Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 172 I know you are watching

But the shock lasted only for a moment.

The consciousness honed by long battles swept away the negative emotions, and Ivan put his hands together without hesitation, aiming at the figure in front of him.

With the sound of "puff" of airtight balance, it can be seen that with Ivan's hands together as the central axis, a large number of micro pinholes opened on his prosthetic arms, shoulders, and chest, densely packed, giving people a distinct sense of heterogeneity.

A large amount of air rushed in, circling around him at super high speed, the ground was easily flattened, disappearing layer by layer, until finally, all these airflows poured into all the pinholes again.

——Then, burst!

There was no sound.

In an environment close to vacuum after the airflow was drained, the airflow of four times the speed of sound and rainstorms shot out from the pinholes. They were gathered into a line, and even if they were shot out, they never dispersed.

Psionic skills · [Vacuum Zero Resistance].

Psionic skills · [Convergence].

Psionic skills · [Sharp].

There is no need to aim, and it is impossible to aim carefully.

At the same time, he used all his strength to activate three spiritual skills. As an absolute trump card, this was also a huge burden for the man. The only thing he could do at this moment was to try his best to activate stronger spiritual energy.


The word "dissolve" can be used to describe it. In front of the rainstorm formed by a large number of air beams, the surging flames were penetrated, and the only remaining broken walls and ruins disappeared instantly - just like lead type being erased by an eraser, when the misty white rainstorm was connected, the only remaining broken walls and ruins disappeared instantly.

"——This is a bit like it."

Standing, staring at the rain curtain that covered the sky and penetrated, Song Shi nodded slightly.

The spiritual flames soared into the sky. With the blessing of "Burning Blood", even if the opponent tried his best, he couldn't penetrate it instantly, and there was a little delay. And following closely, there was also the air that had been "rendered" and its nature became more and more alienated.

Under the combined barrier, the speed of the violent air beam is still very fast - but it is already "fast" enough to react.

Use the heavy killing to block the first wave of attack, and then call the flame flow to rotate, blocking and engulfing the attacking air beam, and take the opportunity to retreat and avoid it. After two and a half breaths, the opponent's attack will be greatly weakened. At this time, counterattack can easily establish the victory.

Song Shi crushed a fire seed.


The sky-high red flames roared, and the spiritual energy was once again pushed to the limit, turning into a never-ending flame tide, guarding the side of their ruler.

Facing the violent air beams all over the sky, Song Shi moved towards the opponent step by step - and in front of him, the red-gold, almost pulpy sea of ​​fire took the lead and collided with the rainstorm!

If someone looked down from a high altitude at this moment, they would be able to see such a scene.

One was red gold, the other was misty white. Two completely different floods engulfed everything in front of them, and then collided with each other - a huge amount of spiritual energy seemed to collapse into a point, and then suddenly exploded!

Within a radius of ten meters, the earth melted and sunken in an instant.

With the wanton crushing of the two forces, this pit expanded rapidly towards the surroundings at an alarming speed.

"Not bad, but just not bad."

Song Shi raised his head and walked slowly.

"Its 'momentum' is enough, but there is nothing that can be called 'marrow'."

Every step he took, the flame tide also pressed forward, and with the trembling sound of the crackling, it forced the air beam rain curtain to retreat a little.

Ivan gritted his teeth. The endorphin compound in the drug pump in his body had been completely squeezed out. With the support of a dose that was enough to cause an elephant to die suddenly, he forced himself to suppress all pain and cheer up.

Even, in exchange for a little spare energy to speak.

The man sneered and managed to squeeze out a few words: "Marrow, you, mother, fuck!"

"Not enough." Song Shi shook his head: "Not enough."

"That's all?" He said: "The whole army was destroyed, the leader and companions died in front of you. Even if there is no friendship between you, after today, all the beautiful future and brilliant life will be gone."

Song Shi took a step forward: "Where is the hatred?"

Ivan began to retreat.

With the continuous pressure of the flame tide, the wind that should have been crushing was forced back little by little, and even began to have a "headwind" trend.

Song Shi took another step: "Where is the hatred?"

The man gritted his teeth and began to tremble all over.

At this moment, the energy level of the psychic bombardment has surpassed any of his past battles. He even thought that he should have fallen earlier, but now he has not fallen.

Song Shi's voice suddenly rose: "--Where is the killing intent?!"

And Ivan roared in a roar with broken teeth and blood flowing everywhere. At this moment, the man finally stopped retreating, grasped the last, remaining, and beyond-controllable spiritual energy in his palm, and transformed it into an unprecedented violent gale from the cracked skin and scarlet pupils!

Maybe it took a long time, maybe it was just a moment.

When the gale gradually subsided, the surging red tide slowly dissipated, and two figures stood in the center of the huge pit.

And soon, one of the figures stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Put all your killing intent into psychic energy, and turn the violent wind into an absolute man-made natural disaster."

Song Shi looked at the other party: "This is a kind of 'marrow', which can also be called will. What you control is psychic energy, not simple, natural wind."

"It is a part of us 'psychics'. If you want to kill me, can you have murderous intent in your heart, but let the arm used to kill people not be stained at all?"

After a long while, Ivan slowly raised his head.

Most of his body collapsed, the prosthetic limb that replaced his left hand was shattered, mechanical parts were scattered on the side, and arcs flashed from time to time.

The most eye-catching thing was that his chest was completely empty, and the scene on the other side could be seen - and in the empty hole, there were no so-called dancing nerve tubes and wriggling flesh and blood, everything was burned to charcoal, and was turning into ashes bit by bit.

Not only the injuries, but also his spiritual energy was exhausted.

Ivan took a deep breath and looked at the gap on the right edge of the abdomen of the person in front of him, which was scratched by the air beam - that was the only injury he caused in the spiritual energy bombardment just now.

".How much did you use?" he asked.

"Except for not opening the "self-immolation", this time it is considered to be quite serious." Song Shi shook his head: "Your leader and you are not bad at all. Well, the name "Anfu Axeman" should be remembered for a while."

Ivan was silent for a while, grinned: "Fuck your mother."

Then he fell backwards, and his vitality completely disappeared.

Song Shi glanced in one direction

As early as when Ivan attacked just now.

——The last member of the "Anfu Axeman" had already escaped.

But Song Shi seemed to be unconcerned.

He walked slowly and came to Norman's body.

Fubo Energy did spend a lot of money to strengthen it, and Norman himself was also very strong - after so long, the "emeralds" did not completely turn him into ashes, and the body stuffed with various implants could still barely see the outline of a human figure.

Song Shi stopped.

With him as the center, thousands of square meters of the world were burning, and the red-gold flames were surging wantonly, drowning and burning everything they touched. Under the illumination of the sky-high flames, everything was covered with a layer of gorgeous red.

"——I know you are watching."

At this moment, Song Shi raised his head and looked at the sky.

"It's already this time, are you still going to hide?"

Seven seconds later, in silence, a piece of sky emerged with pixel arrays, blurring and flashing a few times, revealing its true appearance.

It was a basketball-sized, light gray-painted rotor reconnaissance drone, which had just activated its optical camouflage system.


More than one.

When the light gray drone was revealed, one after another of the reconnaissance drones around it, which had been keeping a distance from each other, removed their camouflage and revealed their true bodies.

Their paints were different, Enlightened, Fubo Energy, Zero Degree Network, Security Bureau

Tonight was eye-catching enough, so no one was absent.

They seemed to be silent, but also like thinking.

And from the overlooking of these "eyes", Song Shi inserted the heavy murder into the ground, then leaned down and grabbed Norman's head with one hand.


With a tooth-grinding sound, Norman's head was pulled up by the roots, and strands of bionic nerve bundles were pulled out from the spine and flew in the air.

Song Shi held the head high.

He looked around, his pupils seemed to be burning.

"——Anfu Axeman, right here."

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