"Who is responsible for the implant lock? Why is his implant still usable!"

Just as the terrified scream sounded, a sharper voice suddenly overwhelmed it.

A flash of cold light passed by, and the long table and the instruments on it were split into two. The researcher rolled back in embarrassment, barely dodging the attack amid the crackling sound of a series of bottles and jars breaking.

Muffled breathing echoed in the laboratory.

After cutting the long table in the way with one blow, Marico did not go any further, but stayed where he was.

His appearance had changed greatly.

The original white hospital gown had been shattered, leaving only a few hanging strips of cloth.

Under the artificial skin torn apart due to overload, the creeping reinforced muscle fiber bundles and the constantly flashing red light were vaguely visible.

It was hard to tell whether it was his own or someone else's, the milky white artificial plasma and the red original blood mixed together and dripped down from the body.

But no one laughed.

Marico's two prosthetic limbs, the "Hand of Daedalus", have been overloaded and started, and white mist leaked from the exhaust holes from time to time, making a hissing sound.

Not long ago, they saw with their own eyes that one of their colleagues was hit in the head by a punch.

The circular cutting blade ejected from the opponent's side arm, a cutting machine that was supposed to be used in engineering emergency scenarios, just easily cut a long table and almost took a person's head.

Because of the fear of complications such as "cyber psychosis" and their own living standards are still good, the researchers here limit their transformation to about 20%.

- Equivalent to the degree of replacing one hand and one leg.

Moreover, even if they improve further, facing a cyber madman with an engineering prosthesis and no scruples, how can they, as research talents, beat him?

"It's too late to find the Security Bureau. When will our support arrive!"

The researcher hiding behind a large device said in horror.

"I have informed Kobol. He is leading people here. The estimated arrival time is 3 minutes."

Kobol is the commander of the security force of this institute.

In the mess of the laboratory, Vidani's voice is still flat.

"The target seems to still retain a certain combat awareness and destroyed the surveillance camera first. At the same time, once the intention to go to the door is shown, the target will attack first."

While staring at Marico in the distance, Vidani slowly moved towards the data board. The mind adjuster was destroyed at the beginning, but the associated data recording equipment was still there, and she needed this.

"So next, let's work together to survive, everyone."

The next moment.

Marico raised his head again and looked around in a daze.

Slowly, he stared at a man in the distance.

"What is your relationship with Geri?"

It was the male researcher who handed over the memory not long ago.

Looking at the other party's empty eyes, he swallowed his saliva and forcibly inserted a cyberpsychopath's memory. The other party was afraid that his original personality had been covered.

Wait, cover--

He tried hard to recall the file of the cyberpsychopath, a street member who was addicted to virtual network dolls and suffered from severe delusional cognitive impairment. Yes, the contradiction is Geli! The former's middle school classmate, an employee in the financial industry.

"I know Geli! I am Geli's friend!" He raised his hand quickly to indicate: "But we don't have any relationship beyond friendship. I am not your competitor! Even if you want, I can help you chase--"


A painful expression slowly appeared on Marico's face, and his tone suddenly became angry:

"--Why do you say no!"

Accompanying the roar, there was an iron fist that smashed the tables and chairs all the way, with five fingers clenched.



"Has it started?"

With the blessing of psychic energy, the five senses were further enhanced.

Even if there was a sound insulation layer in the wall of the laboratory, Song Shi could vaguely hear the movement in the distance.

The time was better than expected.

".I keep my promise."

After a whisper that no one heard, Song Shi retracted his sight and began to run wildly in the corridor!

According to the navigation diagram on the wall and the scene outside the corridor window, Song Shi has a general understanding of the environment of the entire institute, at least this building and the surrounding area.

"The network permission can be restored at any time, but it can only be used once. Tsk, the hardware is still too bad, and there is no time to compile the network domain module again."

High-end flagship data processor, supercomputing micro-terminal to improve computing power, private customized hacking tools; network domain warfare modules such as information theft, positioning, virus implantation, prosthetic takeover, icebreaker, etc., all of these are not available. Not including the pirated ad pop-up blocker.

Actions such as turning off the camera, interfering with the regional network, cutting off the communication channel, and changing the network protocol, no matter which one, you only have one chance.

After that, the network protection system of the entire institute will react, understand that someone has hacked in, and immediately increase the alert level, and even trace back to Song Shi!


But it's not a big problem.

Fighting in an environment with scarce resources is also a compulsory course for free bounty hunters!

The corridor is empty.

It is ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, maybe for some people, the nightlife has just begun, but the rest of the staff of this institute have already left work. Not only this building, but the entire institute is in an empty state - after all, those who are really committed to research will not come to a marginal institute to mess around.

The five people just now are considered to be relatively important researchers, and they stayed specially to conduct volunteer clinical experiments.

The laboratory is located on the fifth floor.

Without considering the elevator, he ran all the way.

After a few breaths, Song Shi jumped down from the stairs and glanced at the second floor sign on the wall.

He can leave this building immediately.

But there are still big problems, especially when he glanced out the window on the fourth floor and saw the self-disciplined machine gun tower silently rotating in the flower garden of the institute - the distance is too far to determine the specific model, but judging from the appearance, it is probably the Sentinel series.

The Sentinel series is the best-selling product line of [Santa Industry], focusing on cost-effectiveness and popularization.

"Cost-effectiveness" refers to low price, both manufacturing cost and selling price; "popularization" means castration of functions, and it is enough to pay attention to movement.

But no matter how cost-effective and civilian, the steel core bullet rain with a firing rate of twelve rounds per second can easily destroy his current body.

"These autonomous machine gun towers do not have a separate local area network, but are directly connected to the public network of the institute. I can bypass the ICE protection (ice wall, electronic anti-intrusion device) through the springboard and force it to shut down for ten seconds. There is only one chance."

If there is any unexpected situation, let me use the network operation in advance and alarm the firewall, then

The roar of the engine suddenly sounded from a distance.

Then, before the engine was completely turned off, a series of hurried footsteps came from below.

Accompanied by a steady voice.

"——The target is an out-of-control cyber psychopath, and the current location is the fifth floor."

"Our first goal is to rescue Vidani and the others, the second goal is to capture the cyber psychopath alive as much as possible, and the third goal is to control the scene and reduce property losses."

"Without my permission, you are not allowed to use live ammunition weapons, otherwise it will be considered a violation and 15% of your salary will be deducted once."

"Damn, there is not much money every month, and this is deducted...tsk."

Different from the sloppy attitude of the strong man, at least on the surface.

This security team that received the emergency communication and rushed over has five people. Each of them is fully armed, with bulging protective vests and long guns and short guns in their hands.

At the same time, the lowest degree of transformation among these five people is 30%, with two hearts and three lungs, prosthetic limbs with expansion modules, prosthetic eyes of various colors like protruding lenses, and large tattoos with patterns such as evil ghosts, dragons, and mandala gallows-don't worry about whether the implant configuration is reasonable or whether the combat awareness is qualified, just talking about this dress is enough to bluff people.

Song Shi was silent for a moment, took out the "Black Powder H-2" from his waist, threw it into a corridor trash can, and covered it with the trash inside.

He rubbed his face and adjusted his breathing.

Song Shi's face showed a look of fear.

He ran to the next floor while crying loudly.

"Help, help."

"——Is there anyone!"

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