Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 251 Towards the End of the Sky

"The transfer application was rejected again?"


"How many times has this happened? Four times? Five times? According to the regulations, you have to wait another half a year for your next application."


"If you ask me, wouldn't it be nice to continue being an ace agent? You have great authority, less work, and most importantly, no one will dare to talk nonsense about us. Why do you have to transfer to a management position?"


The person who spoke first paused, then flew into a rage.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, why don't you just keep saying yes?" Hollandson said angrily: "You've watched the Sun Festival several times, and you're still watching it from a distance, playing dumb with me?"

Hearing this, the man standing by the viewing fence, looking down at the bottom, finally turned his head.

The airflow whistled in the face of the temporary viewing platform module outside the cabin of this shuttle, blowing the corners of the two people's clothes, and even the sound was slightly distorted.

However, for the two ace agents of the Security Bureau, both of whom have reached the third ring of psychics, this distortion does not affect communication at all.

Looking at his partner who was in a state of exasperation, Ning Tong's face, which was always meticulous, actually showed a little helplessness.

"I'm not watching the Sun Festival, I'm maintaining order"

"If you find terrorists who are not from the Enlightened, don't worry about it. Fubo Energy can solve it by itself."

Holanson interrupted the other party: "The terrorists who belong to the Enlightened. If you can find them so easily, they should stop thinking about rebelling against the company. I suggest you find a class and try to be a salary thief to see if you can drag down the company."

Ning Tong ignored the other party's ridicule, paused, and said: "What about you?"

He stared at Holanson: "I'm really not good at detection. You are much better than me in this regard. Do you see anything?"

The man knew very well how strong his partner, code-named "Cross-Heart" and the third ring [Transcendence], was in "detection" in order to assist in beyond-visual-range sniping.

"No, I didn't see it at all."

Hollandson shook his head, fiddled with the old revolver, exhaled into the muzzle, and said lazily: "My salary is not paid by Fubo Energy, why should I be a security guard for them? Don't I want face?"

"Besides, the General Administration sent us here to help Shang Qiu and contain Fubo Energy."

At this moment, a special police officer of the Security Bureau standing not far away felt sweating when listening to the two people beside him, especially Hollandson's undisguised words. If this shuttle was not located in the sky, he would have wanted to jump directly.

You are "ace agents", fierce and good at fighting, it doesn't matter, I just want to make a living in the Security Bureau, but I don't want to be involved in any big plans to wipe out the family and genetic extinction!

At this moment, the special police officer couldn't help but think of the situation when he just joined the Security Bureau -

That was his first field mission to suppress a cyber psychopath. The cyber psychopath was a mercenary and was quite famous. His prosthetics were not bad and were specialized for combat. Even if they arrived in time, the crazy opponent would have almost turned the street into a third-level plasma film scene.

The bureau had already drawn ten casualty indicators, including his master who was ready, sweating profusely, and teaching him how to escape with the least punishment.

Then, when they were about to form a tactical formation to fight, a figure fell from the sky and suppressed the cyber psychopath in just a few breaths. He even disassembled the opponent's limbs in the plasma and parts on the ground and cut them into human sticks for easy arrest.

Afterwards, he learned that the opponent was an "ace agent" who had just returned to report on his work and was about to start a long vacation. The other party happened to hear about this field mission, so he came to help.

"Criminal investigation ability? Case handling ability? Good technology? Have a good reputation in both black and white circles, and can you get along well?"

In his impression, his master, the middle-aged man who liked to collect protection fees from vendors, shook his head after hearing that he wanted to become an ace agent. He pressed down his cigarette hard: "Wrong, none of these are important."

"In addition to loyalty, even 'loyalty' can be negotiated! The only thing an ace agent needs is strength! Just the ability to fight!"

The middle-aged man was melancholy, and sneered: "When the company's shuttle broke into the crime scene, when the mercenaries who took the job wanted to make trouble, when I didn't know where The missiles are about to hit their heads - what we need is someone who can shoot them down at that time! "

"This is the so-called ace agent! What do you think they are? They are just mercenaries who are a little more upright in the shell of the Security Bureau!"

"--Don't scare your colleagues. "

Ning Tong frowned slightly, and he pressed his right hand on the railing and tapped it lightly. The water vapor diffused around quietly gathered, forming a barely perceptible mist, which enveloped the vicinity of both parties and isolated the sound, so that the special police could not hear the conversation.

The third ring [Dayuan], some application skills related to "water".

After doing this, he said: "Ace agent. You know, I can't do anything in this position."

Among the many positions in the Security Bureau, "Ace Agent" is a sequence with a certain non-staff nature and pure combat duties.

It certainly makes the holder less constrained and has a high degree of authority, and can act as he pleases to a certain extent, but it also eliminates the possibility of "management" - this is the limitation.

The ace agent's free will is only for "himself", while the overall planning and deployment of the Security Bureau's administration, negotiation, etc. must be handled by the management of the administrative sequence. The latter does not necessarily cannot be fought, but the ace agent can only be fought.

Ning Tong looked into the distance again. The spectacular sky fleet was slowly sailing through the city under the bright sunlight. Every time it reached a new area, a huge wave of cheers could be heard among the flying flags.

After Fubo Energy's long-term publicity and welfare offensive, these cheers at this moment are somewhat sincere. In the golden light cast from the sky, the whole city was immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

——In order to welcome the Sun Festival and the large number of tourists, those things that seriously affected the appearance of the city were cleaned or put away half a month ago.

Things that are really difficult to deal with in a short period of time, such as the slum buildings that have been piled up and grown over the years, these areas have been automatically blocked on the electronic map of Casting Light City, navigation has been cancelled, and the [Macrostate Light Energy Matrix] is used to carry it. The ultra-large optical imaging module temporarily covers these areas with a new and beautiful illusory curtain.

In this way, even if someone plans to take pictures of the entire city from a high-altitude perspective and try to discredit Casting Light City, they will never succeed.

A city full of business and bright.

It is a miracle created by many people, who work together, work hard day and night, and have lofty love.

"Shang Qiu is about to step down. After the election, there will be a big change in the top management." Ning Tong stared ahead: "You know the current direction of the wind. The new people will no longer insist on neutrality, but will move to one side. They are likely to The probability is that Fubo Energy will be chosen.”

"The results of what we have done over the years can be sent back respectfully by those guys overnight. There are too few things that the ace agent can do, so I must get a management position in the Security Bureau of Forge Light City."

"So what if I get it?"

Horanson shrugged. He leaned against the railing and turned his head to glance at the fleet in the distance: "To be honest, what's the use of just a 'Ningtong'? No matter how harsh I say it, you Is it better than our director’s finger?”

The director he was talking about was naturally not the Director of the Forged Light City Security Bureau, a local branch like this, but the Director-General of the Government Security Bureau of the entire enterprise alliance, the [Consensus] who arrived at the fifth ring, "Rebirth of Mental Image", Paddy · Morse.

But even he, the general director, is tied up in front of nine giant companies that look like gods and cannot do much.

If the other party can maintain the independence of the Security Bureau - strictly speaking, the General Administration and some local branches, without being infiltrated into a sieve like other government departments and becoming a dog on the company's leash, it is already quite useless.

In this case, even if you are directly promoted to the director of the Security Bureau of Casting Light City, what can you do?

What's more, some people knew Ning Tong's plan, so the latter's transfer application was repeatedly rejected. They couldn't bear the days of being caught between enlightened people and giant companies. They finally waited for Shang Qiu, who insisted on neutrality and independence, to step down. How could Ning Tong be replaced.

Ning Tong was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I have to try."

"Then you might as well go directly to the Enlighteners." Huo Ranson commented: "At least they really dare to twist off the heads of Fubo Energy's senior executives."

"Things haven't reached this point yet." Hearing this, Ning Tong shook his head: "Fubo Energy has too deep control over Zhuguang City. As long as they are willing, they can stop the entire city's energy supply network. You know what does that mean."

"It's up to you." Hollandson said in a nonchalant tone: "I have agreed beforehand that I will never get involved in these things. I will only be an ace agent."

He paused: "Hold on. When you are dismissed and liquidated in the future, I will try to see if I can help you. Don't think too much, just give it a try."

Ning Tong nodded and was about to say something more when the sky suddenly darkened.

It's not an exaggerated reference.

——At this moment, the sky as far as the eye could see seemed as if someone had splashed thick ink on it, and it darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye!

That was when the sky sank, the clouds retreated, the sun went out, and not even a single star could be seen. It was a complete "eternal night and eternal darkness"!

The streets were briefly chaotic, but equipped with night vision modules in advance, the well-prepared warning drones and security bureau staff quickly came forward and controlled the situation with extremely rare efficiency, arresting or processing several people on the spot. Criminals who want to fish in troubled waters.

Soon, light began to flow in the street below again. Under the illumination of holographic billboards and neon tubes of various colors, although it was far less bright than when the sun was shining not long ago, it was enough for people to roughly see the surrounding environment.

After all, in this era, most people’s eyes have long been replaced with prosthetic eyes.

While some tourists were still confused and fearful, a text message that had been prepared and marked with Fubo Energy Certification was delivered to their personal mailbox in a timely manner, reminding everyone that this was a normal part of the solar celebration and there was no need to worry.

Suddenly, the sky lit up again.

It was not the brilliance of the sun, but a solemn and extravagant feast.

Streams of wine and honey flowed in the banquet hall in the clouds. Girls and young attendants with outstanding postures covered with thin gauze scarves, with satisfied smiles and light steps, held up huge golden plates filled with delicious food and fruits, and repeated Once again dedicated to the gods occupying the banquet.

The gods laughed wantonly, sometimes putting down their food and applauding the bravery of the duelists fighting in the center of the banquet, and sometimes rejoicing at the graceful dancing of the dancers, throwing large pieces of jewelry and gold ornaments and letting them scatter all over the ground.

Even though they knew that these were not real, they were just three-dimensional holographic projections transformed into a stage set.

But after receiving the commercial commission from [Fubo Energy], [Dust Contract Generation] mobilized several well-known production teams to create, with extremely high aesthetic design and top holographic technology, at this moment, this super-large holographic stage set covering the sky and stretching as far as the eye can see still gives people an immersive feeling.

Even, people can smell the real and luxurious atmosphere of the banquet, the sweet and rich wine, the roasted meat that is roasted to the right temperature, and the body fragrance of the girl's milk - that is the micro-drone group that is quietly releasing chemical agents to artificially simulate the complex smell that fits the drama environment.

This is exactly the fixed program of every Sun Festival.

——The "Mythical Curtain" originated from the Rokar myth!

The huge shuttle fleet following the main ship "Bordeaux" includes both armed models responsible for security and performance shuttles that are currently focusing on "landscape" and "stage construction".

Soon, the crowd below gradually became less noisy.

Because the mythical curtain has officially begun.

The man, who was painted with thick oil paint but still showed a strong physique, suddenly stood up from the table and walked to the center of the banquet step by step under the confused gaze of the gods. The dancers who were originally singing and dancing were stunned for a moment, and before they could say anything, they retreated at the man's eyes.

"The great king of gods, the supreme sun god, and the father who raised me--"

Under the display of the camera and the external screens, although they were very far away, the audience could still clearly see the man's face.

His expression was pious and compassionate, and he slowly knelt on the banquet floor transformed from the deck of the theater airship.

Some locals have begun to introduce their own myths and folk customs to the ignorant tourists around them. The person played by the other party is Dadasoya, the "light thief" who occupies an important position in the Rokar myth.

And some people have recognized the true identity of the actor.

"Is this person, Ishua?"

"What Ishua, wait, that Groden?"

"Let me think! Damn! I have an impression! That 'Groden's conscience'?"

"Didn't he claim to have left the family a long time ago? How come he is here? And he became an actor?"

"Are you stupid? You believe the words of the company dog? Your family will let him play Dadasoya when he is a traitor? Don't tell you that you don't understand the importance of this role!"

"Fuck you! I was moved by his deeds when I watched the short video last month! It turns out that I was fooled again!"

But the advancement of the drama will not be delayed by these noises below.

Under the sky that was regulated by the "macro-state light energy matrix" and fell into eternal darkness, Dadasoya cried and pleaded with the sun god who was at the head of the banquet, begging him to withdraw his punishment and let the sun's light shine on the world again.

After a brief moment of surprise, the sun god was furious.

In anger, he whipped Dadasoya three times in front of the gods and blasted the wounded Dadasoya out of the banquet.

The door engraved with gorgeous patterns and reliefs slammed shut, and Dadasoya stood in front of the door in a daze until the faint sound of unbridled singing and dancing behind the door began to sound again, and then he stumbled down from the clouds.

Steal the wine hidden in the private cellar of the god of wine, sneak into the banquet that is still going on day and night in disguise, pour wine into the spring, intoxicate the gods, take off the golden bottle of the sun god, and fill the wine cup with flowing sunlight.

Even the locals of Rokar, who are already familiar with this story, have to admit that this drama created by Fubo Energy with extremely high standards still makes them unconsciously indulge in it.

And those tourists from other places have already been intoxicated and enjoy this holographic feast. And some fans who came here for the purpose of "support" are even more crazy when they see the characters played by their idols appear.


The drama has reached the final stage.

——The light thief named "Dadasoya" will hold the wine cup full of sunshine in his hand, run around the world, and bring light to the mortal world to dispel the eternal night and darkness!

"Dadasoya" carefully held up the wine cup, he was silent, and slowly stepped over the drunk and comatose gods lying on the ground. He walked out of the banquet hall, passed through the solemn and sacred temple, and came to the top of the clouds in the sky.

Then, he stopped.

The crowd below was stunned, thinking that this was a predetermined plot, and waited patiently.

It was not until a long time later that they realized that the other party was silent and standing still, and then they gradually became agitated.

"My compatriots."

Then, "Dadasoya" spoke.

His eyes passed over the wine cups held up, over the various customized and expensive suspended stages, and finally, fixed on the people in the street below.

"People who don't know me, people who know me, people who sneer at me, people who are angry with me, people who support me, people who once supported me and were disappointed not long ago"

The man's voice no longer had the rhythmic and rhythmic tone when he performed the drama before, but instead seemed a little low: "And those who once supported me not long ago still chose to believe in me."

"At this moment, I am not explaining what I have done, and any words are useless." The man paused and said slowly: "I just want to explain."

"I understand your questions at this moment, just like every day in the past - did Ishua Groden deceive you? Did he use hypocritical behavior in exchange for a beautiful personality that was whitewashed? Did he already have a heart full of disgust and disgust while helping those so-called lower-class people?"

"I" The man shook his head and said calmly: "Any answer I have is too weak."

"But I want to say something."

His eyes slowly lit up. In the countless gazes and in the countless live broadcasts, the man raised the wine cup inlaid with treasures little by little, and among them, a list slowly began to rise. It kept expanding, and people subconsciously opened their eyes to see the contents on it clearly -

In the next moment.

A deep stream of light suddenly rose from the street below.

It was a dark firework.

It suddenly rose, dragging out a burning trail! Instantly melted through several unprepared drones along the way! With an undisguised terrifying momentum! Extending straight to the sky!

The gods in the sky were instantly crushed into ashes by the fireworks, the atmosphere was boiling and burning, surging and rushing, but the dark fireworks still did not stop, and wanted to shoot down the sun god's sky patrol vehicle "Bordeaux" and burn it into insignificant ashes!

The unique skills that the free bounty hunter "Nandou" used to carry on the world, one of the testimonies of his cultivation and experience.

"Everyone, good afternoon--"

The dark fireworks lingered around the young man, that was a burning flame that even the eternal night and darkness would restrain and avoid.

[Dayuan] A new existence accommodated by the way.

Unprecedented in this world, a creation born from the name of "Nandou".

It was as if endless black flames were running wildly, and several more streams flowed out, and then suddenly stretched, turning into two black flame wings dragging behind the young man, constantly deforming wildly and forcibly converging.

With their master, they rushed straight into the sky!

Self-created psychic skills...

Like the black flames around him, Song Shi's eyes also turned completely black without knowing when.

Only the position of the pupils still had a narrow and long pure red gold.

From the whistling wind in front of him, Song Shi opened his terrifying eyes, and his psychic power reached the peak in an instant.

Then, laughing wildly, he blasted towards the huge airship above without hesitation!

[Disaster Flame].

Three chapters merged into one.

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