"Oh, it's hidden in a place like this. No wonder it's so hard to find."

Looking at the abandoned buildings not far away, Milton scratched his head and sighed: "It's really hard to get these 100,000 yuan. I finally found a decent movie. The protagonist is about to start having sex. As a result, Call me out suddenly."

"Oh, it makes me a little bit uninterested."

But even though he said this and looked ahead, Milton laughed.

He snapped his fingers, and the box under his feet opened silently. A four-rotor drone painted in dark silver took off, and the implanted prosthetic eye was linked to the drone camera. At this moment, Milton's field of vision was divided into two screens. .

One is looking down from a high altitude, and the other is looking straight ahead.

Following the instruction, the drone rose into the sky and floated quietly, with the camera adjusted to reconnaissance mode overlooking the area below.

Milton had seen the video given by Kenge. The guy didn't act like a novice, he had some skills. He didn't want to let the other party see that the situation was not going well and use the complicated terrain to escape.

Only in this way will I feel a little troublesome.

Of course, if the opponent is more courageous - no, it is better to be more courageous, and plans to fight to the end and fight to the death, then it will really save me trouble.

"Oh, I still have to capture him alive."

Thinking of this, Milton couldn't help but sigh.

He wiped the black single-molecule tactical knife he pulled out. Because of the matte paint, this sixty-centimeter-long single knife did not glow with ripples of cold light like the legendary magic weapon. It can be made of "hexagonal crystal nitrogen" A single molecule of "carbon" is used as the blade, which is still enough to easily cut through an explosion-proof shield.

"Keng Ge, don't you know I hate trouble the most?"

Finally, he let out a sigh, and a smile appeared on Milton's face again.

Carrying a single sword, he couldn't help but walk slowly towards the building in the distance.

The "heat-sensing mode" of the implanted prosthetic eye is activated, and the world changes into another aspect. In the cold blue, a fiery red humanoid outline appears extremely eye-catching.

--Got you.

Milton grinned.

He stopped and his body sank slightly.

The next moment, with the "thrust device" implanted in his legs, Milton turned into a flash of light, crossed a distance of more than 20 meters, and instantly crashed into the abandoned building in front!

But the originally prepared opening remarks have not yet been spoken.

Almost as soon as Milton landed, a dazzling tongue of fire burst out in the dark and cold space!

Milton only had time to raise his hands, and just halfway through the twisting action, the steel-core bullet made of alloy had already broken through the surface! Tear apart a large piece of bionic skin on your right arm!

Then, there was a belated and violent gunshot.

No, not the same.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A line of gunshots exploded in the space, and in an instant, five more steel core bullets were fired!

But Milton escaped!

At the cost of taking another steel-core bullet and injuring his shoulder, Milton finally gained enough reaction time. Milton swerved through the remaining four bullets, avoiding them all!


But in the next moment, a loud noise and fire that far exceeded the sound of a gun shot into the sky. Countless metal fragments exploded under the action of kinetic energy, and the surrounding cement walls turned into a hornet's nest in an instant.

And with the loud noise of the frag grenade and the dust kicked up by the impact, two more shots were fired!

Ignoring the physical trauma that was not completely blocked and partially missed by the explosion of broken metal pieces, Milton roared angrily, avoided one of them, and then increased the effectiveness of the implanted prosthetic eye to its limit.

Then, he used the prosthetic arm that had been completely replaced to activate his strength and drew his sword! A sudden slash cut open and shattered another bullet!

But the kinetic energy contained in it still made his body take two steps back.

Therefore, buried in the thick ruins formed by the accumulation of waste from the construction site, there are subtle and undetectable line touches.


The indigo arc light bloomed instantly, and the electromagnetic grenade jumped up from the ruins and exploded! The impact called "EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)" spreads toward the surroundings!

And the nine gunshots that seemed to come out of nowhere, taking another chance.

In the field of vision of Milton's prosthetic eye, scarlet malfunction pop-ups caused by electromagnetic pulses popped up crazily. He had added anti-electromagnetic interference components to key parts of his prosthetic body, but taking an electromagnetic grenade at such a close distance would not work. How can it be completely blocked! No impact at all!

But Milton is a seasoned mercenary after all.

The name "Iguana" was also coined by typing.

At this moment, Milton forcibly drove the prosthetic body with reduced power. He took a step back suddenly, raised his left arm, and slashed his right hand in front of his body. He dodged two of them and blocked the remaining seven! Didn't hit his vitals!

And the price.

The blade blocked two, and the remaining five were blocked by the left arm.

Eat these five steel-core bullets in total - no, not all of them are steel-core bullets, there are also three large-caliber armor-piercing bullets mixed in among them.

Under such a huge burst of firepower, Milton's left arm was almost useless. Crackling electric sparks flickered among the broken bionic skin and exposed internal mechanical parts. Large pieces of circuit components were also burned and shattered.

As for the carbon muscle bundles, metal skeleton, and simulated neural network, without the assistance of the former, these are close to dead objects and can only hang down powerlessly.

In the thick dust and fog that filled the sky, a figure slowly walked out.

Milton gasped and raised his head.

The young man in a black coat stopped ten meters away and looked quietly at the man in front of him who looked very embarrassed.

"Use bullets to limit my evasion, move in the direction you want, and then trigger the pre-set mine..."

".So, the wanderer who sent the photo was instructed by you?"

"Hey, I won't ask stupid questions like "How did you know I was looking for you?" "

Milton grinned, as if he pulled the wound, making his expression slightly distorted: "But I really didn't expect that you didn't want to hide or escape, but actually prepared to fight back."

"I think there is only one question."

Milton spit out a mouthful of blood foam and stared at the other party: "What is your identity? Hey, this level of combat strategy and mentality, an orphan from an orphanage? Hehe."

"My identity? As you can see, I am Song Shi." Song Shi spread his hands and smiled: "In addition, don't rely on words to delay time."

The young man pointed upwards: "I have turned on "communication silence", your message cannot be sent out, and the same is true for remote-controlled drones to request support."

As if in response to his words, a dull collision sound suddenly sounded outside.

Implanted in the prosthetic eye, the drone's shared vision disappeared, and it was pitch black.

Looking at the "signal loss" and "network disconnection" icons in the status bar, Milton was silent for a few seconds.

Slowly, his shoulders began to shake.

Until finally, the man suddenly laughed.

He held the black single-blade tightly with his only remaining right hand, and the whole person began to make a close combat posture - even though he did not bring weapons such as rifles on this trip due to the needs of "capture alive" and "portability", he still carried a pistol with him, hanging on his waist.

Within reach.

But Milton did not choose to draw his gun.

With only one hand left, he had to choose between the single-blade and the pistol, otherwise at such a close distance, once the battle started, the opponent would never give him time to switch.

—— His combat method has failed once.

If he had used his prosthetic body to take the bullet instead of evading, and directly rushed forward, the opponent's low-modification body would be difficult to resist, how could he have fallen to this point in an instant.


Milton grinned, first cut off his disabled left arm with a backhand knife, and then stood up.

In the reflection of his pupils, the young man in front of him took off his coat and threw it aside casually, revealing the exoskeleton arm guard that had already been worn inside.

Looking at the embarrassed and fierce man not far away, Song Shi slowly laughed.

In the silently ignited red-gold flames, he turned the engineer shovel and pointed to the front.


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