Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 121 Storm Surge Peak

"What the hell? A big explosion in an old industrial area?"

Under the tent of the open-air wine stall, looking at the man on the screen, the fat man in a floral shirt held a beer can and said: "The group of terrorists who attacked the city government building are really big this time."

"Hahaha, dog bites dog, it's a hairy mouth." He sneered.

The other drinkers around the fat man took it seriously.

"However, what if the big explosion in the old industrial area was really the work of the government and Jade Pharmaceuticals."

Some people sounded hesitant.

Because since the man who called himself "Alnan Blue" appeared, some anonymous documents quickly appeared on the Internet, which contained a large amount of information about the old industrial area, as well as some shocking records.

"That's almost it."

Hearing someone's rebuttal, the fat man showed displeasure. He burped and said drunkenly: "Ha! Evidence! I can even take a photo and say that the mayor and I are good buddies! Do you think it was still hundreds of years ago? Nowadays, as many pieces of this kind of "evidence" as you want can be faked."

He concluded: "In my opinion, neither side is a good thing, it's just customary to throw dirty water on each other first! It's funny, which terrorist organization would say that it has problems and is not just?"

The fat man stared at several figures on the screen, especially the Director of the Planning Department, who was originally aloof and whom he would never see once in his life. This big shot tied up a dead dog and said excitedly: "So, both sides are good for death." ! It’s best to die together!”

The surrounding drinkers also laughed when they heard this.

"It really is!"

"They're all so dead! Hahaha!"

And at the same time.

"——Dai Tai, as the planning director of Palower, do you have anything to say about the above accusations?"

In the conference room, Arnan slowly turned around, and the floating lens beside him moved with it, focusing on the middle-aged man who was restrained in the armchair.

Due to the constant struggle, the meticulous suit that was originally ironed by the intelligent robot butler became messy, and his face showed anger mixed with despair.

"You crazy people! Murderers!" Dai Tai forced himself to straighten his posture and said angrily: "I'm telling you! You can slander me and the government all you want! But the truth is the truth! No matter how hard you talk, you can't fool me. People from Paloser!”

Not far away, Gladys, who was also tied to a chair, forcibly locked and punched in the face by a black skull, said nothing and looked slightly gloomy.

He was silent, listening to the movement outside the conference room - there was a violent noise, bullets and roars intertwined with each other.

The acrid smoke even spilled into the conference room, and there were even huge earthquakes from time to time, making the entire conference room tremble, as if it was about to collapse.

As the marketing manager of Jade Pharmaceutical, he had already guessed what was happening outside.

Even if they hijacked themselves, Dai Tai, and some government employees at the same time, Jade Pharmaceutical would never give them a chance to negotiate—this was a matter of principle.

Otherwise, once a precedent is set, imitators will surely emerge in endlessly. Even if it does not threaten Jade Pharmaceutical, it will still be disgusting.

What's more, even within Jade Pharmaceuticals and even within the marketing department, there are definitely people who want to die here.

——So at this moment, [Emerald Pharmaceutical] has begun to attack!

Even though there was strong opposition from the Security Bureau and no direct heavy firepower was poured in, the combined armed forces of both sides began to advance steadily, eroding the attackers' positions bit by bit, and slowly squeezing the initiators of this terrorist attack together.

Facing the elites of the Security Bureau and Jade Pharmaceuticals, this motley crew cannot last long.

Damn it, I have to start saving myself.

Gladys thought.

At this moment, listening to Dai Tai's righteous words, Arnan nodded and spoke slowly:

"Dai Tai, your compulsory course as a politician is indeed very good. Your shamelessness is staggering. Even if the evidence is in front of you, you can still tell lies."

"If you want to slander me, you want to slander the government, and you want to find a ridiculous 'excuse' for your atrocities, then go ahead and do it!"

Dai Tai didn't even look at the files on the data board next to him. He raised his head suddenly and shouted hoarsely: "But justice will never be late! The truth will not change because of your rhetoric!"

It was as if this was not a conference room, but a crowded open-air square, and he was not a prisoner tied to a chair, but an impassioned speaker in front of the microphone.

So, facing his face, Jian jumped out and punched him directly.


Even though he deliberately tightened the force, the terrifying force of the prosthetic arm's "Big Smash" still caused Dai Tai's right cheek to dent in an instant, revealing some of the inner bionic filling.

As an old man who is almost 60 years old, due to the genetic sequelae of overindulgence in his youth, he is not suitable for biomedical cosmetic surgery. He can only use bionic implants to change his appearance and regain his youth.

"You talk too much nonsense."

Jian Yue grinned and raised his right hand again, but this time he was stopped by Arnan, who shook his head slightly.

"We are not here just to vent."

Dai Tai was hit by the punch and was stunned for a few seconds. It wasn't until a sharp pain came from his face that he regained consciousness. He gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Very good! You are so angry. Are you ready to take action? I I will never give in.”

Arnan glanced at him.

Facing this sight, Dai Tai subconsciously shrank back a little, as if he was shocked.

He has never been someone who is not afraid of death. If begging for mercy would be useful, he would have knelt down and asked the people in front of him to spare his life!

But he knows better that the "big explosion of old industry" cannot be recognized at this time absolutely, absolutely, absolutely! Otherwise, no matter whether you can get out of here alive or not, your end will be death!

Neither the city government nor the companies headed by Jade Pharmaceuticals will let him go.

So, mixed with some inexplicable retreat and anger, Dai Tai looked angry and was about to speak again, but at Arnan's signal, two men with black heads dragged him out of the camera.

"Those who are looking here right now, please listen to me."

Arnan's voice was calm: "I know that some people don't believe everything we say. After all, pictures and videos can be synthesized, documents can be forged, people's words can be lies, and the words of 'terrorists' are completely meaningless." Credibility. But I believe that many people also put their trust in us.”

"Thirteen years ago, a big explosion in the old industrial area changed the entire Palower. Even according to the official joint report between the government and Emerald Pharmaceuticals, there were two hundred and thirty-one people injured and killed. And underneath this, the real reality Here, ten times or even a hundred times as many people’s lives were changed forever by the Big Bang.”

"Some people lost their livelihood jobs and became homeless overnight due to the crazy asset annexation of old industrial areas by major companies; some people suffered from various genetic diseases due to chemical leaks caused by the big explosion, and there are many of them. Children who were still in their mothers’ wombs, not yet born; others died directly on that day.”

"——But this is not the end!"

Arnan's voice suddenly rose.

In the depths of the man's pupils, for the first time, blazing anger emerged.

"Everyone from Palother. My compatriots."

“On the ground we stand on, the desires of ‘corporations’ will never be satisfied, and as long as ‘corporations’ exist, their evil will never end.”

"This was the case with the big explosion in the old industrial area thirteen years ago, and it is still the case today."

While Gladys and Daitai's expressions suddenly changed, Arnan spoke word by word.

"Yesterday's 'big bang' will happen again today in Palowe."

He stretched out his hand, took a data tablet handed by others, and showed it in front of the live camera. At the same time, a large number of identical files were quickly integrated and packaged and began to be spread across the network.

What is revealed on this data tablet is an almost astronomical amount of information and data. Anyone who has studied biomedical engineering can quickly see some clues. This seems to be some kind of basis based on collecting a large amount of data. , the ecological cultivation circle model constructed?

How can it be? !

Gladys roared in his heart. He couldn't believe his eyes. Why did the core data of the "Three Phase Base Project", which should have been stored in the underground host of the First Research Institute, appear in the opponent's hands?

No, this. Wait, wait a minute.

The first research institute?

Gladys was horrified. He raised his head suddenly, stared at the person in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "Damn it! Your real goal is-"

Arnan stares into the camera.

"My fellow citizens of Paloser, please remember those who sacrificed their lives for today, please remember."

At this moment, his voice overlapped with Gladys's and echoed from the live broadcast room.

"——Three-Phase Basic Plan."

The next moment, gunfire roared outside the door.


The faint blue electronic lines spread on the wall like a bloodline, rising and falling and then disappearing quickly, repeating themselves over and over again. In an environment that is always kept pure, things with regular outlines are neatly arranged.

This is Emerald Pharmaceuticals' deep-diving cabin nest in Paloser.

This equipment, arranged like a honeycomb, is a deep diving cabin used to dive into the [Abyss] - in a sense, the deep diving cabin used to explore the [Abyss] is the most powerful virtual machine of its kind. Internet equipment.

So at this moment, the network security experts of Jade Pharmaceutical put their bodies here, and their consciousnesses sneaked into the virtual network world. With the assistance of prosthetics and equipment, they started a bloodless but equally cruel fight.

"——The position is locked!"

For a moment, someone excitedly spoke.

Just now, with the help of a huge supply of computing power, he successfully caught an opponent's vulnerability, broke through his personal firewall in an instant, implanted an anchoring program, and locked the opponent's actual location!

Although it is regrettable that this time the hacker groups of the Enlightened Ones were distributed in batches independently and did not all come together, but this can still be regarded as a major achievement.

"The current location is the Deep Moss Area! Notify the armed forces and dispatch immediately!"

But then someone spoke quickly: "It's too late!"

"He is already preparing to be forced offline! Our 'trap meme' won't keep him conscious for long. By the time the armed men arrive in the deep moss area, he will have already escaped!"

The person who successfully locked in was furious: "Then you plan to do this-"

"Let the 'Reckless Blood' people take action! They are more familiar with the Deep Moss Area and have been raising them for so long. It's time to come out and work hard!"


The sound of metallic collisions of prosthetic bodies came one after another, and randomly arranged weapons were taken out from the shelves and loaded with ammunition.

Immediately afterwards, led by a burly silhouette, they quickly stepped out of the warehouse, got on the vehicle, and drove quickly towards the target location.

As the current leader of "Rampant Blood", Tang Rekton decisively ordered to gather people to go out the moment he received the communication, even if he was reluctant in his heart - but this was a direct order from Emerald Pharmaceuticals, and the words were not negotiable.

He stared at the live broadcast room in the artificial eye, which was opened as a small window.

The man who claimed to be the commander of the Enlightened was talking about the "big explosion in the old industrial zone" and pointed the spearhead at Emerald Pharmaceuticals and the government. What a bunch of lunatics!

He cursed in his heart and felt very irritated, and now his "Rampant Blood" had to face such a group of lunatics head-on.

I can only hope that after today, Emerald Pharmaceuticals can completely eradicate them.

The vehicle under him suddenly stopped, and the strong inertial force shook violently.

Tang Rekton suddenly raised his head, looking unfriendly. Just as he was about to say something, one of his men suddenly leaned over and said in a trembling voice: "Boss! Someone is blocking the way!"

"Just run over! If you die, you will be in the gang! What are you afraid of!"

Tang Rekton was furious, but then he realized something, pushed open the car door and walked out of the back seat.

But the front of the convoy was not the intercepting force of the Enlightened as imagined.

There was only one person.

He was wearing a black buttoned suit that was out of place here, like a priest character in a card-drawing game. The black mask completely covered his face, bringing an indescribable sense of killing.

At this moment, he held a slender cross silver sword in his right hand-you can see that the blood-thirsty vehicle that was originally in the front collapsed on the spot, with a cut on the surface that almost split it in two.

"Who is it?"

Tang Rekton narrowed his eyes and began to touch the chain saw axe behind him.

The other party did not answer, but paused for a moment, and murmured in a low voice: "Praise your noble name, swear by the 'Six Pillars of God'."

"--Judgment, you are guilty and shall be executed."

He took a deep breath.

Then, he slowly closed the thick leather-covered book in his left hand and put it back into his arms.

The spiritual energy that had not been used for a long time began to surge again at this moment.

The second ring [Transcendence].

The Vampsta Empire, the former armed priest of the state religion, Maren Congreve.

The next moment.

The silver sword collided with the chain saw axe, and bullets burst from all directions.


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