Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 21 Online Loans

Due to being soaked in water for a long time, a large area of ​​the wall was mottled in the corner, and an exposed wire with a cracked outer layer of rubber was pulled out. The electric light at the other end of the wire emits a pale light.

In the gaps between the rusty shelves, a cold light loomed. It was a surveillance camera connected to the LAN.

There were a few open, uneaten pizza boxes piled randomly on the table, giving off a unique smell of grease that had gone cold.

"——You just want a loan?"

The man slowly sat upright from the armchair. After modification, his body weight reached more than 200 kilograms, which made the stainless steel armchair under him make an unpleasant "rattling" sound, as if it was overwhelmed.

He slowly looked at the guy in front of him.

A young man whose face has not completely faded from his immature looks like he has just grown up. However, considering the files that were checked in advance, this guy is already in his early twenties.

The man tugged at his tie irritably. The suit was quite ill-fitting and made him feel uncomfortable wearing it. It was a pity that his boss, the leader of the "Cross Tigers", insisted on dressing like this.

This is what you have to wear when you say "doing business".

Damn, they're a street gang, not a corporate guy.

"Yes, yes, it's me"

Seemingly catching a glimpse of the dark tattoo under the other person's collar, as well as the burly body that seemed to burst through the suit, the young man lowered his head, not daring to look directly.

Seeing this, the man didn't take it seriously and snorted coldly.

He grabbed the credit cards bundled in a thick stack next to the pizza box on the table and patted them in the palm of his other hand.

Both of the man's arms have been replaced with prosthetics. The credit card and the alloy-plated palm touched each other, making a crisp sound.

"Then you've found the right place."

The man fiddled with his credit card casually and asked casually: "Who did you come from? Introduced by an acquaintance?"

"No, there is no one else. I came here on my own." The young man whispered: "I saw a pop-up window on a pirated game website, which said that unlimited loans are available here."

Oops, looking at it this way, the push streaming that Bangli spent money on this month is really useful.

The man was thinking in his heart, but there was a hint of impatience on his face.

"Okay, okay, I understand the situation." The man said: "The slogan of our "Cross Credit Relief Company" has always been to save lives and provide zero-threshold loans."

He paused: "Tell me, how much do you want to borrow? Based on your situation, I have three recommended packages. The first is "Happy Loan", which is also our main business. Within 100,000 credit points, the monthly interest is 10 %——”

"How many, how many?!"

The young man seemed to be frightened and stammered: "No matter what you say, 10% is too much."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

The man ignored it and said to himself: "If you borrow 100,000 credit points, we will only give you 90,000, and the remaining 10,000 is the handling fee, but when you repay the money, the principal and interest will still be calculated as 100,000. "

"It will be 10% within one month, and 15% within two months."

"No, then I won't lend it -"

The next moment, there was a loud "bang"!

The man stood up suddenly and stepped on the table. Under the huge force, the steel tabletop was slightly dented and trembling.

The huge body outline covered the electric light above, and the hanging shadow swallowed the young man.

The man stared at the young man coldly. He had already replaced his "implanted prosthetic eyes" with eyes that looked like two protruding cameras, flashing a dangerous red light. He was slightly shocked, and a mantis knife popped out from the side of the prosthetic arm lying on his knee, with a cold light.

"What the fuck do you think this is?"

The man exerted force under his feet again, the table creaked, and he roared.

"This is not a roadside stall roasting white maggots for you to haggle! This is Cross Cough, Cross Credit Relief Company!"

Hearing the noise, the two gang members who were playing cards as doormen outside the room looked at each other and knew that Jaredon was threatening the mice again. They couldn't help but shake their heads and continue to play cards.

Seeing this, the young man seemed to be stunned.

The man reached out and fumbled roughly with the lining of his suit for a while, then took out an employee ID card marked "Business Manager: Jaredan" and slapped it on the table.

"Damn it, do this to me." The man spat.

He put his feet away, fell backwards, and crashed back into the armchair with a bang.

"Oh, still hesitating."

Jaredan sneered and read to the personal file that was collected in advance and projected on the retina.

"He Yue, 21 years old, is a graduate of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Third Public Technical College of Paloser. He has a B+ grade in the comprehensive evaluation of the subject and is unemployed."

"Hey, your grades are pretty good, but it's a pity that your academic qualifications are worthless and you don't have any implants yet. Which company would want you?"

The top institutions of this era are, of course, the affiliated colleges run by various companies. Whether you are devoted to scientific research or simply want to find a good job, you can be satisfied.

Of course, the premise is that you are good enough to stand out.

As for public colleges.

Take Palosine as an example. Comparing "Paloser Public Technical College No. 3" with the "Paloser Talent Incubation Center" established by Emerald Pharmaceuticals - even comparing the two is to increase the evaluation of the former. .

"Think about it-"

Jaredan said slowly:

"Since your academic degree is not worth much, then you must have a set of implants to improve work efficiency, right? Otherwise, why would the company want you?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you have no money." Jaredan showed a surprised expression.

"——One hundred thousand credit points, 10% interest rate per month, hurry up if you want to borrow."

Looking at the young man who lowered his head and seemed to be in a state of indecision.

Jaridon thought that he had made another deal, and his tone suddenly became calm:

"Think about it, 10% interest rate per month sounds like a lot, but that's for you now."

Jaridon persuaded: "But as long as you find a decent job, your personal credit rating will go up immediately, and then you will be eligible to find a formal bank loan - you can use that money to pay us back, and then slowly pay back the bank loan yourself."

"Using something you don't have yet, in exchange for a sum of money that can change your destiny, is there a better deal than this?"

"Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to have money first, get yourself a nice set of equipment and implants, and find a job."

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