?"

Song Shi said calmly: "I'll wait for them."

Listening to this, Fast didn't say anything and fell into silence again.

Song Shi didn't think so.

Because he knew that the person beside him was not deliberately silent and cold, but his personality was just like that - even after more than ten years, he would still be like this.


- Song Shi knew Fast.

This [Truth], known as the "Shadow of the South", successfully advanced to the fourth ring five years after the current time point and became an important combat force that the Enlightened One could not ignore.

Thirteen years later, when the Enlightened One attacked the Sky Tower Data Center of [Zero Degree Network] and seized the "Proposed Strong Artificial Intelligence Textile Machine", he and the other party had briefly joined forces, which was a very pleasant cooperation.

Even in his own eyes, the other party was definitely "not bad".

But Song Shi didn't plan to take action at the moment.

Fast's strength was not bad, but it was just not bad. Of course, he was powerful, but there was still a considerable gap compared to "Chakoro".

The two sides had tried several times in their previous lives, not to mention that the other party had not even reached the peak period, so he was even less interested.

Instead, the familiar personality of the other party made Song Shi feel a little emotional.

——Strictly speaking, Fast is a complete social phobia.

According to the information he learned in his previous life, when he was a child, he was locked in the attic by his grandfather because of some mistakes.

And the grandfather of the other party was a part-time alcoholic. After a period of drunkenness, he remembered Fast three days later and hurried to open the attic. Then, he was horrified to see such a scene. The latter fainted in the middle of the pitch-black attic, and the nearby darkness was crawling and guarding on the side.

In the long darkness, Fast lost the concept of time and was hungry and thirsty. For a moment, he hoped that he could control the shadows around him, wrap himself up, and block the invasion of darkness.

And in this sense of confusion, he completed the "awakening" and embarked on the path of [truth].

However, because of this experience, Fast's personality changed drastically, and he became a complete loner, quite resistant to communication.

Even though more than 20 years have passed, it has only improved slightly - the tough attitude he showed in the recent confrontation between the parties may take the next month to slowly ease.

At this moment, Song Shi felt the phone in his inner pocket tremble slightly.

He took it out and glanced at it, then put it back.

"Fast." Song Shi said: "We have reached the fourth district. Fubo Energy cannot reach in yet. Let's separate here."

Fast was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"After tonight, the company will probably be quiet for a while. It just so happens that I have some things to do. Besides."

Fast nodded again.

Then, he fumbled in his arms, took out a mobile phone, quickly typed a line of words on it, and showed it to Song Shi: "Gwenlin is in charge of the money. I have no money."

As if worried that the other party would not believe it, he typed again: "I really have no money."

".I'm not asking you for money." Song Shi sighed: "I will talk to Gwenlin about the reward. I just want to ask you a question."

The next moment, he asked directly: "I want to hear what your attitude is towards 'artificial intelligence', or 'intelligent machinery', I mean the kind that has awakened self-awareness."

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly asked this kind of question. Fast pulled his hair and thought for a while before answering. This time he did not type: "I don't know."

".I understand."

Song Shi nodded slightly, his expression did not change.

With one last wave, he turned neatly and disappeared into the dim street.

Only the cell phone in his pocket, still lit, showed a text message from "Lapis Lazuli".

[Are you there? ]

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