"First of all, we strongly condemn the terrorist attack by Enlightened Ones. This kind of vicious incident that defies the law and tramples on human ethics is really outrageous!"

"As the affected objects of this incident, we will donate 4.3 million credit points to the Security Bureau as part of the initial construction funds for the future 'Palosser High Net Worth Talent Defense Mobile Team'."

On the display screen during the day, the well-dressed spokesperson looked solemn and talked in front of the cameras of many reporters below.

"But on the other hand, everyone must also figure out why a group of vicious terrorists chose our [Valhalla] as a display platform instead of [Paradise], [Lingxu Youfang] and other live broadcast platforms."

"I think this is inseparable from Valhalla's creed of "user-centeredness". As the industry leader in the past three years, we have never felt satisfied or even slack. In addition to the service creed, Valhalla's technical support has always been at the forefront of the world, with real-time virtual framework, zero-time difference transmission data line, and integrated virtual network. This is the heritage and pride of [Valhalla]."

"Today, in order to make up for the psychological impact of this incident on the citizens of Palose, we will give Palose users an exclusive commemorative head frame, and start a limited-time Valhalla platform membership purchase discount event. The current plan is tentatively set as"

The spokesperson chattered non-stop, but slowly, his voice gradually became smaller and even vague.

No, to be more precise, this journalist in a suit and tie suddenly melted like a melting candle, his entire face suddenly dissolved, dripping with sticky liquid!

And the next moment.

A completely different, rough and cold face emerged from the sliding liquid, and the empty eye sockets moved.

Then, slowly looked at the man in front of the screen.

"Maren, you damn bastard."

"You let an 'unclean' go with your own hands, and watched her disappear in the wasteland - you are a baptized believer, you are the empire's 'armed priest', do you still remember even a little bit of your mission and faith?"

"Just because she is a child? You give your despicable so-called 'mercy'?"

"- Stupid! Naive! Ridiculous!"

"What kind of loss will an 'unclean' bring to the empire? Do you still need me to put the precepts into your head!"

The captain held the cross sword engraved with the silver-trace holy words tightly, cut open the chest of the person in front of him without hesitation, and stabbed in fiercely.

"This is my last mercy."

"Run, Maren, run." The captain's eyes have never been so indifferent as at this moment, and his voice is cold: "Never come back, run to the wasteland, run outside the empire, you will be an eternal sinner, and live the rest of your life-"


In the dark room, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes!

He sat up suddenly from the bed, and I don't know when, as if he had just been fished out of the water, his whole body was soaked with sweat.

Maren gasped.

After a long time, he climbed out of bed, staggered to the table, grabbed the water cup and drank it all.

The cold water flowed down the gap, soaked the dry and cracked lips, and fell down again, wetting the cement floor.

Suddenly, he came to the mirror hanging on the wall, and the mirror reflected a middle-aged man in a mess. But what really caught people's attention was the hideous, dark and interlaced erosion marks on the latter's chest with his pajamas open and exposed.

Looking at the erosion marks, Maren stood silently for a while before slowly walking to the window.

Due to the low capital investment and extremely complex environment, the power supply lines in the Deep Moss District have not been stable, and the area where the rental house is located is already remote, making it even more difficult to maintain a stable power supply.

Looking up, most of the buildings are dark under the spider web sky composed of various illegal buildings growing upwards and countless tangled pipelines.

Five days have passed since the "death of Cland" that shocked the whole city.

With the secret support of companies headed by Jade Pharmaceuticals and major entrepreneurs, the Security Bureau has searched the whole city and arrested a large number of suspects, including real members of the Enlightened.

During the arrest, one of the men attempted to resist with a gun and was killed on the spot by the security bureau's special police. The scene was constantly broadcast in news programs such as the Palouse Daily, showing the world the consequences of trampling on law and justice.

However, none of this had anything to do with the middle-aged man.

Only one thing really affected him.

Maren stood in front of the window, silent in the wind carrying the smell of chemical reagents.

Just one day ago, Megan told herself with surprise that the real estate developer who had been aggressive suddenly relaxed his attitude and was willing to re-open a contract to acquire the land of the "White Porcelain Welfare Home".

The price offered above was still not good enough and was still significantly lower than the theoretical market price.

But compared to the original conditions of almost naked robbery, this was already a real "deal"!

At least, the White Porcelain Welfare Home can live again for a long time in the future.

Maren covered her forehead and murmured in a low voice.





"——Is this [Ember]?"

Song Shi slowly opened his eyes.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, with two flames in the dim room, and then the next moment, the two flames disappeared in his pupils.

Song Shi casually picked up a piece of steel pipe beside him, and with his five fingers clenched together, like soaking a tissue with cold water, the surface of the entire steel pipe was covered with a thin layer of flame at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, the steel pipe collapsed silently, and all turned into wisps of ash-like substances, which drifted into the air from the gaps between his five fingers.

"What a pity."

Looking at this scene in front of him, Song Shi thought with some regret.

The process of engraving [Embers] is not difficult, and it is even too easy.

——Because there is no "test".

This way of placing psychic skills into zero element crystals as a way of inheritance is often accompanied by various tests.

The most common and typical test is that the original owner will place a will or projection, and the inheritor must defeat the former, or be recognized, in order to truly obtain this psychic skill.

Being able to transcend the shackles of time and space and fight with completely different psychics, this kind of blind box opening experience is quite popular with me - not to mention that the psychics who make inheritances are often masters.

Unfortunately, this zero-element crystal carrying [Embers] does not have such a test.

"For the second-ring psychic skills, 'Fire Seed' is an extra vacant position, and 'Embers' occupies one of the remaining five psychic skills."

"The other psychic skills I want cannot be completed quickly, so the only one left is 'Burning Blood'."

"Once 'Burning Blood' and 'Forging Flame' are achieved together."

Song Shi nodded slightly.

At that time, if I met Xu Tong again, I would only need three breaths to defeat him head-on with all my strength.

He raised his head again and looked into the distance.

"——Three-ring [Transcendence], Gabey."

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