High-rise buildings stand behind, and at this moment, the surroundings are mostly overpasses and low-rise factories.

This is already the suburban area of ​​​​Palosser.

Three miles ahead is the entry inspection channel between the wasteland and Palose, where fully armed border guards and sentry towers are stationed, and checkpoints are set up one after another.

Outsiders who want to enter Palose need to conduct an asset audit in advance. If they do not meet certain standards, they will not be issued a temporary residence permit and will be turned away.

Of course, there are never a few refugees who choose to sneak across the river at night, and border guards, companies and governments also turn a blind eye to this - the former can wait for an opportunity to earn "tolls", and the latter need such cheap labor.

Without a temporary residence permit, it means that they are not regarded as real Palose citizens and cannot enjoy complete legal human rights. They can only find someone to apply for a fake identity, or simply don’t have the money to apply for a fake identity, so they can only work in various factories and other places as illegal workers who consume human resources.

Naturally, the people who hire them will not offer high remuneration, and will never sign a paper contract - it is illegal to hire illegal workers! This kind of handle cannot be left to the government's labor arbitration department.

The extremely low employment cost, no need to be held responsible for accidents, and as "illegal households" with nowhere to go, these people must work as hard as possible, otherwise they will be kicked out at any time without signing a labor contract - there are many people who want to take their jobs.

Their few consolations are that living in Palose at least has clean water and food, and they don't have to worry about all kinds of sudden natural disasters and weather, and they can use public Wi-Fi from time to time to surf the Internet. After all, they don't have the money to pay for various network tariff packages and services.

Of course, using this public Wi-Fi that has no idea how many strange things are linked to it basically means that in the next few weeks, their artificial eyes will be filled with various low-quality advertisements and pop-ups.

The only hope, or dream, of these illegal households is to earn enough money one day, pass the joint asset audit of the municipal government and the company, pay the extra management costs paid by the government for being an "illegal household" for these years, and become a real, registered Palose person, and finally be qualified to take root in this city.

Just qualified.

"Is there a farewell party?"

Under the turbid sky, Song Shi leaned on the vehicle beside him and raised his eyebrows with a smile.

Under his elbow, there was a medium-sized hybrid motorcycle. The body that conformed to aerodynamics presented a unique streamline, and the close-fitting lightweight armor plate could not change this.

On the side of the rear seat of the motorcycle, there were two small metal storage boxes, which contained some emergency maintenance tools, bags of pure water and energy bars, and a small amount of bullets and other supplies.

"Harold and the others were busy, so only Shanxing and I came."

Quemu said, taking out a camera from his arms, the camera flashed, and the lens was aimed at Song Shi.

"Shanxing has something to do, but she said she still wants to come and see you off, so she asked me to bring this over."

The next moment, a familiar voice rang out from the speaker below the camera: "The camera is fine, and then hello, can you hear me?"

"What's the difference between this thing and you directly calling me via video?"

"Sense of ceremony!" Shanxing said forcefully: "With this, it's like I'm here in person!"

Song Shi nodded and said: "Okay. You reminded me, and I remember that I really need your help."

"What help?"

"All the entertainment platforms under the Chenqi Generation, such as Valhalla Live, Heavenly Kingdom Video, and Golden Headlines, can you help me get a pirated membership account? I downloaded some offline entertainment to kill time in the wasteland, Otherwise it would be too boring. "


Shanxing's voice sounded a little confused: "You have money, why don't you just open a membership?"

"The membership levels and rules of these platforms are too complicated, I don't want to spend energy to figure them out one by one. Of course, this is not the key."

Song Shi raised a finger and said seriously: "-Now every penny I pay to the company will become a bullet shot at me in the future."

Hearing this, Shanxing was silent for a while, and after a long time, he said speechlessly: "Okay, it's all done, I'll pack it and send it to your mailbox, you can read it slowly on the way."

The Seven Lands War turned 40% of the world into a lifeless "wasteland", and the establishment of the domain firewall divided the World Wide Web that originally spread all over the world into [Abyss] and [Upper Network].

The former need not be mentioned again, while the latter evolved into one large semi-isolated domain after another based on the actual gathering point-usually in cities.

If you cannot afford the high cross-regional roaming charges, then most of the network services and information flows you can enjoy are limited to the network domain of your city.

Of course, there are also a few companies that, in order to promote and occupy the market, do not hesitate to take the initiative to bear this part of the "cross-regional roaming charges" for users.

Just like the launch of the most popular and popular personal social platform, [Fengxun], which is almost a monopoly, from the giant enterprise [Chenqi Generation].

Because of this, although the world's technology is developing rapidly, in the field of the Internet, at least in terms of "freedom" and "circulation", there has been a certain degree of regression - this is also the reason why there is a popular name on the Internet.

- "We are all prisoners in the local area network."

In the wasteland outside the city, depending on the remoteness of the location, terrain, radiation, climate and other influences, network fluctuations will occur to varying degrees, or the signal will disappear directly. All in all, don’t think about it being as smooth as in the city.

"Song Shi, I have put the sniper rifle you want in the trunk."

After Flashing Star finished speaking, Quemu then spoke: "You require accuracy and range, so I chose this 'Tusk'. It has excellent accuracy. The theoretical limit range is four thousand meters. The disadvantage is that it kills The performance is not high, and the barrel will wear out quickly and needs to be replaced frequently, but I have put three barrels for you, which should be enough for a while. "

"I've debugged the basics, but you have to study the more detailed aspects yourself. Everyone's habits are different, and the parameters I'm used to may not be suitable for you."

"That's enough." Song Shi nodded and said with a smile, "I have 'fire' that can be filled into bullets. The lethality doesn't matter."

As if he guessed what the other party wanted to ask, Song Shi said simply: "In terms of kinetic energy and penetration alone, it still can't compare to your fully deployed 'giant war'."

"In the second ring, the 'fire' cannot be absolutely condensed into one point. After the filled bullet is fired, it is destined to expand to a certain extent - you can understand it as a ranged high-explosive bomb. But I have the burning blood and Embers, the damage from this bullet will last a long time.”

Quemu thought for a moment: "Are our applicable scenarios different?"

"I can't say that. But just understand it this way, that's fine." Song Shi pointed at the other person's eyes and said seriously: "Quemou, I think you have the talent to advance to the second ring. I hope to meet you next time. You are already the second ring of [Truth].”

Birdeye nodded.


Song Shi climbed into the car, turned the accelerator, and the engine, specially modulated and enhanced by Tabitha, began to roar.

"It's almost done, everyone, see you next time -"

"Aren't you going to say anything on this occasion?" Flashing Star couldn't help but ask.

"No need!"

Song Shi laughed loudly and rushed out in an instant, his voice disappearing with the wind: "It's not like we'll say goodbye forever! I'll die later, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet again in the future!"

"Ha, die later?"

Flashing Star was amused, and her camera turned around, looking at the silhouette gradually disappearing at the end of the road.

After a while, she said: "Queye. I feel like we have met an incredible person."

"Which ordinary person can defeat Gaboy in the second round?" Quemu asked, he paused for a while: "I believe that Song Shi will definitely do great things in the future. We haven't really seen him yet. I met him when I was young, and we didn’t have any bad relations. We even had a good relationship, which is enough.”

"That makes sense." Flashing Star commented, "I think my position as a 'strategic analyst' should be left to you."


Flashing Star laughed, and then his tone became serious again: "Let's go, we still have things to do. Harold has encountered a lot of troubles these days."


So, in the wind, the place became deserted again.

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