Unlike the relocation outside, the machine shop still remains intact with all kinds of equipment - of course, because of Tabitha's personal habits, this place looks even messier than the outside.

"After your original monomolecular knife broke, you said you wanted to get a new one. I kept this just for you."

Tabitha tied her long hair in a random knot, put it behind her head, and walked into the workshop with Song Shi.

On the long table in the center of the workshop, among a pile of miscellaneous items, there were several boxes of different sizes.

Tabitha opened one of them and found a nearly two-meter-long rectangular piece of metal lying quietly inside the box.

"RT-12 special steel is absolutely a good thing. I spent a lot of effort to get it." Rubbing the piece of metal, the woman said with pride: "It has high corrosion resistance, high strength, especially toughness and The metal fatigue limit, your original standard steel crow was pretty good, but this thing is much higher than that."

"Let's put it this way, as long as the output is high enough, you can just use it to kill tanks."

Song Shi also pressed his hand on the metal, felt it carefully, and nodded: "It's really good. How much did it cost?"

"What's money?" Tabitha said with a casual wave, "Don't worry about it, just use it."

"And to be honest, although several performance data of this thing are excellent, they are all aimed at cold weapons and are not suitable for use in exoskeleton armor, prosthetic bodies, weapon parts, etc.—how many are there these days? People use cold weapons? So the price is not bad.”

Strictly speaking, due to the highly developed technology of implanting prosthetics, the concept of "cold weapons" that should have disappeared in the long river of history has reappeared instead.

Because of the prosthetic body, it is difficult for ordinary firearms to kill with one hit. However, in complex and narrow environments such as steel structure buildings, factories, alleys, etc., cold weapons are more useful, silent and concealed.

This is also the reason why most gang members on the streets carry a cold weapon with them. Cheap monomolecular knives, alloy bats, hammers, and big wrenches can at least smash the brains and cause blood to kill, which is no problem.

As for the wider battlefield, where the ban on heavy weapons is lifted and high-intensity battlefields are supported by long-range firepower groups, cold weapons will withdraw again - or in other words, pure "cold weapons" will disappear.

Add a thermal edge module to the long knife. After being linked to the prosthetic body to receive energy, the armor plate can be cut with one knife, just like a high-temperature welding gun. Chainswords and impact axes are also classic weapons. They are used to charge into battles and are also good at casually blowing up human bodies.

There are also items such as electric energy halberds and plasma lightsabers. In the company's weapon store, nationalities are divided according to the latest discounts - cold weapons have discounts, then they are energy weapons, and energy weapons have discounts, then they are cold weapons. weapon.

Furthermore, there are "high frequency weapons", which are the weapons of the senior executive specialist underground in the First Research Institute. It can use high-frequency vibration to quickly destroy heterogeneous material armor and break through all types of conventionally hard armor.

But without exception, few people will use pure cold weapons anymore.

"—You're right, but you forgot about psykers."

Song Shi raised objections and said seriously: "For psychics, cold weapons are better."

"Are you sure?" Tabitha obviously didn't agree with this statement: "Look, Flash Star and Bird Eyes don't need it, and I have also seen some combat videos involving psykers. They are also dominated by firearms."

"So they were wrong."

Song Shi said without hesitation, but after a pause, he added: "Well, I can't be completely wrong. For low-level people, firearms and prosthetics are indeed more useful. But in a truly powerful duel between psychics, after all, We still have to decide the outcome with what we have in hand.”

"You can think of it as an inherited custom."

"I doubt it." Tabitha thought for a moment and insisted on her opinion.

However, the two of them did not spend too much time on this topic. The most important thing at the moment was to recreate a weapon.

Song Shi walked to the workbench and took out all the contents of the boxes, including RT-12 special steel.

Just then, Tabitha handed over something.

Song Shi turned his head and found it was a hammer. He was a little surprised: "What is this?"

Seeing this, Tabitha was also stunned.

"Don't you need it?"

"Huh?" Song Shi was confused: "What should I use this for?"

Tabitha was shocked: "Didn't you say that the forging flames are the embodiment of the image of 'forging'? Well, then isn't it true that you forge weapons?"

Song Shi pressed something on his side with one hand, and the "Forging Flame" quickly spread and poured in, giving blessing. He pulled the operating lever and confirmed that there was no problem with the startup, and then looked at the other person with a puzzled expression.

"Why should I leave a more accurate and convenient machine tool unused and use a hammer to strike it myself?" His tone was strange and very subtle: "And I don't know how to strike iron at all."

As a freelance bounty hunter, fighting in a barren resource environment is a required course.

You can assemble simple firearms and maintenance equipment from discarded parts in a garbage dump, and you can also survive in the wilderness without carrying any supplies.

But he really has never learned the technology of "forging iron" - because it was not used at all in the past.

"Aren't you a psyker?!"

Song Shi couldn't understand it even more: "Do psychics have to be able to forge iron?"

"You are not a psychic idealist who doesn't make sense." Tabitha seemed to want to say something, but after uttering a few words intermittently, she took a deep breath, started the cutting machine next to her, and gritted her teeth and said, "--Work!"

So, the two began to work.

First, the cutting and shaping, carving the specific rough outline of the RT-12 special steel, Song Shi previously provided the design drawing, a nearly straight blade, slightly curved, about one and a half meters long.

Then there is quenching and plating, the former to cool the rough, and the latter is Tabitha also purchased some other materials to compound strengthen the long knife, and at the same time reconstruct a three-layer single-molecule blade edge-this step is completed by Tabitha.

Song Shi slowly calmed his breath.

At this moment, he was holding a transparent, thumb-sized transistor, which contained an irregular prismatic crystal. In a vacuum environment, this crystal emitted a little bit of white light.

——[Zero Element Crystal].

Harold, as the commander of the Enlightened One, obtained something specifically for Song Shi, which turned "weapons" into "psychic weapons".

As Tabitha retreated, Song Shi picked up a sharp carving knife in his right hand, and crushed the transistor with his left hand. The red-gold flame burst out suddenly, engulfing the bursting zero crystal. Then, the flame poured into the tip of the carving knife, turning into a red-gold embellishment.

Directly breaking the zero crystal and mixing it into the weapon can also make it carry psychic energy, but this is too rough.

Song Shi turned the carving knife and cut his wrist. Under his gaze, a large amount of blood that seemed to be boiling continued to burst out and poured onto the long knife.

In the next moment, from the flowing blood, the carving knife quickly moved along the blade, outlining a solemn and complex pattern.

The technology from the Vampsta Empire, a so-called alchemical structure, can improve the adaptability and carrying capacity of weapons to psychic energy.

When everything was over, it was already midnight.

"Well... it's done."

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