Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 36 Palose Morning News

"Recently, workers' demonstrations in Rota District have intensified. This station will not comment on the demonstrators' demands for "increasing factory safety equipment", "increasing wages by 20%" and "reducing the minimum daily working hours to ten hours". ”

"But we must admit the fact that so far, the demonstrations have caused fifteen deaths and more than three hundred injuries. At the same time, the economic losses caused by the strike in all aspects are conservatively estimated to reach 12 million credit points."

On the projected floating light screen, various pop-up advertisements kept popping up because the video membership service was not purchased.

And between the pop-up advertisements, a news host in a suit with a perfect smile and a soft voice was broadcasting today's morning report.

After getting up, Song Shi bit into an energy bar and watched the news program "Palose Morning News."

Although the company controls public opinion and information, weaving a unique "information cocoon" for each user through one directional push after another, and wantonly toying with people's cognition and emotions, some things are still difficult to cover up - like Workers march in Rota district these days.

Therefore, news programs like "Paloser Morning News" still have a certain value, and Song Shi also needs to use this information to judge and analyze the situation in Paloser.

"The city government has launched a new round of bidding for power supply network facilities, and the final results were announced the day before yesterday. Fubo Energy successfully obtained this project contract."

"According to our exclusive interview, Mr. Brooks, the branch manager of Fubo Energy in Palose, to show his sincerity and optimism about the development prospects of Palose, he will provide an additional batch of new solar sails at a price lower than the market price. To create a more stable power supply for Palose, we believe that with the construction of Fubo Energy, Palose’s future will be even better——”

[Fubo Energy], one of the nine giant companies in the "Enterprise Alliance", is a monopoly giant in the fields of renewable and non-renewable energy, power supply network supporting components, and the development of cutting-edge energy weapons.

Their space-based weapons cluster "Punishment" is said to be able to wipe a city with a population of one million off the continent at full power.

"The third piece of news is broadcast below. The spokesperson of Emerald Pharmaceuticals in Paloser suddenly announced yesterday that the fourth phase of the expansion and renovation project in the Rota District is about to be completed and will officially start in March next year. It is reported that more than Thirty thousand related jobs will also make the city’s industrial structure more complete and reasonable.”

"Mayor Kent has decided to temporarily change his schedule and visit Emerald Pharmaceuticals' Palower branch to further deepen cooperation and discuss regional deployment."

Rota District is also commonly known as the "New Industrial Zone".

After the old industrial area fell into a blockade, after years of vigorous development, the size of the Rota District has already exceeded the former. The "Third Institute of Mind and Psychiatry" that he escaped three days ago is also located here.

"Are you going to expand again?"

Watching the news, Song Shi pondered for a moment.

On the map, Rota District and Deep Moss District are two urban areas next to each other.

When originally planned, this was also to facilitate the large number of cheap laborers from the former, who could return to their homes faster and improve work efficiency.

But this time the Rota District is expanding again, it is bound to occupy part of the original Deep Moss Area - even if the expansion of the former will absorb some of the population to settle, compared with the huge population of nearly 60% in the Deep Moss Area, this Just a drop in the bucket.

Close to 60% of the slum population is considered a serious level even among the cities in the corporate alliance.

In this case, the deep moss area will become even more overwhelmed, and many people will probably die.

"Tsk, I'm afraid the actuaries fed by those companies have already calculated it, and they are sure that the "benefits" of doing so outweigh the "losses."

"Oh, that's right. Things like humans can grow a lot again in a short time. How can you worry about not having enough?"

Song Shi was smiling, although the smile was a bit cold.

But he had to admit that in his "current" situation, there was really nothing he could do.

Even in his previous life, there was something he couldn't do.

If you kill a high-ranking director, you will be filled with candidates who are ready and ecstatic.

If you kill a company's headquarters with flames and burn everything inside, companies that are already eyeing it and have the same business will rush in, devouring the former's corpse, sucking out the former's still warm blood, and seizing the space vacated by the former. market.

Are we going to continue killing?

Although it's not impossible...

But even if a giant company is overturned - but this has happened before, and there are more than one, the "Corporate Alliance" still stands here, and the order is as it is, and the order is as it will be in the future.

Song Shi thought to himself.

In addition to my friendship with a few friends, perhaps this was also the reason why I was willing to accept the employment of the [Enlightened One] in my previous life.

But it was just "employment". I really couldn't do what they did and throw everything, including myself, into the ideal fire of "anti-corporate order" and turn it into a short-lived firewood.

Toot—toot, toot.

A burst of icons flashed on the retinal projection, interrupting Song Shi's memory.

A strange communication.

Song Shi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly realized something, and his whole demeanor changed.


When Jaredan connected to the video communication, on the other side of the screen, the young man looked clumsy and at a loss. It seemed that he was afraid and even did not dare to look directly into the other person's eyes.


Jaridon raised his eyebrows, quite satisfied with this scene.

"Let me think, um, He Yue, right?"

Jaridon entered the link with ease: "It's the third day now, how do you feel? Have you found a job?"

The other party opened his eyes wide: "I'm still looking. Wait, no matter what, I can't find it so quickly! And didn't we agree on a month!"

"Then why don't you work hard?"

Jaridon grinned, and suddenly squeezed out an ugly smile: "Just a joke, don't be too nervous-we are a legal lending company. Since we agreed on a month, it must be a month."

"I just suddenly remembered something, I forgot to tell you at the time, and now I come to remind you."

The other party looked a little nervous.

"Don't think of not paying back the money, and don't think about running away."

Jaridon stretched out his bent index and middle fingers, tapped his eyes, and his tone was cold:

"-I can guarantee that you will regret this idea every day in your second half of life."

The communication was hung up.

After successfully completing the intimidation, Jaredon nodded with satisfaction and couldn't help laughing.

On the other end of the communication, Song Shi also laughed as he picked up a scalpel.

"First of all, putting aside the loan, how dare you threaten me?"

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