Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 155 Monsters (Part 1)

"Machiko, you go up first." Gwenlin looked at the man who was still shocked: "Someone will explain it to you later."

"Oh, I understand." Machiko finally came to his senses and nodded repeatedly, but until the elevator door closed again, his confused eyes still stayed on Song Shi.

Song Shi didn't care.

He just slowly looked at the person in front of him.


The young man thought.

It's rare to see an acquaintance.

In his previous life, as one of the partners of the Enlightened, he had some dealings with the other party. Although the private conversation was not very deep, at least they were acquaintances.

Gwenlin's network technology attainments were enough to reach depth 4, but compared to the former, her real talent was actually "management". In the future, she will become one of the highest decision-makers of the Enlightened, responsible for the administrative management of most of the Enlightened.

At this point in time, Cha Keluo asked her to come forward to guide him. The other party might have stepped through the "newcomer" stage, gradually emerged, and was entrusted with important tasks.

Seeing that the young man whom Chakoro said he wanted to meet did not speak but was looking at her, Gwenlin spoke first: "I am Gwenlin, currently the administrative director of the Enlightened in Zhuguang City."

"Well, I have heard of you for a long time. I am Song Shi."

"Due to some personal reasons, please forgive me for not being able to receive you in my original form."

Gwenlin pointed to her chest. She thought Song Shi was curious about this body.

It can be felt that this highly realistic, feminine body has no flesh and blood texture, but is made entirely of alloy, composite materials and high carbon fiber, outlining anthropomorphic curves, filled with various implants, and thin connection marks all over the surface of the body. The whole body is a pure mechanical creation.

A stand-in controlled remotely through network technology.

That's nothing...

Anyway, every time I met you in my previous life, you looked different.

But Song Shi certainly wouldn't say these words. He just nodded and said, "Please lead the way. I also want to meet the famous 'rebel'."

So, Gwenlin nodded.

She deliberately led by half a body length, and spoke while leading the way.

"I have read the records about Plosser. Although Harold and others have probably told you many times, I still want to say it again in person-Sir Song Shi, on behalf of the Enlightened, thank you for your support and help to us in Plosser."

"Each of us takes what we need." Song Shi said concisely: "This is a two-way cooperation."

"No, it's not like that."

Gwenlin shook her head and kept walking: "We have done a review analysis. If it weren't for you, the success probability of the Moth Operation would only be 19%. You are the core factor that determines the success of the entire operation."

"If it weren't for you."

"We, and Plosser, will have many deaths." She emphasized with a heavier tone.

"It should be so."

This time, Song Shi did not deny it.

He said calmly: "If I can't be a 'decisive factor' even in Plosser, then there is no need for me to come to the City of Forged Light."

At this moment, it was Gwenlin who was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect the other party to be so "confident".

But soon, she smiled slightly and said nothing more.

-Before she was about to meet the leader she was willing to follow with all her heart, how could she be called a "genius"?

What's more, this Song Shi was also a psychic. She didn't want to say something too heavy, but the gap between psychics and psychics, and between talents and talents, might be greater than the other party imagined.

I just hope that after today, he can adjust his mentality as soon as possible.

From the black dome made of metal, the light array cast pure white light, like a white sun rising, illuminating the entire area.

The bottom of this underground base is the negative thirteenth floor. Looking up, there are no mechanical carts, intelligent machines, large equipment, and logistics teams traveling back and forth on this floor. The huge space seems empty, with only pure silence.

Even the ventilation ducts and fans that should have existed were nowhere to be seen.

This place didn't look like the base of the Enlightened One, but more like a "throne" built for only one person.

Gwenlin and Song Shi didn't talk along the way, and soon after, Gwenlin stopped for the first time.

In front of them, at the deepest part of this layer, there stood a huge gate, like a stone pillar connecting heaven and earth, connecting from the ground to the dome above.

Gwenlin's artificial eyes lit up, and the gate slowly opened to both sides - compared with the huge appearance, it opened without a single sound.

So, the world came into view.

Behind the gate was a space similar to a hall, and in the center and back of the space, a nearly ten-meter high platform was stacked up by layers of stairs.

In the center of the platform, a figure stood quietly.

He was a handsome man, wearing a coat and smiling on his face. When he stood there, the light of the entire space seemed to gather spontaneously. No matter what state or attitude people entered here, they would definitely look at this man at first sight.

Until this moment.

After Song Shi stepped into this place, before Gwenlin was about to speak, when he saw the former with his own eyes, the man who had been waiting with a smile slowly revealed a hint of surprise.

It was like a monster hiding in the depths of the mountains, knowing for the first time that there were its own kind on the other side of the distance.

And in the next moment, this surprise turned into relief.

The man raised his head slightly, as if he was laughing, and as if he was sighing.

He cast his gaze downward again and suddenly spoke.

"How many of your second-ring psychic skills do you have now?"

"—— I have already obtained four."


Under Gwenlin's respectful gaze, the man named "Rebel" stood up and began to walk down the stairs step by step.

And from his open right hand, with every step, countless microscopic particles gathered, and from the void, the outline spread out inch by inch.

Molecular reorganization

No, that's not right, it is the material reorganization that has reached the "atomic level".

The terrifying psychic power that was enough to wipe a city off the surface of the earth also began to decline at this moment, and was fixed in the middle of the second ring.

"Gwenlin, can you please leave for a while?"

The man whispered.

Gwenlin was stunned for a moment, but quickly replied: "Yes."

She nodded to Song Shi, then walked out of the room quickly and closed the gate again.

There were only two people left in the huge space.

"I have read the files of Paroser, so I want to meet you - whether as the 'chief commander' or the 'psychic'."

"I originally wanted to give you some advice, as a thank you... Now it seems that I took it for granted."

The man's voice was not loud, but it was extremely clear.

Material reconstruction has been completed.

He held the weapon and pointed it forward - it was not blunt or sharp, not long or short, and it was a four-sided vertical column similar to a "mace".

"The Enlightener, Chakolo Vaughn."

Song Shi calmly pulled out the Heavy Killer, just like every time in the past.

"Free bounty hunter, Song Shi."

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