Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 38 Elite Forum (Part 1)

First, you need to know the other party's information.

So Song Shi opened the official website of the Third Institute of Plosser Mind and Psychology and found the column of personnel announcement.

There was a row of clear headshots on it.

For Song Shi, the first two names were the most important.

Vidani Sarah, a doctoral student in medicine, studied at the Emerald Pharmaceutical Talent Incubation Center (Plosser Branch) for undergraduate and master's degrees. She went to the headquarters for quarterly advanced studies. After graduation, she worked in neurological medical and scientific research and participated in many international academic conferences on neurology.

Kenger Tris, doctoral supervisor, director of the Third Institute of Plosser Mind and Psychology, published more than ten articles in journals such as "Neurology" and "Twelve Hour Medical Journal" as the first author, and presided over or participated in many medium and large-scale projects.


Staring at this photo, Song Shi suddenly felt an inexplicable burning sensation in his heart.

No, it's not "inexplicable".

Song Shi understood that this was the effect of the oath · [Bloodshed with Fire], which was urging him to achieve revenge, burn the other party with fire, and dedicate it to the Tao.

If I hadn't escaped from the experiment five days ago, I would have become a cyber psychopath, an "experimental subject" on the operating table. When I no longer have any research value, I will enter the humane destruction stage - organ removal, biodegradation, specimen manufacturing, chemical dissolution pool, incinerator, there is always one suitable.

So, as the host of the experiment, Vidani is the object of my revenge.


"The impulse that this Kenge brings to me is even greater than Vidani?"

Song Shi was slightly surprised, but then he understood a little.

"Doctoral student and doctoral supervisor Kenge is Vidani's supervisor?"

"In this case, it makes sense that Vidani is in charge of this project."

Song Shi tapped the table lightly and thought for a while: "Kengge is the director of the institute. This "cyberpsychiatry inhibitor" project must require his review and approval, and then he asked his students to take charge."

"But a medical researcher of this level, who is from Jade Pharmaceuticals, doesn't he understand the difficulty of curing "cyberpsychiatry"? Especially the inhibitors that act on the late stage."

"Just to cheat a sum of project funds and get away with it?"

Song Shi narrowed his eyes and felt something was wrong.

Although a person's appearance can be whatever he wants through "implanted prosthesis" and "medical beauty" technology, usually the age will not be too different-not everyone is keen on pretending to be young.

Kengge in the photo is at most in his early fifties. Counting the various medical life-sustaining technologies of Jade Pharmaceuticals, he is in the golden age of a researcher. With his resume, if he has some ambition, he will definitely not be willing to get funds and get away with it.

——The other party is a company man.

Use all available resources, trample on everything that can be trampled, discard everything that can be discarded, and strive to climb to the top of the company with all your strength, grinding your teeth and sucking blood, until you stand at the top and overlook the creatures in the dust - this is what a qualified elite company man should do.

And with the resume shown by Kenge, he is undoubtedly an elite.

"Interesting, there is a conspiracy? Or what is hidden behind the experiment?"

Song Shi muttered to himself, and then he stared at Kenge's photo and slowly smiled.

"But. It turns out that you are the mastermind behind the scenes."

Song Shi put the index finger and middle finger of his right hand together and gently pressed them on his chest, feeling the burning sensation brought by "Blood and Fire": "Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, I promise it won't be too long."

——Achieve revenge before the nineteenth sunrise, and offer a revenge object of sufficient weight to Daotu, otherwise you will be punished by burning your five internal organs.

This is the content of the oath [Blood and Fire].

As the director of the institute and the approver of the entire "Cyber ​​Psychosis Inhibitor" project, Kenge is undoubtedly a revenge target of the highest standard!

"It's the fifth day now, time is not too urgent, we can wait a few more days - although it's not impossible to go now."

Almost all the funds have been spent on purchasing equipment, and three psychic skills have been engraved.

In this case, even if you wait a few more days, your strength will not be greatly improved.

So these days are mainly intelligence gathering.

Kenge's residential address, regular travel routes, and personal security forces - these are all very important.

Thinking of this, Song Shi closed the official website of the institute and opened a new website.

After three consecutive disguised jump programs, the website finally stopped changing.

What came into view was a website with a simple page and the style of the last century.

At the top of the website, a line of black fonts of "Palose Industry Elite Talent Exchange Forum" was hung.

This was a local anonymous forum of Palose that Song Shi found a few days ago.

Hired missions, arms trade, sugar trade, organ and human trafficking are hidden under the surface network, far away from the lives of ordinary people, but close to them. They have many names, and most people are used to calling them part of the "dark web".

This anonymous forum is in the dark web, and it is still a bit difficult for ordinary people to access it.

Of course.

Although the "dark web" is mysterious in some urban legends, in essence, it is just a network that cannot be searched and hidden by conventional means.

Let alone other things, just talk about the "domain firewall", the [Thousand Star City] in the "Abyss", the style and technology are far beyond the dark web.

It's just that [Thousand Star City] is powerful, but it is not convenient to use all day, so the "dark web" is a more commonly used platform.

——"Palosser Industry Elite Talent Exchange Forum".

This is a local anonymous community with a mixed crowd.

Mercenaries, bounty hunters, government employees, corporate security experts, gang members. Some people post tasks and look for helpers here, some people wait for opportunities to fish for law enforcement, and some people just chat to pass the time, or share some situations and information about Palosser.

The news of "Amikaba" a few days ago was also seen here.

Song Shi plans to start from here to collect intelligence.

Without computing power enhancement components, various software, customized hacker prostheses, network equipment, etc., it is difficult for a person to sweep the network and find the information he wants at will by just typing on the keyboard.

And more importantly,

Although Song Shi had mastered many wonderful things like the "Universal Prosthetic Unlocking Program" thanks to his friendship with some top hackers in his previous life, he was not good at network technology, especially the most serious application method of "collecting and analyzing information through the network".

Compared to hacking to make other people's prosthetics short-circuit and overload and burn, he still preferred to use fire to burn everything to ashes.

Song Shi clicked into the forum.

"Let me see."

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