Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 90: Raise your voice to show justice (Part 1)

It is difficult to describe the feeling of this moment.

The whistling airflow hits me in the face, the raging wind tears at my ears, and then, a strong sense of weightlessness suddenly rises, dragging the whole person downwards.

Even the world seems to slow down time.

Looking down from the sky, half of the Rota area comes into view. Even though it was originally positioned as a "new industrial area", more than ten years of development have allowed this place to bloom with new brilliance in the gaps between chemical refining pumps and heavy industrial equipment.

On the exterior wall advertisements of buildings, huge dreamlike holographic projections sing and dance, giving consumers the most pious smile. Bars and nightclubs burst out with magnificent scenery that cannot be seen during the day at night, and the sweet air filled with sugar and alcohol seems to bind people forever.

In the central square of Rota District, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, the famous singer from the ideal country [Eden] had tears in his eyes after seeing all this, and wanted to spread hope to this land with his singing. And the audience below the stage, mainly from the central hall and the White Gate District, burst into wanton cheers that almost overturned the sky.

The never-ending traffic crisscrossed and crisscrossed, reminiscent of the huge blood system throughout the human body. From above the traffic, a series of skyrail trains penetrated into the complex buildings, day after day, and above the skyrail trains, large transport drones with containers hanging and shuttles painted in various colors passed by.

But this is not the whole picture of Rota District.

Under the shuttles, under the skyrail trains, under the elevated highways.

In the gaps between major factories and storage warehouses, except for a few commercial squares, the originally low-rise illegal low-rent houses were forced to grow upwards, like strands of branches in the wet stone cracks intertwined and glued together, producing bloated and rotten fruits.

In the eastern corner of Rota, from the mountains of garbage that pile up day after day, every time a new round of garbage trucks are put into operation, scavengers of all ages will flock here, hunting and hiding from each other in the urban wilderness with rising heat and flowing greasy sewage, competing for the items they need, whether it is expired food and medicine, or damaged electronic equipment and mechanical parts.

The cold high walls and steel sky stand indifferently overlooking the world below.

People huddle in the broken beehive, even if they just want to raise their heads slightly, they will touch the ceiling set by the company.

But this is good enough.

At least the patrolmen of the Security Bureau will enter the slums here, at least the city government will provide minimum living security for one-third of the citizens here, at least the shootings here are 70% lower than those in Deep Moss, at least there are a few good public schools here, at least - at least this is better than Deep Moss.

And the next moment.

When everything starts to flow again.

In the violent tearing airflow, Song Shi raised his eyes.

The suspension shuttle, which was customized by Cland and based on the "White Egret IX-3" by [Time Sequence Passage], was located in the sky 200 meters above. The sliding doors on both sides suddenly opened a corner - and in the gap that opened, Cland sat on the leather sofa, looking at the inexplicably opened door, with a look of obvious surprise.

Even a little dazed.

But beside Cland, two strong men in suits and leather shoes, who looked like they were carved from the same mold, suddenly changed their expressions.

The two jumped up from their seats, one stood in front of Cland, and the other rushed to the door, pulled out a pistol, and the artificial cochlear implanted in the skull was about to start, contacting other people on the ground - then, the whole shuttle shook violently!

The gap in the door froze, as if something was holding it up and exerting force, and the entire gap suddenly expanded - the next moment, from the strong man's changed expression, something invisible crashed in!

No, it's definitely not "invisible".

The "thermal imaging" from the artificial eye clearly shows two tumbling figures!

"Be careful! Protect the boss——"

As if receiving some signal, the hatch that was originally open and filled with air began to close again in the eyes of the two security guards who suddenly contracted their pupils.

The space inside the shuttle is not large, equivalent to half a bus.

Jumping down from the window of the building, grabbing the outer edge of the shuttle below as a pedal, the moment Song Shi and Harold crashed into the shuttle, the latter completely ignored Cland and the two security guards, and rushed to the cockpit of the shuttle without hesitation!

He must first seize the right to drive the shuttle and completely bring the entire shuttle under the remote control of Flash Star!

[——Nan Dou! ]

And crashing into the shuttle, at the same moment when the Flash Star's reminder sounded.

One of the two security guards stood in front of Cland, half-kneeling and suddenly swelled up - or rather, his "outer skin" unfolded from the folded state, meshing with the protective shields that popped out from his arms, and white composite adhesive burst out with a "bang", gluing the entire protective shield and filling the gap.

The other man roared, accompanied by the roar of the machinery, and his arms, which had long been replaced by "prosthetic limbs", burst his sleeves. The high-strength carbon muscle fibers and the complex mechanical force pump were entangled together, and his five fingers with a cold metallic color clenched, bursting out with explosive force enough to smash the load-bearing column of a bridge.

—— Blast to the nearest thermal imaging outline in the prosthetic eye!


Someone drew a knife out of its sheath and lifted it from under the cloak. Under the effect of optical concealment, it was as if a blade had been protruded out of thin air. In the next moment, this blade turned into an extremely dazzling stream of red gold!

But this security guard blocked it!

The artificial eye with nearly hundreds of frames per second captured the movement trajectory of the single-molecule knife, and in the "edge enhancement system" and "spinal nerve acceleration" with power increased to the limit, with a reaction time of less than one tenth of a second, the man's five fingers grabbed the oncoming single-molecule blade!

——There is hope!

As one of Cland's personal security guards, his prosthesis is a high-end product, not comparable to the inferior and outdated products of street thugs.

Even if the opponent's single-molecule knife is red and obviously has an additional charging blade module such as "high-energy thermal melting", his alloy five fingers of the "Mountain Wolverine" prosthesis can temporarily block it, and even go a step further and crush it directly! Himself——

These complicated thoughts that flowed in one thought came to an abrupt end.

The moment the two came into contact, the red-gold flames on the steel crow burst into an unprecedented flame!

Like a hot knife cutting butter, the Steel Crow did not pause at all, turning back and slashing upwards with the palm of the hand it touched as the center line. From the splashing artificial plasma and broken components, the entire arm was completely split into two and shattered!

Then, Song Shi turned his body, and the Steel Crow dragged a brilliant tail stream, which penetrated the opponent's chest neatly, crushing all the bionic organs and implants.

In the cockpit, Harold also knocked the driver out of the seat, smashed the dashboard with a punch, pulled out a data cable from his left wrist and inserted it, and his artificial eye pupil lit up, obviously using himself as a temporary data platform to let the Flash Star come to seize control of the shuttle.

The Steel Crow was pulled out, and the surging flames engulfed the security guard, who fell to the ground powerlessly, and then the flames peeled off and turned into flames and merged into Song Shi's body again.

"Just get out of the way, no more nonsense."

Looking at the remaining security guard who had completely covered Cland with his own shield, Song Shi turned the Steel Crow and slashed it without hesitation.

"I will drag you out of this shell with my own hands."

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