At first glance, this tall building seems to have only one color, "white".

The light strip embedded in the ceiling casts a steady white light, which makes the place reverse the day and night. The light blue corridors with plastic floors are winding and spreading towards the depths, which reminds people of the huge blood system that supports the human body.

Only when you turn the corner occasionally, the huge sign hanging on the wall - a pattern of a broken white porcelain palm standing upright and penetrating with a grain of jade as an olive leaf, adds a little other color to this place.

From time to time, one or two micro drones can be seen shuttling in the air.

The air is filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Some people find it pungent, while others enjoy it.

Looking up, almost all the people in loose uniforms carrying documents or data boards walking through the corridors are in a hurry. Occasionally, if they meet familiar colleagues, they just talk briefly or nod slightly, and then pass by.

"Area A of Building 4 will undergo routine maintenance the day after tomorrow afternoon. All personnel in this area should pay attention and don't forget to transfer the experimental projects in hand in advance."

"Is there a problem with the elevator in the central area of ​​Building 2? OK, I know, report it to the logistics department, and it should be fixed within tomorrow."

"The experimental subject just died suddenly within half an hour? The cause of death was a large-scale genetic collapse? Damn it! Isn't the theoretical model built already working? Why can't it work! You wait, I'll be here soon!"

Some people walked quickly, plugged in headphones, frowned, and gave orders or discussed matters.

"Linda Processing Plant, which makes the special 'Easy Patch' for Parose, has made an urgent application. Their defective rate is significantly higher than the expected standard value. They hope that we can send personnel to provide guidance and investigation. Well, OK."

"Yes, yes, I know my father will die soon! But haven't I tried my best to arrange high-quality medical resources? It's not my fault that he died. What... Let me come to see him for the last time? Oh, shit - I have to go to work now! Can't you just record a short video?"

"Okay, okay, don't say anymore. I'm going to the office area to access the intranet. The external network will be automatically blocked - beep."

Glancing at the man who walked past him quickly and cut off the communication with an irritated look, Song Shi loosened his bitten straw, crushed the breakfast coffee paper cup in his hand, and threw it into the trash can next to him.

This is a daily classified trash can, and experimental consumables are not allowed to be thrown in, so most of it is disposable paper waste, as well as bottles and cans of special coffee, stimulants, and special energy drinks - if you want to adapt to the high-intensity work of the "First Institute", this is a must-have.

In other words, these are essential items for anyone who wants to work in a company. Some companies even provide benefits such as daily release of invigorating chemical gases through ventilation windows, which company employees can enjoy by paying a low service fee.

They do not need to pay a large amount of extra fees to buy these supplements to maintain work efficiency. They are even forced to choose cheap, unguaranteed, three-no products because of limited budgets but cannot lose their jobs. If they die suddenly at their workstations one day, the company does not need to be responsible.

Of course, even if everything goes through formal procedures, the company will find excuses not to be responsible.

"Going to work makes me happy. I love going to work"

Song Shi hummed a tune and began to walk forward again.

——At this moment, he is already inside the "First Research Institute".

The first part of the plan for his and Harold's infiltration is not complicated. The two will enter the First Research Institute in two ways, each slowly approaching the atrium of the institute, looking for opportunities to enter the underground mainframe layer.

As for how to infiltrate and disguise.

At present, the identities of the two are "Xu Yi" and "Ansel Adlai".

These are the two identities carefully selected by the other members of the Flash Star and Enlightenment hacker group after a huge amount of information integration and analysis.

The former is an elite researcher of the First Institute, and the latter is an indoor armed security guard.

Under the cover of the remote network of Flash Star, Quemu and Harold sneaked into the residence of the two people a day in advance, restricted their movements, and directly obtained various information by interrogation and truth serum - Harold actually had some complaints about the use of "truth serum", but Alnan persuaded him.

Long before this, Song Shi and Harold had completed the preliminary work, such as replicating the appearance of the two people, replacing and implanting the authority chip, browsing relevant intelligence, etc.

At this moment, they have transformed into "Xu Yi" and "Ansel Adlai" and entered one after another.

Perhaps compared with all the security measures of the "First Institute", this is still not perfect, but at least it is completely sufficient for activities in this outer area at present.

"Underground host layer"

Song Shi looked around calmly, verified it with the floor plan of the institute in his memory, and drew a more detailed outline in his mind while thinking.

As a highly confidential "three-phase base plan", it was extremely difficult for Shanxing to determine that the host of the entire plan was located in the First Institute, and it could even be said that he had some luck.

But further, the underground structure of the First Institute and the specific location of the host were difficult for Shanxing and the members of the hacker group to explore - this could only be done by Song Shi and Harold themselves.

However, based on the information obtained from interrogating "Xu Yi", at least one thing could be confirmed, that is, the atrium of the institute could lead to the underground host layer.


At this moment, Shanxing's voice sounded from Xu Yi's usual headphones.

[I can only keep the communication here, the inner network area is inside]

[Arnan is about to start the action, I have to go to help him. He has mobilized two-thirds of the Enlightened members in the entire Palose who are willing to participate in the "Moth Operation", and they have arrived twelve miles away from the institute one after another - they will wait for your signal, or force the attack in an hour and a half]


[I wish you a smooth journey]

Then, the communication fell into complete silence.

"-Sure enough, it is more exciting to do it alone."

Song Shi stretched his body slightly, thinking happily in his heart.

From the moment he stepped into the First Institute, he felt as if his blood was agitated in a trance - it was difficult to tell whether this was the influence of personal emotions or the "Burning Blood" ritual.

I haven't been active for so long, and I want to see blood a little.

Maybe today, I can

". Maybe?"

A voice suddenly interrupted.

A young woman in the same uniform walked out from the corner. She was about to make way, but after seeing the face of the person in front of her, her expression suddenly changed.

"You are a little late today."

The woman took a step back and looked at the "middle-aged man" in front of her - of course, she knew that her colleague was not actually that old, but just looked old, and had no plans for medical beauty for the time being.

The next moment, she put away her slightly dissatisfied tone and nodded:

"This month's group meeting is about to start. Since we met, it's just right to go together."

"... Yeah."

Song Shi paused.

"Something happened on the way and delayed the time... Sorry."

A smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Terriel, let's go now."

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