Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 167 [Scorched Earth] Route

In the restaurant private room with old decoration, several large plates of pre-made instant food that are quickly defrosted and heated by microwaves are neatly placed.

Song Shi opened the disposable tableware, swallowed a mouthful of pizza sprinkled with synthetic meat, and then looked at the data tablet standing in front of him.

On the other side of the screen was Gwenlyn.

There are no other indirect or subordinate personnel. The administrative director is directly responsible for communicating with Song Shi.

After spending some time, passing through the checkpoints and leaving the inner city, Song Shi finally sat down and ate something while figuring out the situation.

"——So, to put it simply, this is a warm-up 'drill'."

Song Shi took a steak with no visible raw materials, hesitated for a moment, and then called on the fire to cook it until it was twelve mature before eating.

Gwenlin nodded: "You can say that."

"The armistice agreement between us and the company is not on paper. Even if it is actually signed, no one will really abide by it. The company will not and neither will we." Gwenlin said calmly: "This month or so is just a buffer and Compromise, and time to prepare.”

Both sides are constantly accumulating strength and preparing to achieve their goals.

"And now, the company feels that it is almost ready and is starting to make a move." Song Shi said: "That is what you just said, the attack on the raw material storage warehouse."

Secretly controlling one-fifth of Cast Light City, in these areas that have been reduced to "city within a city", companies led by Fubo Energy have launched various blockades and suppressions - not just direct armed conflicts.

The simplest point is that residents of the Third and Fourth Districts—the two outer city areas completely controlled by the Enlightened Ones—will suffer obvious job discrimination.

Benefit cuts, compulsory overtime, promotion delays, wage deductions, hot and cold violence. Under the instructions of giant companies, any company that recruits these people will give special treatment, or even directly fire them.

Even enlightened people cannot completely solve these "drawing fuel from the bottom of the cauldron" methods.

Under Chacoro's command, both [Denglan] and [Chunguang Beverage Industry] opened branches and factories in the third and fourth districts, providing new jobs and trying to alleviate some of the pressure in this area. — but only relief.

However, there are geothermal power plants to relieve energy supply pressure, and Qimingren subsidiaries to relieve job pressure, and invest a large amount of credit points to purchase materials at significantly higher than market prices to alleviate material pressure - although under Fubo Energy's instructions, On the surface, various companies are cutting off supplies of goods and supplies, but after all, some people can't hold back and secretly take risks for this coveted benefit.

With these three things, hardship can still be considered hardship, but at least basic life can still be maintained.

There are enlightened people who come forward to maintain order in the community and formulate a basic welfare system. Although in theory the productivity here is lower and the resources are poorer, the residents will live much happier.

After all, there are people willing to treat them as human beings.

——And now, [Fubo Energy] is aiming at this!

"This is the news received by the intelligence department. No later than the day after tomorrow, a mercenary group named 'Anfu Axemen' hired by Fubo Energy will launch an attack on our soft drink raw material storage warehouse in the fifth district. ”

Gwenlin said: "The fifth area is not completely under our control. This batch of raw materials is temporarily placed there. It was originally planned to be transferred to the third and fourth areas later. But now, they are targeting this place."

"How important is this batch of raw materials?"

"Very important, because the macro-state light energy matrix has robbed the sun. Now the Rokal Plain is covered with glaciers and frozen soil, and the transportation environment is very harsh. Once this batch of raw materials is lost, after the remaining reserves are exhausted and before the next batch of raw materials is shipped, , our factory will face a period of vacuum. "

"This will result in a considerable number of lost orders and liquidated damages - losses that would otherwise be acceptable."

"But because of the constant investment in blood transfusions into Casting Light City in the past few years, frankly speaking, our current economic situation is not very good." Gwenlin nodded, then shook her head: "But this is not the most important thing."

"——Because what determines everything is war after all."

Song Shi fiddled with the tableware and said what the other party wanted to say: "This 'Anfu Axemen' is a hired mercenary group. In theory, it has not violated the ceasefire agreement, so it is not convenient for you to take action directly, so you chose me, a The same 'outsider' shot."

"Wonderful." Song Shi suddenly laughed: "Both sides are ready to make a move, intending to test the other side and show their attitude. Both sides know that those who appear in the warehouse the day after tomorrow are the spokespersons of the other side, but this does not violate the ceasefire agreement. "

"An elite mercenary group that has been on the frontline battlefield and is supported by giant corporations." The corner of the young man's mouth slowly raised: "It sounds interesting. I hope they will not disappoint."

He said leisurely: "I will take this one."

Hearing Song Shi's words, Gwenlin's expression slowly changed. It was not the joy of getting a promise, nor was it an exhortation to be cautious, but more like some very subtle emotion.

It turned out that the other party really said something similar to what Chakoluo told him not long ago.

Gwenlin thought to herself.

She paused for a long time before slowly speaking: "Song Shi, the following are Cha Keluo's original words——"

"——Your [Scorched Earth], have you decided on the route? Should it be 'defensive' or 'offensive'?"

From Gwenlin's astonished gaze, Song Shi raised her head, interrupted her words, and said what she should have said.


Seeing this "acquaintance" who used to keep a calm expression in his previous life and this life show a look of astonishment, Song Shi first laughed, and then seemed to be unable to restrain himself and simply laughed!

It took him a long while to stop laughing.

"Gwenlin, since Cha Keluo has said all this, then he should have guessed my choice."


The astonishment faded in an instant, and Gwenlin's expression returned to calmness. She slowly said: "He told me that you will not be limited to the route of 'attack' or 'defense', you will definitely choose both."

- The place where you stand is the place where you rule and the "scorched earth" of the environment you rely on.

- Engulf the four directions with flames, burn the earth to ashes, and turn it into a "scorched earth" without vitality.

One is for defense, and the other is for attack.

These are the two conventional routes of the psychic skill [Scorched Earth], with different emphases.

And I will choose the "third" route outside of the two to achieve the unity of the two.

"So, we don't have to wait for them to attack the raw material warehouse. We are on the defensive." Song Shi said, "Since Chakolo has given me the opportunity to perform the ceremony, how can I live up to his kindness?"

"Gwenlin, please find me the temporary base of the 'Anfu Axeman'."

Song Shi said with a smile in a brisk tone.

"--I come to burn the earth into scorched earth."

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