"Does the lease remain?"

"I don't want to buy a house, I'll burn it down."

"Do you want a discount?"

"Be generous. They don't need to pay it back, just burn it."

"Where are these nine red and blue strings?"

"Keep it as an antique, maybe it will be useful in the future."

"Let me see what's left after breaking these off." Song Shi estimated: "1.1 million silver coupons."

"Not bad."

Song Shi snapped his fingers, took a stack of silver coupons and put them in his arms, and asked Lapis to put the rest away.

Today's omnics have four second-level psionic skills, and the latest psionic skill is [Material Compression]. If we reach the fifth ring in the future, and cooperate with gravity control, we may be able to realize a "collapse bomb" rubbed by hand.

But at the moment, although Lapis Lazuli is far from achieving this kind of power, another auxiliary effect of [Material Compression] is that by greatly compressing the volume of matter, it can achieve the function of "spatial storage" to a certain extent.

In just a few breaths, the silver coupons and antiques all over the floor were swallowed into the body by the omnic, without any change in appearance.

"This is the money the president has saved for himself. The banknotes have been washed in advance, so you can use them with confidence." Song Shi stood up: "This place is not like a corporate alliance. There is a monitoring network, and the review of online banknote circulation must be strict. Much more. Although it still doesn’t stop you from hacking and withdrawing funds, you should try to avoid this risk if you can.”

"Ah, right."

Song Shi tilted his head: "How do you feel? How difficult is it to pry into that smart safe?"

Naturally, scanning security equipment was secretly set up in the president's villa, but how could such a thing possibly find a depth 4 demon.

Yesterday in the bathroom, Song Shi put down the lapis lazuli that turned into a necklace. The latter spent some time browsing the structure of the villa, sneaked into the basement at night, emptied the safe, and met up with himself who had also run away.

"Above average civilian level." Lapis Lazuli commented: "The closed algorithm used is a bit old, but the debugging is pretty good."

"After all, it is Qiaojifang's flagship product, but it only comes here?" Song Shi sighed.

"Okay. Then the next step is the last step."

A brilliant stream of fire burst out from the young man's ankle, and the electronic shackles melted instantly like butter, and turned into little embers before they even dripped to the ground.

However, Song Shi didn't care at all.

He looked down at his hands, and something seemed to be boiling under his skin: "Monitoring the network is not just about a few cameras."

Electronic shackles are only superficial restrictions. The Eastern Land Republic's real control method for immigration - for every citizen within the territory, also has nanoscale signal generators.

Any citizen in the Eastern Continent Republic will be injected with a shot of nanoworms at birth. These nanoworms will flow through the blood vessels and spread throughout the body as a real-time monitoring measure.

Then every year during the physical examination, it will be secretly injected again to replenish the loss of nanoworms and ensure that they can exert sufficient effectiveness.

A few days ago, at the immigration checkpoint, the prosecutor also secretly injected himself with a shot of nanoworms in the name of a "physical examination."

Every citizen carrying nanobugs will become a part of the [Supervision Network]. When necessary, the Supervision Network can even use it as a fulcrum to demonstrate various special powers——

Song Shi clenched his fingers.

——[Boiling Blood], burning.

How can a mere nano bug defeat the boiling blood?

Almost in an instant, all the nanoworms that were spread throughout the blood vessels, hiding plasma, and could only be seen at a microscopic level, melted into ashes.

"——Lapis Lazuli, let's go!"

The next moment, Song Shi jumped onto the omnimachine. The latter had already turned on the anti-gravity and silent modes. Under the vast night, he carried the former and quickly escaped into the distance.

Three minutes later.

On the map of Fengzhou County's "Supervision Network", a light spot was permanently extinguished.

"Twenty-three hours, nineteen minutes and thirty-five seconds."

"No. TY-IF-7895, has been disconnected from the network and lost contact, and a new 'Uncoded One' has been born."

In front of the display screen, the auditor wearing a white mask spoke calmly: "The location of the last lost contact has been locked. Do you need to notify the nearest public office? The arrest will be carried out. New parameters have changed. The results have been corrected."

"Public cameras and citizens' cameras and recording equipment within a radius of one kilometer have not found any traces of 'uncoded persons'. Seventeen hours ago, a missing person and theft of assets occurred in the nearby gang Red Blood Club. After tracing the whole process of the incident, it was initially determined that the suspect in the two incidents was the same person.”

"The target's attitude towards us cannot be judged at the moment. With excellent network technology, the possibility of being a 'demon' cannot be ruled out. The level of this incident has been raised. Is it necessary to set up a special action team?"

After a while, the superior's voice came from the auditor's earphones.

"In other words, the clue is temporarily broken, right?"

"You can say that." The auditor said.

"Set it as a B-level incident. Notify the 10th Bureau and ask them to select a team of people to deal with this rat."



While driving at high speed, Lapis Lazuli suddenly spoke.

"Three seconds ago, someone traced our traces on the attempt line, but I dealt with them all."

"Beautiful." Song Shi praised it without hesitation: "Keep it up."

".Whether the risk is too high."

After a few seconds, Lapis Lazuli spoke: "If this is the case now, we will be exposed too early."

"No, it has to be early, the sooner the better."

Song Shi shook his head and pointed to the sky: "With the monitoring network, we will definitely be exposed, it's just a matter of sooner or later."

"If we let them know now that 'Song Shi' is here, I'm afraid a bunch of masters will directly drop in from orbit and try their best to sell their noble ladies to me. If they don't obey, they will take action. To be honest, it's quite troublesome."

"But if we keep hiding our tracks and delay it until the 'monitoring network' finds us later, this is purely malicious and dangerous. The Republic of East Land is infiltrating other forces. Watching very closely, it must be taken very seriously, which is also troublesome. "

"Only like now, which spy would expose his existence for a million silver coupons?" Song Shi knocked on the seat under him: "Give them a little bit of 'everything is under control' and 'under control' situation, so as to really delay time."

".Is that so?" Lapis Lazuli pondered for a moment: "I understand, then next, I will lower the level of technology displayed."

"That's not necessary, just follow the current level, anyway, you didn't give your best, right?"

Song Shi stretched his muscles.

Becoming an uncensored person again, I really miss it

"Let's go, leave Fengzhou and go to Fangquan." Song Shi exhaled a long breath, and the fire in his eyes flickered: "Only after Fangquan can we get to Yulai, and by the way, we can get a method of escape on the way."

"——Psychic Skills · [Soaring to the Sky]. "

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