Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 115 Suppressing Dayuan?

The area of ​​the atrium is not small.

There are obvious authority checks in many places, and Song Shi deliberately avoided them. It took several minutes to finally approach the direction provided by Harold.

From the bottom of the tall dome, at the right end of the square, there is a large elevator embedded in the wall that can accommodate more than ten people-obviously, this is one of the entrances to the underground floor.

It can be seen that there are obviously fewer pedestrians here, and the few researchers or administrative staff in white coats also look indifferent and walk quickly.

There are more security forces. These armed personnel in black uniforms are tactically distributed to ensure that each other's vision overlaps and eliminates blind spots. At the same time, they take over and patrol back and forth at a regular speed.

A man in a full-covering blue protective suit pushed a cart carrying several boxes to the elevator. Two security guards immediately came up, their artificial eyes lit up, and after checking the authority and identity authentication, they retreated to the side again.

Song Shi's sight lingered at several locations.

These specially designed hidden corners, and the autonomous sentry towers connected to the intranet, are also slowly turning at a calm but not negligible frequency.

——There are even two "Giant" four-legged spider mechas here.

This nearly two and a half meter high combat robot is equipped with a heavy machine gun, three "earth-splitting" howitzers and sickle-foot power blades, an all-terrain climbing chassis, and sloped armor that can protect against a heavy artillery bombardment. It is an absolute war machine.

Looking around at all this.

Then, Song Shi's face gradually showed a smile from the heart.

It was as if he was happy to see the prey.

Far away from the elevator, a three-person security team appeared from the corner and entered this area. The first time he saw these three people, Song Shi recognized Harold among them.

He was at the end of the three people, and almost at the same time, Harold also saw Song Shi.

The two people's eyes only looked at each other in the air for less than one tenth of a second, and then they staggered again.

There was no hesitation.

In Harold's somewhat surprised corner of the eye, Song Shi walked straight towards the elevator - or rather, towards the four armed security guards near the elevator.


Seeing this strange researcher who was obviously coming for him, one of them frowned, and his companion next to him immediately lit up his artificial eye and began to extract the file of the person in front of him.

Song Shi stepped forward and smiled.

"Everyone, let me introduce myself. I am Xu Yi, currently a member of Director He Lin's department."

"- Stop first!"

Seeing the other party approaching the elevator and even about to step into his close range, one of them raised the muzzle of the gun without any courtesy, and said in a grim tone: "Immediately retreat three meters and stay where you are. We can hear you!"

"There is only one warning. If you take another step forward, we have the authority to shoot directly!"

At this time, someone came over and whispered in his ear: "Boss, there is no problem with the identity, but the authority is wrong. This guy is not qualified to be here."


Someone did a favor again? What are those people doing every day?

He thought so, holding the gun still, and his tone was a little relaxed: "You"

Just as he was considering whether to pretend not to see it or deport the person for investigation, a violent explosion suddenly sounded from a distance!

The rest of the people subconsciously looked up and looked at the source of the sound.

The direction of the explosion is the main entrance of the institute? !

There was only one exception.

The next moment after hearing the explosion, the man threw away all distractions, aimed at the person in front of him, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

-No matter what the situation of this person is, whether there is a problem or not, take him down first.

But at this moment, someone's action was faster than him.

From the reflection of Harold's suddenly shrunken pupils, someone pinched his five fingers, and a long blade wrapped in red flames appeared in an instant.

And then, step forward and cut!

No avoidance.

The muzzle spewed flames, and the steel core bullet roared out-then, under the chopped steel crow, it was divided into two parts with the central axis as the line.

The knife cut the bullet, and its momentum did not stop!

But the man blocked it!

At the moment when the death warning was almost shrill, the man barely raised the assault rifle in his hand for protection without even having time to roar. The next moment, the steel crow cut the rifle in half, and then cut deeply into the alloy prosthesis-then, it could not move forward an inch.


At this moment, Song Shi laughed, turned his wrist and pulled out the steel crow, and the whole person withdrew without hesitation.

The barrage of gunfire that followed instantly smashed the original position.

——And from the roar of this rain of gunfire, a slight sound sounded.

Just like the occasional sparks and crackling sounds when burning dry wood.

But this is not the so-called "spark".

The man who took the slash of the steel crow didn't care about his injuries. When he was about to draw his pistol and immediately cross-fire with his companions, the red-gold flame suddenly gushed out from the cross-section of his prosthesis wound as the source, expanding against the wind, and almost in one and a half breaths, it engulfed the whole person!

His bulletproof vest, his pistol, his implants, his remaining flesh and blood.

In the burning of the flames, everything turned into dark "ashes" that drifted into the air at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"I had originally planned to wait until I got closer to start, but it turned out to be such a coincidence, even though it wasn't a few seconds earlier."

The psychic secret "Red Flow Armor" was constructed in an instant, covering most of Song Shi's body, as if he was wearing a layer of ferocious and majestic beast shape.

"——Be careful! Don't touch the target's flame!"

But the others obviously had no time to pay attention to his words.

Under the combined effect of the database from [Emerald Pharmaceuticals] and the implanted tactical analysis chip, the originally complicated battle situation was handled in an instant.

One of them flipped into the bunker, broadcasting on the combat channel, and shouted loudly: "The target is a large source psychic! Preliminary judgment is the second ring stage! Suspected to have mastered the psychic skill [Ember]! It has adhesion and will destroy matter and flesh!"

"Everyone keep a distance! Maintain long-range fire suppression! Long-range fire suppression!"

"Tsk, why don't you even want to chat."

Song Shi turned the steel crow. Facing the barrage of bullets coming in, he had to keep moving at high speed at all times to avoid it, and his words became unclear in the tearing of the airflow.

"First of all, I want to kill all of you by myself."

Song Shi raised the steel crow and shouted loudly, while signaling with the corner of his eye that Harold should find an opportunity to slowly approach the elevator.

"The second thing."

"--You, want to suppress a great source in terms of 'firepower'?"

The next moment, with Song Shi as the center, a large area of ​​tiny firefly-like flames suddenly lit up around him, bursting out in all directions while laughing loudly!

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