Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 257 [Eshua Groden]

Chapter 257 [Ishua Groden]

Destroy and destroy.

In front of the majestic flames that broke into the observation, whether it was the walls, the ceiling, or even the dividing alloy plates rising in the large scarlet warning, everything melted instantly like cheese, leaving only a huge burning gap.

Even before the roar of the collision could be heard, they were burned to death by the pitch-black flames.

The three fully armed security members inside the airship felt the fierce power approaching rapidly from the front. They took a deep breath and saw the bitterness in each other's prosthetic eyes.

But when they think of the pile of bills that will be delivered on time at the end of the month, the three of them can only grit their teeth, pick up their weapons, and guard the end of this indoor corridor, praying that the trap set up in advance on the opponent's path will work——

The next moment.

Their prosthetic eyes reflected the wall that suddenly melted in front of them, and even a turbulent jet-black flame burst out from this huge gap!

One of them shouted loudly: "Accurate-"

Then, it stopped abruptly.

The plasma mines, trigger mines, temporary gravity field traps, etc. erected along the way, together with a colleague who had turned on optical concealment and neural acceleration, and was ready to find an opportunity, were all torn to pieces by the long and narrow flame wings that suddenly washed away, and were stirred up. Into ashes!

The room, no, the entire corridor, was filled with dark flames at this moment! Everything inside is completely melted and burned!

These four people did not slow down their momentum at all.

With the force of a meteorite falling from the sky, in just a few breaths, Song Shi rushed in violently, almost drilling through the entire Bordeaux. Because the flames spread wildly, the resulting chain explosions and building disintegration never stopped, and dull roars occurred one after another in various areas within the airship.

Until reaching the deepest part of Bordeaux's fourth cabin.

The stream of flames that ran straight through stopped for the first time.

The dark flames were still raging, but from the flames, the outline of a young man emerged.

Then, Song Shi walked out.


The moment she saw the young man, the woman was stunned for a moment, and then her pretty face was quickly covered with paleness. Her hands that were holding a backpack began to tremble suddenly. She seemed to want to put it on her back, but she tried several times in a row but failed due to her trembling hands.

beside her.

As if he didn't see the uninvited guest coming, the middle-aged man stretched out one hand to hold the woman still, and with the other hand he cleanly tore off the obstructive part of the woman's luxurious dress and put the backpack on her Go up.

The woman didn't care what to say. She just swallowed her saliva and stared closely at the young man in front of her while carefully backing away. After a few steps, she suddenly turned to running, heading towards the open porthole in the distance, laying on the hand-woven native wool blanket. Running for his life.

Then, a stream of fire passed through her, and before the woman realized "she had been hit," she stumbled and fell, and turned into ashes halfway.

"Such an extreme psychic skill. Such a special control method." Looking at the majestic black flames surrounding the opponent, the middle-aged man said, "You can actually control it."

"As long as someone beats the heart with the 'Red Lotus Karmic Fire' and tastes the feeling of being burned by sin, then I believe everyone can develop something similar."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly. Only then did he cast his gaze on the pile of ashes not far away, and then looked at the other party again: "Without any hesitation?"

"Pamela Sarah, a well-known actress and singer, has a corrupt private life, but relying on the record publishing company behind her, she has personally ruined the families of two-digit "malicious rumormongers" or sent them to jail."

Song Shi's dark pupils overflowed with a little misfortune, as if it was an illusion. Even the young man's tone had a hint of cruelty: "Kill as long as you want, hesitant?"

"——Ishua Groden." Song Shi's voice was like burning fire, but in other people's ears, there was no warmth at all, only pure coldness: "Why don't you hide in the safe house to delay time?"

".Hide in the safe house."

A calm look appeared on the face that had not yet had time to wash off the makeup. The man shook his head slightly: "Dada Soya, how could he escape? If he escaped, how could he become a 'Light Stealer'?"

"But there are indeed some people in the safe house." After a pause, the man said calmly: "I don't dare to jump with my airborne bag. I think I just need to hide in a safe place, tremble, and wait for rescue."

"Dada Soya?"

Song Shi repeated the name: "——Do you think you are the 'Light Stealer'?"

Large swaths of burning gold foil flew among the ruins of the walls, tumbled into the collapsed ceiling, and flew against the walls. Behind them, expensive solid wood furniture, and master oil paintings that were originally hung on the walls but now staggered, these credits Symbols are all burning rapidly, reduced to gray smoke worth mentioning.

At the moment when the disaster came, a large number of buildings collapsed and burned, and all nearby surveillance and electronic equipment were melted into iron slurry. This magnificent Bordeaux has now become a true "silent zone".

No one is watching, no one is watching.

"Why not?" Ishua suddenly laughed, but the smile was not a physical expression of emotion, it was more like he felt that he should laugh at this moment.

The man said: "Why, it can't be?"

"Because you are Groden." Song Shi raised his eyes, and a deep burning breath leaked from his voice: "Stolen Sun, do you want to talk about the preferential energy supply regulations scheduled for the next quarter?"

"Energy is the heart of the city. Only abundant energy can awaken a city and make it recover, and the city is the only destination for mankind now."

As if he did not feel the uncontrollable murderous intent burning with the flames of disaster under the other party's voice, Ishua said calmly: "When energy becomes cheap, everyone's life - the lives of those at the bottom, will become better."

"This is an inevitable byproduct of urban recovery. , it will not be transferred by human will, even the company cannot stop it. "

Ishua said slowly: "At least no one will freeze to death at home because they can't afford the electricity bill. No one will stay at their workstation at the expense of the company's abundant heating, and then be found dead by colleagues in the early morning of the next day due to overwork. In order to earn enough electricity for their families, they choose to work part-time in multiple high-risk jobs at the same time, so if an accident happens one day, the compensation - no, his family will have to compensate the company for the related losses because of the delay in business progress. "

The smile on the man's face had long been restrained.

There was no emotional fluctuation in his tone, but every time he said an example, it was as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

Ishua Groden looked directly at the young man.

"Steal light from the gods."

He said word by word: "-This is the only right way. "

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