Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 51 Second Degree

"Is it necessary to do this? It's only been a week, are you still sending out resumes?"

On both sides of the long table piled with open pizza boxes and canned wine, a burly man with a completely prosthetic left arm was picking his teeth with a toothpick while looking at the other side: "No wonder the boss asked you to be in charge of lending, you are really dedicated."

"Humph, what do you know."

Jarridon hung up the phone, picked up a piece of cold fast food pizza, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "This kind of people always need to be pushed, there is a saying that doesn't Do you say that people's potential is forced out? I'm helping him!"

"Be careful not to force him to death and turn the money into a bad debt."

"How can I not have bad debts when I do this?"

Jariden snorted twice: "But don't worry, I've read this guy's file, but he is a "good student" with excellent character and academic performance. He won't die for a while."

"That's fine, as long as you know it in your heart, anyway, this is not my responsibility."

The burly man shrugged and prepared to get up: "I've eaten enough and drank enough, and I should go back. I have collected a few good girls recently, but they still need to be tempered slowly, which is really troublesome. "

"Slowly tempered?"

Jarridon said with disdain: "Give them two injections of sugar, and then put them in the confinement room for a few days without food or water. When they are released, they will kneel down and beg us to have sex with them! In exchange for candy! Do I need to teach you this kind of thing?"

"What do you know?"

The burly man shook his head and retorted: "Didn't I tell you that this is a rare "good stuff", which is different from the streetwalkers you said to deal with."

"Some people don't like I like the feeling of everything being programmed in the implant, and I love natural people. "He pointed to the top: "Besides, for those guys, we sent a woman with pinholes all over her body and addicted to sugar, what is this? Provocation?"

"What's the point of playing with the original?"

But Jaredon's focus is not quite right, he sneered and patted himself below: "Fully simulated nerves! Simulation silicone! Motor drive! In and out twelve times a second! I tell you-"

The burly man pulled his mouth, too lazy to listen to the other party's nonsense, turned around and pushed the door to leave.

At the same time.

".Pay back the money?"

After hanging up the call, Song Shi muttered to himself: "Well, it's only natural to pay back debts, right, Cross Tiger Gang? Wait for me first."

Song Shi clicked on another chat interface signed "Cotton Valley Hamster".

There are already some conversations on it.

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "Hello, hello, what can I do for you?"

[Arctic Ice Dragon King]: "A traffic surveillance video of the main roads between Rota District and Baimen District within this month, how much is it?"

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "Well, if the scope is "within this month" and "main roads", the price can be cheaper. But I remind you that there is no surveillance video for the past four days, and it has not been released yet."

[Arctic Ice Dragon King]: "Okay."

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "Considering that you are a new customer, I can give you another discount, 10,000 credit points."

[Arctic Ice Dragon King]: "Can you accept it, an account through the dark web?"

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "Okay, okay! I will send you the temporary generated link for account transfer later! Please support us in the future! Welcome to visit next time——"

The chat record was the night before yesterday.

This [Cotton Valley Hamster] is an intelligence dealer that Song Shi found from the "Palosser Industry Elite Talent Exchange Forum". He is somewhat famous but not too famous, but his advantage is that his reputation is quite good.

This surveillance video is an important key to successfully finding Kenge.

Through his own network technology, Song Shi figured out Kenge's address and license plate number, but the other party lives in the Baimen District where the middle class gathers, which is not as chaotic and barren as the Deep Moss District.

There are a large number of security patrols in the Baimen District to maintain law and order during the day. At the same time, there are drones that patrol day and night and all-weather. The latter can scan the prosthesis and verify the identity of the identified suspects at any time.

These drones equipped with rapid-fire machine guns have the right to fire.

Moreover, with Kenge's identity and personality, there must be a security system set up at home. Even if he successfully breaks through the security system, as long as he delays for a while, a large number of police forces will be attracted, and it will be difficult to escape from the Baimen District.

In this case, it is somewhat unrealistic to kill directly at the door.

So Song Shi chose to block the way and take action.

He spent a day in the hotel, watching all the surveillance at 32 times the speed, and used this to find out Kenge's commute route.

Considering the lack of surveillance in some places and shortcuts, Kenge's entire itinerary is of course impossible to figure out, but knowing the other party's "home address" and "research institute address", the other party's general route is basically clear.

So the rest is to buy a second-hand rocket launcher and choose a section of mountain road without surveillance to squat.

Song Shi put away these memories and turned his eyes back to the chat interface.

He typed a line of words.

[Arctic Ice Dragon King]: "How much do you know about the "Cross Tiger Gang"? "

The other party replied quickly.

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "A gang in the Deep Moss District, not very large, emerged in the past two years."

[Arctic Ice Dragon King]: "And?"

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "This belongs to the category of charging——"

[Arctic Ice Dragon King]: "Hanging account?"

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "Ah?"

[Cotton Valley Hamster]: "This is a bit [Chiyana Aya Naing_polite smile]."

". Tsk."

Looking at the smile of a Q-version villain sent by the other party, Song Shi first snorted, and then couldn't help sighing: "Oh no, this is a closed loop."

Kenger is dead, and his identity can no longer be concealed.

Considering that Kenger died in the burning sacrifice of the "Forging Flame", Jade Pharmaceutical will definitely lock the murderer on himself - to be honest, he did not make a mistake.

Although hiding in the deep moss area can greatly reduce the risk of being found, facing the revenge that may come at any time, Song Shi certainly can't do nothing.

The first ring of spiritual power still has time to grind, and it is difficult to achieve it quickly.

Then the only way to enhance strength is "equipment".

——Purchasing equipment costs money.

——The next goal for making money is set as the "Cross Tiger Club".

——Although the "Cross Tiger Club" is not large in scale, it still needs to make some preparations to show respect, such as "intelligence".

——"Intelligence" also costs money, and to get money you need to go to the "Cross Tiger Club", and to go to the "Cross Tiger Club" you need.

Complete closed loop.

Staring at the interface of the personal terminal, Song Shi was silent for a while, and sighed again: "Forget it, let's see if I can get another small loan."

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