Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 82 Three-phase Base Plan

Depth 1, [Thousand Star City].

Anonymous meeting room, %-458.

After verifying the "access permission" and going through three rounds of procedures, Song Shi entered the anonymous conference room.

Sudori was still dressed as last time, with a blurred face and casual clothes, sitting behind a table.

But this time, even if you can't see the expression, you can still feel a serious meaning from the other party.

"Three-Phase Basic Plan."

Song Shi sat across from Zhuniao and got straight to the point: "What does Jade Pharmaceutical want to do in Paloser?"

But after hearing this, Zhu Niao did not speak immediately. Instead, he pondered for a moment before saying, "I said last time that Jade Pharmaceuticals settled in Palowe nineteen years ago, expelled other companies, and became the de facto leader of this city. controller."

"Emerald Pharmaceutical has changed the entire industrial structure of Paloser. Whether it is the 'old and new industrial zones' or a series of measures such as 'commodity dumping', they are all designed to make Paloser a part of the huge machine called 'Emerald Pharmaceuticals'. parts."

"And now?"

Song Shi spoke.

“And right now in Palowe, the whole market is saturated.”

Zhudiao said softly: "Even if you subtract the goods shipped to other places, the remaining productivity brought by Palother's adjusted industrial structure is still in a saturated state for this city."

"In other words, the 'Three Phase Base Plan' was born to consume the excess productivity of Jade Pharmaceutical?"

"You can say that."

Pearl Bird nodded.

Without any further foreshadowing, the man directly told the truth the next moment.

"Emerald Pharmaceuticals plans to put trace amounts of chemical preparations with complex ingredients into half of the food, daily water, and air that flow into the 'deep moss area'."

"When these three chemical agents exist alone, they will not have an impact on the human body. But once these three chemical agents appear in the human body at the same time and the accumulation exceeds a certain level, they will automatically undergo chemical reactions to synthesize several The special type of enzyme gradually reduces the body's immunity to a certain standard, and at the same time the body becomes more sensitive and more susceptible to infection. "

"Emerald Pharmaceuticals controls the waterworks and the Food Inspection Bureau in Palowe, so they can use these two channels to launch targeted releases in the 'Deep Moss Area' to ensure that it will not affect other urban areas."

Having said this, Zhu Niao paused, wanting to observe Nan Dou's reaction, but the latter sneered:

"I guess the reason why the Scientific Ethics Committee cannot take action is because there is no evidence?"

Song Shi sneered and said: "These three chemical preparations will not have any impact on the human body, and they fully comply with any review standards. As for the consequences of combining the three - toilet cleaning liquid and disinfectant can also react to produce toxic gases that can kill people. But this is not a reason to ban the sale of toilet cleaners and disinfectants.”

Just a bad luck coincidence.


Zhu Niao acknowledged the other party's statement: "If there is no evidence that everything is deliberately led by Jade Pharmaceutical, the 'Science Ethics Council' is not qualified to launch an investigation into a giant company, and other companies will not launch a public opinion offensive."

"Of course they don't."

Song Shi understood what the other party meant.

"Everyone! The giant company is brewing a big conspiracy!" Marketing news and gossip, dozens of sworn and detailed versions appear on the Internet every day, and most people have already exhausted their patience - even if it is true So what if someone believes it? He just lamented and cursed, then rushed to the nearest subway to check in at the company.

Of course there is competition among companies, and there are countless companies coveting the position of [Emerald Pharmaceutical]. If there is an opportunity to add insult to injury, they will naturally not give up, but only if there is sufficient evidence.

Otherwise, if you rush in headlessly, doesn't the public opinion offensive cost money? It's very expensive, okay?

"Deep Moss District, turn nearly 40% of the population of Palother into diseased seedlings to facilitate future dumping——"

Song Shi has confidence in the moral standards of Jade Pharmaceuticals.

He can even imagine the other party's operations.

In this year-by-year evolution process, using macro data analysis and various media as media, a directional "information cocoon" carefully woven for individuals will tell everyone who is feeling unwell that this is just bad luck. Or maybe he got sick due to something inexplicable like radiation.

Even if the people around you are also suffering from some diseases to a greater or lesser extent, are you really sure that this is not your "statistics around you"?

If you don’t believe it, look up and see that in the news programs broadcast on TV, it is clear that the health condition of the citizens of Palower has continued to improve this quarter and has made great progress.

These are all proven by clear data - or do you think you know more about health than [Jade Pharmaceuticals]?

In addition, Jade Pharmaceuticals will definitely provide various service contracts that will be quietly launched at some unknown time, ensuring that you can see and enjoy the hope of curing your own diseases - even the price will not be too high, as long as You pay some extra money.

For example, installment payment, work-compensation, voluntary experiments, post-mortem organ donation, birth quota number of offspring, especially "birth quota number of offspring", Jade Pharmaceutical is even willing to provide free regular children's check-ups and food and medicine packages to ensure that you children can thrive.

How generous.

"No, Nandou, Jade Pharmaceutical's goal is not just to 'consumption of excess production capacity' and 'open up the market.'"

But at this moment, Zhuniao shook his head and spoke slowly.

"People who take three kinds of biological agents will have reduced immunity, more sensitive constitution, and more susceptible to diseases. Just like someone pressing the 'fast forward button', their physiological evolution state will be greatly accelerated, bringing known and unknown lesions, or more complicated situations."

"——The further goal of Jade Pharmaceuticals is to turn most of the 'deep moss area' into a 'petri dish', conduct a long-term physiological experiment on macro dynamics, and use the 400,000 people living in the deep moss area as sustainable observation samples to provide them with a precious 'experimental data'!"

After the words, there was silence.

".Don't you have anything to say?"

Then, looking at Song Shi who seemed to have not changed, Zhuniao couldn't help but speak.

"Nothing to say."

Song Shi paused and asked back: "During the third all-out corporate war, Fubo Energy, in order to retaliate against Dark Crystal Credit's economic blockade against them, did not hesitate to activate the 'Solar Radiation Focusing Array' to melt a city controlled by the latter into glass as a warning - in comparison, this time Jade Pharmaceuticals is extremely 'merciful'."

"Or do you want me to show an expression of resentment or astonishment?"

Song Shi said calmly: "Zhu Niao, what are you going to do next?"

". We have made a decision."

"Next, the Paroser Enlightened will temporarily turn to a hidden state to make preparations. All future action goals will be turned to revealing and destroying Jade Pharmaceuticals' 'Three-Phase Base Plan'. We must prevent all this from happening."

Listening to the other party's words, Zhu Niao was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "But before that, we - the Enlightened have to do one thing first. Nandou, I want to invite you to join me in this matter. Don't worry, there will definitely be rewards, and..."

"That's no problem."

Song Shi interrupted the other party.

He stood up: "Who to kill, where, and how do you want to kill?"

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