Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 255 Spiral Climbing

In the deep and impenetrable black flame, Song Shi slowly pulled out the heavy murder from Wu Chi's corpse. He wanted to slow down his breathing, but what came out was a low laugh of joy and satisfaction from the heart.

Let's just call it the side effect of [Disaster Flame].

In a sense, Wu Chi was not wrong.

Anger and hatred, the power contained in them is indeed infinite. They are enough to make a cowardly and incompetent person reborn, but at the same time, they can also make a sharp and intelligent person lose his mind, become unconscious, and become a slave driven by anger and hatred.

The prerequisite for using [Disaster Flame] is to transform the mind, turn all the complicated thoughts into hatred and anger, completely fill the heart, burn and consume all the time, and regenerate and overflow all the time.

This double-edged sword method of use, if not careful, may indeed burn the brain of the holder, make the mind disorder, and become a crazy monster driven by anger and hatred.

Even Song Shi felt a slight tremor all over his body at this moment. It was not fear, but the joy after beheading Wu Chi. However, after a brief joy, the anger that had just been filled and calmed down became dissatisfied again, roaring to kill again.

——But that was all.

Song Shi twisted his neck, and wisps of flames flowed out of his dark eyes. In the red-gold pupils that were tied into a line, there was pure and clear killing intent.

He stepped over Wu Chi.

In the iron guard that was full of cracks and still barely stuck together, Wu Chi's body could be said to be intact. After losing the source of power, the "inert" field gradually began to dissipate, and the originally obscure and weak flames began to burn again.

The opponent's biggest mistake was to misjudge the object of inertization.

If the opponent chose to inert "mental attack" to the extreme at the beginning, the effect of [Disaster Flame] would be weakened.

Then, with the [Iron Guard] activated to the limit, even if the psychic flames released by him on the material and energy levels are no longer weakened and are significantly stronger than before, the opponent can still fight for a while.

After all, he is the only one who needs to race against time, and the opponent's defense on the material and energy levels is indeed very strong. As long as he completely abandons attacking and defends blindly, he may not be able to complete the quick kill like now.

Unfortunately, the opponent made a mistake.

In the battle. Or in other words, when the level of the battle exceeds a certain dividing line, the goal of the warring parties is no longer "no mistakes", but how to "do better".

But Wu Chi made a mistake in the fight with himself, and made a mistake, which can even be called a big mistake.

Under the continuous impact of [Disaster Flame] on the mind, the opponent's psychic operation has also become unstable, and it is difficult to continue to maintain the limit of "activation" and "inertness", and the state has declined. On this basis, facing the burning slash that consumes three fire seeds in a row, he failed to hold on, his defense collapsed, and his mind was lost.

So he died.

Song Shi carried the heavy gun and jumped into the lower deck from a gap in the deck.

The design level of "Bordeaux" is quite high. Even though the hull has undergone a series of protective reinforcements, the interior still maintains an extremely luxurious decoration. The elements taken from the Rocard mythology are perfectly integrated with modern design, which can be called a masterpiece in the field of interior architecture.

Unfortunately, at this moment, most of the stone reliefs carved on the walls of the corridor were broken. The head of the sun god was broken into two pieces, and the arm of the god of wine and the wine cup he was holding disappeared. The crown of the moon god, who was the queen of the gods, was reduced to stone chips on the ground.

Bottles of precious cellared wine lay on the ground, and the sweet and refreshing liquid flowed in the broken glass and seeped into the handmade wool blanket that was all red and inlaid with gold edges. The bartender at the bar and the waiter in the banquet hall didn't know where they slipped away.

It was a mess.

This is also natural.

Even though the fight just now did not last too long, after all, those were two psychics who had reached the third ring, pouring out their killing power with life and death as the orientation.

At this moment, the open-air deck of Bordeaux, which was more than 200 meters long and about 100 meters wide, was mostly unrecognizable. The most severely damaged part, along with several layers of space below the deck, was all washed away and melted by the flames of disaster.

Even though Fubo Energy had invested a lot in the construction of Bordeaux, and the hull frame was still maintained, the whole ship still trembled from time to time under the roar of the aftermath of this fight, causing the elegant decorations inside to become a pile of ruins.

"Lapis Lazuli." Song Shi slowly exhaled a burning breath: "Action separately, I'll go find Ishua, you go up there to help others, Myron and the others may not be able to hold on-"

Amid the huge collision, the right side of the Bordeaux hull shook slightly.

Looking along the broken gap in the hull.

One of the three members of the Enlightened who were responsible for the outer interception, a short-haired woman in military uniform, seemed to have suffered a violent impact. She flew backwards rapidly from the other side of the distance and was smashed into the outer side of the Bordeaux hull. From the spider web-like cracks that burst out, her whole body was sunken.

It can be seen that her military uniform has been torn, and her partially exposed body is covered with various scars. The whole left arm is hanging down weakly, and the joints are barely connected by a thin layer of flesh membrane.

The next moment, the woman grabbed her left arm with her right hand and pulled it off without hesitation. The psychic energy surged violently, stirring everything into slag, and then burned and melted the wound on the shoulder, completing the forced hemostasis.

And in the flying slag, the woman who had done all this stood up from the pit, rushed forward suddenly, and once again bit a third-ring psychic who was about to break into Bordeaux.

The young man who controlled the thunder saw this and continued to pull the armed group in the air while trying to get closer to the former, intending to form a protective and mutual assistance situation.

But then, another new level 4 unit rushed over, and the young man decisively gave up this plan. The violent and violent thunder torrents blocked the former.

But this also caused his situation to be precarious in an instant. He was completely reckless in overloading his psychic energy and overloading his prosthesis, and he barely held on to the battle situation, and he could die at any time.

And farther away.

Myron and the last member of the Enlightened were also fighting.

They were the strongest of this team.

But at this moment, their situation was even more dangerous than the uniformed women and the young man.

As the person responsible for the outermost interception, the tide of armed forces came, and the level 4 units of extraordinary individuals - Fubo Energy, South Region Heavy Industry and Zero Degree Network, the force deployed here was indeed very large.

If they had not activated the extreme state at the beginning, and had not put on a fearless and undying attitude, which made the opponents hesitate, Myron and others would have been defeated.

But even so, the pressure on Myron and others to intercept everyone by force was still incredible, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

"—— Lapis Lazuli, go help them."

Feeling the strong aftermath of the high-energy collision from afar, Song Shi said lightly: "Besides, don't you also need to gain fame? This is the best stage to announce to everyone the birth of the new star of intelligent machinery, Lapis Lazuli."

Without saying anything, Lapis Lazuli decisively turned the body and rushed towards the military uniformed woman in the high-speed fight in the distance.

Almost at the same time, Song Shi's eyes were full of fire, and [Scorched Earth] was launched.

Like a burning meteorite falling with a loud bang, a violent roar resounded.

The next moment.

Song Shi did not avoid at all, and went straight through the deepest part of Bordeaux from the collapse and melting of the ceilings and walls!

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