Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 85: The Undead in the Old Industrial Zone

"Well, 'The Ghost of the Old Industrial Zone', 'Black Skull'. Heh."

Gaboy nodded slightly.

Since the last time a Jade Pharmaceutical cadre was attacked and killed in the senior sanatorium, Jade Pharmaceutical has set up a special action team to investigate the matter - to be more precise, to investigate the "anti-company organization" behind it.

Because similar things have happened more than once, but it was not until this time that it really attracted attention. This is an obvious organized and ritualized behavior, and it is a provocation to Jade Pharmaceutical.

After tracing all the way, the young man in front of him is the one who was successfully arrested.

In the attack on the senior sanatorium not long ago, the other party even participated in it personally as one of the attackers.

And just now, the other party finally couldn't bear the pressure and revealed most of the information.

[The Ghost of the Old Industrial Zone].

This is the name of this newly established anti-company organization. Its purpose is to avenge the initiators of the "Old Industrial Zone Explosion" that year - obviously, compared with the "accidental accident" statement, its founder chose to believe that the "Big Explosion" was another point of view that the companies headed by Jade Pharmaceutical abandoned the "inferior asset" of the old industrial zone.

According to the young man, he accidentally entered a deep web website, which contained a brief introduction to the "ghosts of the old industrial zone" and a discussion group. After a period of tossing and turning, he joined the discussion group.

The group remained silent for many years. Only when a task was issued would an account with no name and a black skull as the avatar appear to speak and recruit people. The young man did not know how many people were behind this avatar.

They called it [Black Skull].

"I have told you everything I know, you..."

The young man suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Because the man in front of him - he recognized this guy. He was the head of the security department of Emerald Pharmaceuticals in Plosser, a company dog ​​among company dogs.

But at this moment, the other party turned around and pushed the door and left the room.

"Forgive me, sir."

Watching Gabey leave, the man who had been standing near the former and said nothing sighed.

The man was wearing the standard uniform of a security staff member and looked to be in his early thirties. He turned his head and looked at the young man: "Alas, we lost a good man some time ago. You may have heard of his name, Dennis Serra, our senior executive specialist."

"Alas, it's not easy to find a pilot with talent to operate advanced exoskeleton, so the commander has been in a bad mood recently. Please understand."

The young man was stunned for a moment.

But at this time, he didn't have the heart to care about these.

"I have told my father everything I know."

"The ignorant are innocent."

The man smiled gently and said frankly: "Our Jade Pharmaceutical is a legitimate company. How could we embarrass an innocent old man?"

Hearing this, the young man was angry and wanted to curse out loud, but he still subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He swallowed the words that were about to come out of his throat, and after a moment of silence, he asked again: "How many years do you plan to lock me up for?"

"You have committed a serious crime, my friend." Hearing this, the man shook his head first, and then counted on his fingers one by one: "Illegal possession of weapons, intentional murder, disruption of social order, damage to property. Twelve charges, this is just 'how many years'? My friend, do you need me to popularize the law for you?"

"Death penalty?"

Perhaps the man's attitude was quite friendly, or perhaps he had already expected it in his heart. After hearing the affirmative result, the tense mood relaxed instead, and the young man's expression suddenly calmed down a lot.

"Ha, anyway, I killed two company dogs! Someone accompanies me to die together, so it's not a loss! I"

"Wait a minute, my friend, wait a minute, who said you will die?" The man interrupted the other party: "Who said you will be sentenced to death?"

The young man was stunned.

He looked up in disbelief and couldn't help but ask, "You, you guys. Don't you want to kill me?"

"My friend, you are more valuable than you think."

As he spoke, the smooth ground near the restraint chair suddenly split into regular sections, and a sharp-edged, technological device slowly rose up, slowly wrapping the entire restraint chair and even engulfing the young man inside.

The young man was shocked: "What is this?!"

"Sorry, I'm not from the medical department, and I can't tell you the complete academic name, but in short, the function of this device is to extract a person's 'memory'."

The man smiled and raised an index finger, gently tapping his temple:

"Do you know? A person's 'memory' is not as reliable as he thinks."

"Even if he swears that he has experienced something, there will often be some differences in some details due to the long time - but they themselves will not think it is false, because they will subconsciously rely on 'imagination' and 'intuition' to fill in these details, even if this is actually not true."

"People think that their memories will be wrong, but the memory will not be deviated."

Hearing this, the young man understood it in an instant, and was shocked and angry: "Did you just want to play with me during the interrogation just now?!"

"No, we don't have such a bad taste."

The man shook his head and spread his hands: "If a person's attitude is very resistant, then the memory that is forcibly extracted will mostly be fragmented and incomplete."

"So the interrogation step is necessary. It is indeed not good to use the fragmented memory directly, but it is very useful to verify and supplement the information obtained from the interrogation."

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

The man turned his head and said seriously: "You are a criminal. Now you are putting on such a bitter and vengeful expression, making me look like a bad guy."

The young man glared at him, but he could no longer speak.

One end of the cluster pipeline was connected to the "brain-computer interface" that he had been forced to unlock long ago, and the other end was connected to the device, and the indicator lights on it lit up one by one. At the same time, a bright silver helmet came down at a slow and firm speed, covering the young man's face.

"I personally suggest that you relax your mind and don't resist so much, otherwise when the memory is extracted later, it is likely to make you an idiot."

The moment before the vision completely fell into darkness.

The man's last words rang in the young man's ears.

"Oh, right."

"We won't pursue your father, but your crime must be made public - so we can't guarantee what others are going to do."

"But don't worry."

The man took a few steps back and put his ID card, which was slightly protruding from his chest pocket, back into his pocket. The words "Senior Executive Specialist Xu Tong" could be vaguely seen on the ID card.

"Your companions, and this so-called 'ghost of the old industrial zone'..."

"They will be with you soon."

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