Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 46 Long time no see

The night is dark.

On the elevated road with street lights, a car sped past.

The on-board temperature control system is adjusted to the optimal body temperature, and the windows made of a special glass material do not show any water mist, blocking out the biting cold wind.

【Dear user, you】

"Cancel the intelligent driving mode and switch to manual operation."

Kenge pressed his hands on the steering wheel and slowly exhaled.

When he feels a little distracted, he chooses to drive himself, which forces him to concentrate and put aside other worries for a while.

Milton hasn't contacted him for more than a day.

Although the guy with the playful smile often did this before, always playing the lost contact trick that could not be retrieved, but considering that the other party's ability to do things was pretty good, he could tolerate it for the time being.

But this time is different.

I have emphasized on bringing people back as soon as possible, but the other party still does the same thing - there are many people in the company who want to use themselves to flatter competing factions. They keep a close eye on themselves, and their cover-up cannot last long.

If you catch the other party, then you are just a "mistake" at best, but if you can't catch even an orphan from the orphanage, then you are "incompetent"!

Emerald Pharma doesn't need incompetent people.

Moreover, for a newly awakened "psychic", this is a rare experimental material.

And the other party must be hiding a lot of secrets, but as long as he brings them back and gives them two injections of truth serum-these secrets will become his assets.

Damn Milton

If I hadn't been able to find a more suitable candidate for a while, I would never have chosen him.

"Vidani, what's going on?"

Kenge shook his head, calmed down, and accessed the communication labeled "Vidani" that suddenly popped up.

"Teacher, the boss of Kela Automobile Co., Ltd. wants to meet you."

Kenge said nothing.

Vidani on the other side of the communication also understood the teacher's character and further explained: "He hopes to cooperate with the research institute to provide his factory with an accreditation certificate for the "Employee Medical Safety Guarantee System."

"Although the worker demonstrations in the Tower District have basically stopped after the Security Bureau entered, he has received news that the coalition government is already preparing an explanation to appease the public."

"Policy?" Kenge finally said.


Vidani said: "According to him, the coalition government will issue the "Interim Regulations on Production Safety in Paloser" in four days."

"He hopes to get ahead of this and establish an "employee medical safety and security system" for his factory in exchange for support funds and preferential tax policies from the coalition government."

".Support funds, preferential tax policies?"

Kenge repeated the word, already understanding the cause and effect.

Behind this "interim regulation", it is obvious that the major factory owners in Rota District jointly forced the government to promulgate it, with the purpose of focusing on this support fund and preferential tax policy-after all, what else can it be called? What about taking advantage of the coalition government's fiscal revenue to be more upright and bright than what it is now?

Besides, it can also appease the emotions of those workers, what a bargain.

As for why I found myself.

When it comes to the authority of "medical safety and security", who can compare with [Emerald Pharmaceutical]?

Even though the Third Mental Research Institute of Paloser is only a subordinate unit affiliated with the former, it still nominally belongs to [Emerald Pharmaceutical].

As long as you present the accreditation certificate on behalf of the institute, when the coalition government's assessment team arrives at the other party's factory, it must recognize that the factory's "employee medical safety and security system" is qualified, excellent, and exemplary.

No matter what the actual situation of this "employee medical safety and security system" is.

No one can challenge the authority of giant companies.

——It didn’t happen before, it won’t happen now, and it won’t happen in the future.

"Well what was he thinking?"

So Kenge spoke.

"He will set us as the designated medical cooperation unit of his factory and provide a large medical device purchase order in three phases. At the same time, he will provide you with a private research fund of 700,000 credits in his own name. "


After pondering for a while, Kenge suddenly laughed.

He patted the steering wheel gently: "In my eyes, compared to you, this 700,000 is worthless."

Since Kenge was transferred to the research institute a few years ago, his status has been greatly reduced, and his income has also been greatly reduced. These 700,000 credits have been his largest sum in several years - but at this moment, his tone was full of relief.


"You have completed the entire negotiation before you typed this communication. Now I only need to sign my name to declare it over."

Kenge said slowly: "Vidani did very well. Vidani did better than Kenge did at the same age - and Vidani is me, my student of Kenge Tris. ”

"Vidani, you can definitely go further than me."

If people from the institute were to appear here at this moment, they would be surprised to find that this bald middle-aged man, who has a cold expression all day long, actually has a heartfelt smile on his face at this moment.

"It's good that you are talented enough in research, but there are too many people with such talents in Jade Pharmaceuticals. You need to build on this and become more advantageous than them - and you did it."

"You have handled the tasks and connections I have delegated to you very well in the past few years."

There was some emotion in Kenge's eyes: "Jade Pharmaceuticals. We never lack ordinary researchers or mediocre managers. What we long for is always real "talents."

"You are my student, so go and climb up as hard as you can, Vidani."

".I understand, teacher."


Kenge hung up the call, and before he knew it, the irritability in his heart had disappeared. He even let the car stereo play a leisurely unknown music - you know that most of the time, this kind of thing can disturb people's emotions. He rejected everything.

The man glanced at the navigation system and arrived home about half an hour later. The road from Luota District to Baimen District was always well maintained.

However, this section of the road around the mountain was a bit bumpy. Just when Kenge was thinking about whether to switch to smart driving again, a fire suddenly lit up in the distance.


While the thoughts in his mind were still running, the high-standard implanted prosthetic eye had spontaneously focused on the fire, revealing the true face of the fire.

It was a car with a slightly faded surface coating, the manufacturer's logo and factory number had been erased, and it was being propelled by the eruption of the tail fin.

--rocket missile.


Fiery flames soared into the sky, and huge air waves suddenly spread and swept up a large amount of dust.

Immediately afterwards, the car with large areas of damage on its surface crashed through the thick black smoke and rolled on the road, creating a dazzling line of fire.

The next moment, the figure in the distance threw away the rocket launcher and jumped down from the mountain.

The bulletproof glass window of the overturned car was full of cracks, and even if it was hit by a rocket, it still could not be completely shattered.

But immediately afterwards, black powder was pointed at the car window, the magazine was emptied in one breath, and it was forcibly exploded.

Kenge, who was stained with blood, reluctantly raised his head and saw a shadow coming over him, completely blocking the light of the street lamp.

Song Shi squatted down and dragged the other party out of the twisted and deformed cab.

He stared at the man, smiled and stabbed the monomolecular blade into the latter's abdomen.

"Long time no see, Director Kenge, first time meeting. I'm Song Shi."

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