Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 27 Mercenary Milton

Chapter 27 Mercenary Milton

Blood flew everywhere and pulp overflowed.

There were rapid crackling gunshots, loud roars, painful wails, the roar of collision of prosthetic bodies, the harsh and sharp sound of metal friction, and the loud sound of walls breaking and collapsing.

After a long time, these sounds disappeared.

"Hey, who did I think you were? We haven't seen each other for a few days and you are so eager to find me? We are really close."

In the dark and bloody terrain, a flash of fire suddenly lit up.

The scene here then appeared, which was a semi-abandoned underground garage.

Without caring about the mangled corpses around him, the man sat down on the front of a dusty, deeply deflated old car.

He held the cigarette butt casually and stared at the suspended screen projected on his retina.

"——I said yes, our respected Director Kenge?"

On the other side of the screen is a bald man.

It was Kenge, the medical director of the Third Institute of Psychiatry in Paloser.

"Milton, you still talk so much nonsense."

Ignoring the blood and flesh flying around the opponent's side, Kenge spoke coldly. The face, which is made of some kind of advanced bionic skin and is no different from a natural person, does not show any emotion.

"I'm sorry for my personal habits."

After spitting out an insincere apology, the man named "Milton" shrugged his shoulders and took a long drag on his cigarette.

"So, why did you come to me?"

Milton yawned: "Although our cooperation has been quite pleasant in the past, dear Director Kenge, you have been squeezed out of the management and can only stay in a small research institute."

"So I must emphasize that if you want me to do some big work to "make a comeback", then forgive me for refusing. I, a little mercenary, don't dare to get involved in the fights of you company people, but I am very afraid. Die."

"It has nothing to do with any of this."

Kenge said.

Hearing this, Milton narrowed his eyes. In other words, the other party did not deny his intention to "make a comeback".

However, as long as you don't find yourself doing such a big job.

Then it doesn't matter.

"Then I have no problem. Tell me, what are you going to do with me?"

Milton held the cigarette butt and stubbed it out on the front of the car.

"I need you to bring someone back. The relevant target files have been sent to you."

Kenge’s tone was cold:

"You can break his bones, twist off his limbs, satisfy your ridiculous desire for violence, it doesn't matter - I only have two demands."

"First, the person must be brought to me alive. Second, the Security Bureau and other people at Jade Pharmaceuticals cannot be alerted. Don't make too much noise and be cautious."

Milton's face showed an exaggerated look of surprise: "Oh - oh! Let me tell you, it turned out to be a private purpose. No wonder you came to me through personal channels. I didn't understand at first, why didn't you directly use your troops?" The "ice type" troops are going to destroy everything."


Kenge's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was low and he repeated the other person's name.

Maybe a few years ago, he actually had the authority to dispatch the local armed forces [Ice Seed] of Jade Pharmaceutical's Paloser branch.

But since their faction fell into decline and the internal battle failed, he was also liquidated. He was reduced from the superior director of the medical department to the director of a fringe research institute. How could he still command the "ice seed" troops.

Faced with the continuous ridicule and strange anger, he was a little angry.

"My question, my question - I'm sorry."

Seeing this, Milton laughed and raised his hands to show that he meant no harm.

"Let's see, he's a medical experiment volunteer, escaped midway, was born in an orphanage, and is a first-level psyker."

"Well, "Song Shi", I've written down this name."

Then, after quickly browsing the file, Milton nodded and said:

"I'll take this job, 50,000 credit points, 50,000 internal quota."

"Fifty thousand credit points, 20,000 internal quota."

Kenge said without hesitation.

Even though he is in a bad situation now, to him, 50,000 credits is just a small amount of money.

The key point is the “internal quota of 20,000 yuan”.

[Emerald Pharmaceutical] is a giant enterprise that sits at the top of the enterprise alliance and overlooks all living beings. Bioengineering, medical technology, implanted prosthetics, and psychology and psychiatry are all the fields of the former. Some related technologies can even reach "epoch-making levels." Advanced and monopolistically powerful.

Kenge, on the other hand, was the director of a department in the medical department of the Jade Pharmaceuticals branch in Palower.

Therefore, although he is now squeezed out of the management and reduced to the director of a fringe research institute, his authority level is still higher than that of ordinary people with the same position.

Through Jade Pharmaceutical's internal channels for employees, he can purchase things such as biological agents, implants, psychic skills, anti-rejection drugs, etc. at relatively favorable prices, including some that are not yet on the market and are only available for internal supply. Products of.

With Kenge's authority level, he can buy a lot of good things.

His "internal credit limit of 20,000 yuan" has a purchasing power equivalent to 60,000 credit points.

Using "internal quota" as compensation to indirectly purchase internal goods from the other party is one of the core competencies of Kenge's mercenaries.

"no problem!"

Milton laughed.

The "50,000 quota" just now was just because he was used to the lion talking, and he also knew that the other party would not agree.

"My respected, dear, noble Director Kenge, please rest assured that I will deliver that guy to you within a week--"


Kenge hung up the call directly, too lazy to talk to the other party.

"Alas, I was born to be busy."

Milton shrugged again, sighed, and muttered.

But then, as if he suddenly discovered something, his tone suddenly became surprised.

"Hey, you are not dead yet?"

Milton poked his head out and looked at the ground. Among the blood and meat on the ground, there was a human figure slowly wriggling-after a round of exchange of fire, the lower half of the body of this originally burly man was cut off, and blood gushed out from the broken end.

And then, a foot stepped on his back to stop the latter's wriggling.

"I'm a principled person."

"After all, there's no deep hatred between us. Since you didn't die in the first place, there's no need for me to finish you off, right?"

"Anyway, the employer's mission has been completed."

"What a pity--"

Milton showed a very regretful expression.

He stepped on the strong man's back with his foot increasing strength at a slow and steady pace, causing the latter's body to make a terrifying crackling sound.

The strong man's eyes were bloodshot, and he barely raised his head, as if he wanted to say something, but his bionic skin was charred and peeled off, revealing the red and white ligaments and loose teeth inside his jaw, and he could only make a hoarse "crackling" sob.

"It's a pity that you just heard something you shouldn't have heard. Keeping secrets for the employer is the basic quality of a mercenary--so, you'd better die."

The dim environment was briefly broken by three flames, and the next moment, darkness engulfed everything again.

Milton shrugged, slowly put away the pistol, and then dialed a communication.

The object of the note [Middleman·Yeast Bread] quickly answered.

"Yeah, that's right, it's all settled."

"Details? Oh, there were five people in total, I killed them all, the truck they used to transport the goods was fine, I checked the goods, they were all pure sugar."

"I'll send you the location, you can ask the employer to send someone to check and accept the goods, and pay me the balance as soon as possible."

"One more thing, next time, don't ask me to do this kind of black-eating and black-stealing sugar work again."


"I hate the smell of sugar."

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