Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 123 Gabey and Parasitic Pavilion

Gabriel suddenly laughed.

He looked away from the crimson color lingering along his shoulders and spreading towards his body, and looked forward again.

"——'Poison' bullets made from the Philosopher's Stone?"

Just like water seeping into the soft soil, wisps of spreading scarlet light emerged from most of Gabriel's chest, as if the roots of a plant were spreading wantonly, but at this moment, he was still laughing.

"I should appreciate your efforts."

He was obviously smiling, but Gaboy's tone was cold. All around him, with the surge of spiritual energy, the roots that had fallen into a withered state bloomed again.

Then, it climbs around the surface of the fighter's exoskeleton, along the gaps in the broken armor, and spreads toward the depths!

——Born and reproductive equipment·【Bai Chi Pavilion】.

The original functions of these roots called "Parasite Pavilions" were to "detect the senses" and "absorb material energy." After Gaboy's spiritual skills were strengthened, they turned into war weapons that cut through everything, but in the end The function has never fallen behind, and it has also gone one step further.

"You did something stupid, fighter. Ah, and... I know you can hear me, Birdeye."

Gabriel held the neck of the fighter's exoskeleton and slowly lifted it up from the crowd's gaze.

Just like a spider octopus gnawing at a sea clam, these light gray roots squirmed, breaking pieces of armor plates that were in the way, until they penetrated deep into the "shell" and happily enjoyed the blood meal.

"I must admit that even I will be affected by a level 2 'curse poison bomb', well... it's not even low."

Gabriel glanced at his hand. The surface of his arm was obviously dull and dry, like a withered tree. Under deeper perception, his spiritual energy was obviously in a state of sluggishness.

The "poison" continually corrodes the psyker's body and spirit, a dual-effect toxin. Ordinary people, no, even psychics who are in the middle of the second ring, will quickly weaken or even be completely corroded if they take this second-level "curse poison".

He said: "If Cornelia and your first action team go together at this time, I may really die in battle."

"Ah, so that's it." After a pause, he seemed to understand something: "This 'poison bomb' is probably what Cornelia prepared for me."

Gabriel slowly turned his head and looked around at the other Enlightened Ones, as if looking at the cheap synthetic meat cabinets in the supermarket: "It's enough to leave a few valuable targets. As for you."

These roots tightened suddenly and penetrated into the fighter's body, pulling the latter into scraps at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"——I will drain your spiritual and physical bodies one by one to fill the 'curse'!"

Faced with the impact of "cursed poison", a spiritual creation, conventional medical methods are difficult to work, but for Gaboy, who has integrated [Bai Chi Pavilion], this is not a big problem.

As long as the parasitic pavilion is used to drain the "spiritual" intelligent life of human beings, and at the same time absorb a large amount of "spirituality" and "carbon-based substances" to neutralize most of the effects of the "curse", the remaining part can only be relied on by oneself. The more you can handle it.

The next moment, Gaboy suddenly twisted around and avoided to the right.


The ground in the distance suddenly burst open as if it had been hit hard.

The "Great War" opened fire again, but to Gaboy, who was already prepared, this was no longer a threat.

He casually dropped the almost completely drained and incapacitated fighter, and the unfed roots swayed and danced. Gabriel stretched his body and slowly looked around.

Even though he was prepared, when the other party's eyes really turned to him, an enlightened person subconsciously took a step back.

It comes from the depths of blood, from the biological chain, and the prey's instinctive fear of the hunter.

"—No! His speed has slowed down!"

But the next moment, someone said angrily: "He's just showing off! He's taking time to heal himself! The 'poison' in the bird's eye has a great influence on him!"

At the moment of almost roaring, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the assault rifle with a prosthetic arm in his hand and intelligent aiming spit out tongues of fire. The bullets roared towards Gabriel, and were instantly knocked away by the network of roots.

No, not all!

This time, two bullets passed through the roots and hit Gaboy's body!

Even if it failed to penetrate completely, it only left two minor wounds. Immediately afterwards, the two wounds began to heal on their own, but compared to the beginning, the speed of self-healing was also slower!

"Stupidity and ignorance are the greatest courages."

Gabriel glanced at the person who fired the weapon and said coldly: "I'll use you to--"

The words were torn and distorted by the air current, and the whole person disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Gaboy suddenly appeared next to the opponent, grabbed the opponent's face with his five fingers, and slammed the whole person into the ground!

The dancing roots were split into two, with one half intercepting the incoming attack and the other half directly piercing the opponent's body. The latter began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak."

Gaboy looked down at the man below him indifferently, using his five fingers little by little, almost crushing the man's head: "No matter how old the tiger is, it is not a reason for the hyena to challenge - no, for a weakling like you, even the hyena It doesn’t even count.”

A member of the ice force calmly hid in the nearby bunker.

As the direct command unit of Security Department Director Gaboy, the two of them operate together most of the time, and they also understand what the [Bai Chi Pavilion] is after the integration of their director.

In case of emergency, Gabey has the authority to treat them as "hidden reserves" and extract them with parasitic pavilions to restore combat power.

Even if they are not directly drained to death, they will leave a lot of sequelae - the damage of their own "spirituality" being extracted. Jade Pharmaceutical is not without a way to cure it, but that level of method will never be used on members of a local armed force.

When Cornelia and others were surrounded and killed in the past, the other party had extracted several members.

However, in today's situation, it should not be their turn.

Because they do not have the value of "fighters".

The member of the Enlightened Ones was like a shriveled water bag, and had completely lost his vitality. Only some stripped prostheses were left, limp in the empty clothes.

Gabey slowly stood up.

He clenched his five fingers, nodded slightly, and cast his eyes on the next target in the interweaving burst of gunfire.

"Well, choose it."

However, the next moment, the man's expression suddenly changed.

Even though he was covered by the bio-robot suit, everyone could still see clearly. For the first time, Gabey's face showed an "ugly" expression.

"——Ice Force, this is up to you. Don't let anyone go."

The cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

A member of the Ice Force was stunned, but before he could show his confusion, he heard a terrifying news in the communication channel.

Someone is in the underground floor, breaking through the main engine position by force? !

When? How is it possible? And what about the weapons deployed underground? !

But there was no time for him to think. In the violent airflow, Gabey rushed into the first research institute!

So, after a brief silence, gunfire roared again.

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