The current appearance of the Internet can be traced back to ninety years ago.

The "Seven Lands War" ninety years ago was a de facto world war.

The war between various forces went from the earth to the sky, and from the sky to the sea - cyberspace is no exception.

It is better to say that in this era of highly developed technology, the "World Wide Internet" has long been inseparable from humans and is closely related to them.

For this reason, during the "Seven Lands War", major forces launched a protracted and ultra-intense war on the Internet, causing almost irreversible damage to cyberspace.

Meme viruses, malicious programs, crazy artificial intelligence, distorted cognitive fragments.

The "Internet world" has fallen from a free paradise brought by the technological revolution to a hell.

Just by linking to the Internet, you may be hacked and hijacked by the crazy artificial intelligence that is running around; when you enter a website, the hidden domain virus can trace the source of pollution, paralyze or even explode the login device - in an era when people generally access the Internet through brain-computer interfaces, this is an extremely deadly attack.

When using virtual reality services to log in to the Internet, you may trigger various "traps" or encounter "cognitive distortion fragments".

The most common of the former is the "cage trap", which forcibly imprisons a person's consciousness in a cage room, making it impossible to exit the network, and the real body becomes a bloodless and tearless vegetable.

The latter is a malignant meme that can tamper with and affect personal cognition - at the least, the temperament changes drastically, the personality splits, the memory is confused, and at the worst, it becomes a "cyber psychopath".

When the "Seven Land War" that lasted for 20 years ended, the victors of the war finally had time to clean up the broken world.

In order to save the fragmented cyberspace and for their own future use, they joined forces to divide and clean up a pure network domain, and at the same time created a giant wonder called [Network Domain Firewall] to isolate the rest of the degenerate network domains and save the current cyberspace.

——The above are the official statements of the major forces.

The same is true for [Enterprise Alliance].

"How can it be so simple?"

Song Shi shook his head in his heart.

While looking for the entrance address of [Thousand Star City], he fell into memories.

In his previous life, he had believed in this set of rhetoric, and it was not until he entered the third ring of psychic power that he knew the real truth.

The information provided by the official authorities of various forces was not wrong - but at the same time, they also concealed one thing.

That is the part about [psychic power].

Few people can explain what the essence of psychic power is.

But there is only one thing that can be confirmed, that "psychic power" is a power that represents oneself.

Theoretically, everyone has the possibility of awakening psychic power. Of course, due to various reasons, the current proportion of psychics is only one in three thousand.

Because they want to become stronger and defeat all opponents, the [transcendence] path of "continuously strengthening themselves" was born; because they want to understand the hearts of others and listen to the whispers of all things, the [consensus] path of "deepening into the spiritual realm" appeared; because they want to control the nature of heaven and earth, the [Great Source] path of "mastering the power of the Great Source" was born -

[Revelation], [Balance], and [Truth] are the same.

—— And a large part of the collapse of the former network domain was caused by [psychic power]!

In theory, everyone has a potential spiritual power, but some people can use it through "awakening", while more people bury it in their hearts until they die, and they don't even know it.

And the Internet.

It was hard for ancient people to imagine that there would be something like "the Internet" in the future, the whole world would be connected, and there would be a huge amount of information transmission and interaction at all times.

At the same time, the environment of the Internet is irreversibly deteriorating.

From the initial exploration and curiosity to the familiar use, and even the evolution of various cultures unique to the Internet. "Anonymity" allows users to have no scruples. When the first person starts to insult, the others will also join the line involuntarily.

It's far more than that.

Uncomfortable bloody pictures, the spread of bad rumors, fabricated news that only plays with emotions and swallows up traffic, echo chamber effect, nipple music, extreme views, fragmented ideological trends

These things all trigger people's instinctive "negative emotions".

With countless "negative emotions", in the day-to-day use of the Internet, following the transmission of a huge amount of information, these "negative emotions" are subtly invested in the Internet - in this world with [psychic energy], under the guidance of "negative emotions", everyone's hidden psychic energy is triggered and also invested in the Internet.

Even if this little bit of psychic energy is insignificant.

But quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

—— This is the real reason for the collapse of the Internet domain in the past.

Countless people use the Internet day and night, and all kinds of messy things with "negative emotions" as the main body are invested in it, making the Internet slowly become an unprecedented "redundant psychic aggregate", and the composition is extremely complex and confusing.

The various cyber warfare attacks during the "Seven Lands War" period were equivalent to directly detonating the "cyberspace" that had long been overwhelmed.

Because of [psychic energy], if we continue to sit back and watch the "cyberspace" degenerate, the latter may turn to affect reality - no longer just indirectly interfering with reality through network means.

Instead, an unprecedented tsunami was set off in cyberspace, shattering the barriers between the Internet and reality, and turning into a "psychic shock" that swept through human consciousness!

So, the victors of the Seven Lands War gathered urgently, separated a pure network domain, and jointly built a giant wonder, [Network Firewall], to block and isolate the rest of the fallen network domain.


People named the lower fallen network domain outside the firewall [Abyss], which means the scorched earth filled with sulfur vapor and everlasting magma in ancient mythology that ordinary people cannot set foot on.


At a certain moment.

"——Found it."

Song Shi slowly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

The network space twenty years ago seemed to be no different from twenty years later.

Although the network technology in the next twenty years will definitely be further developed, in Song Shi's memory, there is no revolutionary technology like "brain-computer interface" and "virtual reality". The researchers only made the branches and leaves of the existing trees more prosperous, but did not replant a brand new tree.

Therefore, the method of finding the address entrance in the memory is still useful. After spending some time, I finally found an anchor point of [Thousand Star City] left in the upper network domain.

Carefully avoiding several patrol programs and defense traps, Song Shi walked into a corridor.

At the end of the corridor, as Song Shi recited a string of secret keys, the original wall in front flashed and a door emerged.

He casually swiped away the "Warning Warning——" pop-up window of the network deep diving device and held the door handle.

Because the "Jack Seed" network deep diving device is a low-end civilian product of the previous generation, its own performance is limited, and the degree of realism of the virtual reality service is not high, about only 15%.

But at this moment.

The moment Song Shi held the handle, the "fuzzy sense of reality" that was so crude that it made people uncomfortable disappeared, and was replaced by a touch that was obviously more real.

——It seems that the place is right.

Song Shi thought.

The location of [Thousand Star City] is in the lower level of the fallen network [Abyss].

After being bombarded by various memetic viruses, malicious programs, crazy artificial intelligence, and the influence of psychic energy, everyone who steps into the [Abyss] will have their own degree of reality adjusted to a certain extent that is difficult to suppress.

Even if theoretically, this person's equipment does not support such a high degree of reality.

But it is not a big problem, psychic energy is unreasonable.

Song Shi concentrated his mind, and without hesitation, he pushed the door open.

Then, Song Shi began to fall-

The surface of the surrounding walls showed cracks of broken glass, and countless crystal fragments peeled off the wall and danced in the air.

Without a foothold to support him, Song Shi fell from the shattered floor, and a strong sense of weightlessness enveloped him from all directions.

The strong wind whistled in his ears.

Song Shi opened his eyes and found that he was falling in the air.

The blue above him was rapidly shrinking, which meant that he was moving away from the [Domain Firewall].

Song Shi raised his head again and stared in all directions.

It was as if he was in a bizarre dream.

It was like someone threw a bucket of oil paint at the sky. The curtain that swept across the world was filled with countless brilliant colors, bringing a dizzying and strong impact.

Under the curtain, the outline of the city shrouded in the light shield became clearer and clearer.

Until the end.

In silence, this stream of light from the sky fell into the colorful city below, just like the thousands of visitors from yesterday and tomorrow, who had already become accustomed to it, without causing a single ripple.

Lower Degenerate Network Domain · [Abyss].

—— Depth 1, [Thousand Star City].

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