Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 264 Storm is coming

The middle section of the airship burning with black flames slowly broke apart and fell downwards. The disintegrated components were flying all over the sky. Amid violent exclamations, the camera shook violently. It was a majestic torrential rain rushing down, carrying the owner of the lens into the distance.

Soon, the exclamations stopped briefly, and the next moment, the nearby crowd erupted into an even more violent wave of sound.

Seemingly invisible hands held up the empty boat riddled with holes, and smoothed out the raging black flames. The entire empty boat was dismantled into hundreds of pieces and placed gently on the street.

The video's progress bar ends here.

【Take you to experience the attack of the Sun Celebration! Absolutely close! First-person view of the Bordeaux plane crash! 】

At the top of the title, there is also an eye-catching reminder that "the popularity is soaring."

Shang Qiu looked away from the video. She rubbed her brows, leaned on the chair, and sighed deeply.

"Something big is going to happen."

At the much-anticipated Sun Celebration, the Enlightenment's policy plan was openly promoted, and at the same time, an armed raid was launched and the theater airship "Bordeaux" was sunk.

In just one night, the topic "Sun Celebration" soared to the top of the search list. A large number of live videos spread wildly, and people from all walks of life immediately expressed their opinions and comments. Shang Qiu randomly clicked on the video website. The homepage boasted "Ten Thousand Word Analysis will help you clarify the whole context!" There were no less than three videos.

Comparable to it.

It’s the “silence” on the part of the company.

Led by [Fubo Energy], [Southern Region Heavy Industry] and [Zero Degree Network] held a joint press conference, severely denounced the terrorist attacks of the "Enlightened Ones", and expressed their sorrow for the mass casualties caused by the latter's attack. At the same time, Declaring that there will be no compromise this time, they will definitely launch force-oriented retaliatory actions.

But after this press conference, they refused interviews from various media, and until now, they have not made any external statements.

Like a black hole.

Devouring all external things, but not even a ray of light will be emitted.

In the current Casting Light City, anyone with some sensitivity can smell a dangerous atmosphere that is gradually spreading.

As the mayor of Zhuguang City and the head of the Rokar Administrative District, Shang Qiu can see far more than the rest of the people by virtue of the intelligence channels he has.

[Southern Region Heavy Industry] has successively raised "aerial arsenals", turned on optical concealment, and occupied the sky. A large number of mechanical armed units were activated, and the factories under its command were also activated at full power, day and night, even they thought The proud "giant mechas", these mammoth entities that combine heavy firepower, heavy armor and huge dimensions, also began to prepare for battle.

[Zero Degree Network] is simple and rude. First, it releases a large group of security guards with different functions to patrol the entire city's network domains indiscriminately. The most direct impact is that many people were shocked to find that the website in front of them became "banned" as soon as they took off their pants.

Then, they directly dragged a long-carefully constructed fortress network domain to the Cast Light City network domain, built a core hub in it, and deployed a chain-type integrated network. If the center cannot be broken, then any attack on this integrated network will only affect the nodes in it, and will have minimal impact on the overall structure.

This means that the effectiveness of conventional network attack methods such as tactical communication interruption, signal positioning, meme dissemination, and virus spread will be significantly reduced.

And【Fubo Energy】.

No news.

When the undoubted Lord of Rokar begins to operate at full strength, just as mortals cannot look directly at the divine court, any relevant news is no longer easy to see. The only thing that can be known is that underneath the silence on the surface, there is a turbid current running wantonly.

"Where is the enlightened one?" Shang Qiu pinched his eyebrows.

"They stopped all their efforts to expand outward and began to shrink across the board." Ning Tong stood up straight: "As a result, their control over the control area has increased significantly. Most of our intelligence personnel have been invited out, The last part, which has not yet been exposed, has been turned into silence.”

"Also, just last night, more than ten small-scale secret conflicts broke out in the third and fourth districts. According to the subsequent on-site assessment, both parties were members of the Enlightenment and mercenaries hired by the company."

". Testing, so fast." Shang Qiu was silent for a moment: "The intensity is so high."

She took a deep breath and then stood up: "The election of the mayor and other public offices must not be postponed and will still be carried out according to the original schedule. I will issue city-wide notices in the name of the government to ask citizens to minimize going out in the near future, or directly Live in the company.”

The woman paused: ". Prepare a batch of relief materials and distribute them to them."

"Also, Ningtong, from now on, let the security bureau be deployed at full capacity. We can't do anything in the areas where the first area, second area, etc. are about to be fought, but in other places, we must maintain the stability of the situation. Your firing authority Raising two levels, the restrictions on movement regulations are greatly reduced. Anyone who wants to fish in troubled waters will be shot directly without interrogation. "

After hearing the words "full capacity schedule", Ning Tong's expression changed slightly. He hesitated and asked, "Are you going to get bonuses and subsidies?"

Shang Qiu glanced at him: "If you don't go, your performance will be deducted."

"How is that possible?" But the next second, she laughed dumbly and shook her head: "I will allocate a part of the financial budget to use as their attendance subsidy. I remember that your equipment purchase orders are still queued up quarterly, right? According to Chapter 1 The three wartime regulations are all passed, and we will arm ourselves immediately to maximize our immediate combat effectiveness."

Hearing that there would be bonuses and subsidies, Ning Tong breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. The Security Bureau will go all out."

"We can't do much." Shang Qiu said frankly, and then paused, and said seriously: "But what we can do is not as little as most people think."

"There's no need to be too nervous. After all, there's no point in being nervous." The woman slowly stood by the window. The government building is located in the inner city. At a glance, the three-dimensional elevated road in the distance was full of traffic, like a golden river of light in the sunlight.

She supported the window sill with both hands: "After all, we have experienced it once, right?"

Ning Tong understood what the other party meant.

A few years ago, the Enlightened One raided the first and second districts, seized them with thunder, and built their own control area overnight. When everyone knew about this in the early morning of the next day, they were first shocked, and then extremely anxious.

-Forging Light City is going to be razed to the ground, and all the assets that everyone has saved are going to be gone!

This is what quite a few people think when they learned that the "rebel" Chakoro Vaughn was here in person. Before a fifth-ring psychic collides with a giant corporation, even a "city" becomes somewhat insignificant.

"Did Paddy tell you anything?" Shang Qiu suddenly asked.

Director General of the Security Bureau, Fifth Ring [Consensus], "Regeneration of Mind Image", Paddy Morse.

Ning Tong shook his head slowly.

"We submitted the incident file and situation analysis as soon as possible, but the director general did not issue any relevant instructions."

"Well." Shang Qiu thought: "I see."

She took a last look out the window, then sat back in her seat, opened the office system, and began to deal with the tasks that had piled up in just a few hours without being checked.

"You can leave now, Ning Tong." She nodded to him: "Remember, our only bottom line is the City of Casting Light."

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