The Jackal's expression changed slightly.

As one of the most famous middlemen in the entire Deep Moss District, he recognized the original objects of the three heads the moment the refrigerator was opened.

Grove, Jaredon, and Tadi.

The leaders and backbones of the "Cross Tiger Gang".

His prosthetic eye flickered, as if sending a message, and then raised his hand to signal.

A man dressed as a wine waiter quickly brought a silver tray and placed a bottle of red liquid wine on the table.

"Try it. It is said that it was the inventory before Fengmao Food Banquet went bankrupt and disintegrated. It is not common in the market now."

As he said, the Jackal opened the cork of the red wine, poured himself a glass first, and drank it in front of the other party.

[Fengmao Food Banquet].

This giant enterprise that once monopolized raw material production, catering entities and cross-channel food sales fell in the "Second Total Corporate War" forty-nine years ago.

The category of high-end wine was naturally also within the merchandise management of Fengmao Food Banquet at that time.

Song Shi casually filled a glass and drank it all.

"How do you feel?" Jackal smiled slightly.

"Not bad, but I don't like drinking very much."

Song Shi replied.

Then, he sat up straight and tapped the table lightly with his index finger.

"The base of the Cross Tiger Gang was severely damaged and the leader was killed. I think many people will be interested in this news."

"Of course we can talk about business, but..."

Jackal smiled and didn't finish his words.

"Before I came here, I heard that "Jackal" was the cleanest middleman, so I brought these here."

Song Shi pointed to the refrigerator. Although his tone did not change, he revealed a certain indifference: "But now it seems that a person really can't rely too much on "rumors". "

Jackal still had a smile on his face, not caring about the other party's indifference. He even poured himself another glass of red wine before speaking:

"If relying on "rumors" alone is enough, then our so-called "middlemen" will have no value in existence."

"That's true."

Song Shi nodded, and the whole person suddenly leaned on the sofa.

He stretched out an index finger, pointed upwards, and sighed: "The environment outside is getting worse and worse, so I want to live in another place-what do you think, Mr. Jackal?"

Outside of Palosser?

Could it be a guy from the "wasteland" or other cities?

After hearing this, Jackal thought in his heart and understood the current situation.

If you want to make a living in Palosser by personal force, mercenaries are a good choice. After all, the profession of "mercenary" is very inclusive. Going out on missions to arrest wanted criminals during the day does not affect wearing a mask to rob a bank at night.

As one of the most famous middlemen, mercenaries are under his name, that is, "Jackal", which is a symbol of ability, as well as a guarantee of accepting missions and a channel to obtain resources.

Thinking about this clearly, Jackal's smile has become more restrained.

At this moment, a communication popped up on his retina.

Scanning the content of the communication calmly, Jackal pondered for a while, and slowly said: "Want to change your work environment? I understand. After all, not everyone likes a monotonous life. Paloser can also accommodate newcomers."

The man's eyes cast on the refrigerator.

"But there's no rush for 'work', we can talk about this first-"

"I want half of the profits brought by the people who got the news from you and rushed to annex the Cross Tiger Gang first."

Not paying attention to the other party's change of subject, Song Shi raised a finger and said lightly: "I don't like bargaining, so this is my price, not a cent more or less."

".Benefits of annexation?"

Jackal paused and shook his head slightly: "This price is too vague and difficult to define. I'm afraid the other party will not be able to accept it."

"But I believe "Jackal" will handle the pricing."

"If you really need to add something." Song Shi laughed softly and sat up straight: "Just send those pictures to them-it's been so long, I believe you have asked people to complete the evidence collection, right?"

Thinking of the communication just now, the drone shot the scene of the mess in the freezer factory and the broken limbs and debris everywhere.

Jackal's heart shuddered slightly.

Of course not because of this scene.

To be honest, he had seen too many such scenes, and this was far from being the most "bloody" and "cruel" one. What really surprised him was that the fight in the factory was obviously done by one person.

He defeated the Cross Tiger Gang with his own strength.

He was indeed quite capable.

"It's a bit troublesome to deal with this matter, so I need to take one-tenth of the profits."

The Jackal pushed the wine glass away and stood up, and then added: "This is also the rule of "Sunday."


Song Shi raised his eyebrows.

"I have two kinds of business here, one is discussed on "Sunday" and the other is discussed elsewhere."

The Jackal adjusted his collar and looked a little more serious:

"Only businesses that meet the level can be discussed on "Sunday", and for this kind of business, I will take an unfixed amount of profits according to the specific situation."

"Although your business is a little shallow, we are sitting on Sunday after all."


The other party nodded: "Okay."

So, the Jackal took out a dark gray magnetic card from his arms, put it on the table and pushed it over.

"This is my business card. You can contact me through the communication code above."

"The specific amount of income from this transaction, the remittance method, and follow-up will be given to you within three days. In addition, this communication account will also be used to send jobs in the future. Do you have any taboos about taking jobs?"

"Taboo... I will decide based on the situation."

After reaching a certain consensus, the two of them talked quickly and finalized the result in a few words.

Rejecting the invitation for another drink, Song Shi stood up.

Watching the other person's back as he walked out the door, Jackal suddenly raised his voice: "By the way, there is one more thing."

"What's your name, friend?"

Song Shi paused.

He raised his head slightly, like a person who went to the church to pray in the morning light and closed his eyes to recall.

It seemed that he remembered something.

And in the next moment.

Without any pause, the young man stepped out of the door and crashed into the majestic rain curtain.

Only the remnant of a voice remained, echoing in the air filled with alcohol.

"Free bounty hunter..."


I'll post both chapters together to make them more coherent. No update tomorrow, I'll just take a day off.

I've read the controversy about the previous part, so I need to spend some time to adjust the subsequent outline and content.

See you the day after tomorrow.

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