"——Who hired you to kill that family?"

"Haha!" The man first took a deep breath greedily, and then hurriedly said: "What?! At least tell me what you are talking about——"

"Are you still going to play this kind of rhetoric with me?"

Song Shi said: "Then you can die now."

Feeling the five fingers like steel casting exert force again, the man had no doubt that the other party could easily crush his throat.

"Wait!" The man's face changed drastically, and he changed his words in an instant: "Yes, it's me! It's the one I hired!"

"It's you! It's you——!"

The moment he heard these words, the young man who knocked over the furniture and fell to the ground had bloodshot eyes and roared and pounced on him again: "You——!"

Song Shi glanced at the latter, and in an instant, a strong gravity field pressed down, pressing the other party who had just stood up to the ground again.

Then, a sound silence field was opened, shielding the other party's roar.

"I'm here now, do you think I don't know that you hired the murderer?" Song Shi turned his eyes back to the man and said word by word: "——I mean, who hired you?"

The man's expression changed wildly, he suddenly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "I can't say it! I really can't say it! If I say it, I will die after that!"

The deep black flame suddenly bloomed and swallowed the man.

In the next moment, these "disaster flames" disappeared completely, as if it was just an illusion just now.

However, in just such a moment, the man was sweating all over, his expression was dazed, and there was obvious fear in the depths of his pupils.

Just now, he felt that his consciousness seemed to be torn apart, or should it be said that it was "crushed"! That was a more severe torture than the physical pain!

"Is it going to die after I say it?"

With sweat all over his face, the man subconsciously raised his head and saw the young man in front of him speaking calmly.

"I am a psychic of the 'consensus' sect, you know what this means."

The other party looked down at him, with dark flames swirling around him, looming: "This is the 'Red Lotus Karma Fire', fueled by sin, believe me, when you experience the torture of eternal damnation, you will want to die more than ever before."

He spoke each word: "-I promise."

Maybe it was a moment, maybe it was a long time later.

When the man finally realized that no one had come to save his life until now, he was afraid that the "monitoring network" had also been temporarily blocked by the other party in some way.

He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: ". He Family."

"Xiyuan He Family."

Song Shi nodded, his expression unchanged: "Well, it's about what I thought. OK, is there anything else you want to say?"

The man was shocked, and his voice suddenly rose: "Wait! We can cooperate! Internal and external cooperation! You alone can never-"

"It sounds good, but unfortunately I don't need it."

Song Shi shook his head: "Have a good journey."

With a "bang", the flames rose again, completely engulfing the man, burning him along with his prosthesis, and in an instant turned into light embers on the floor.

Then, Song Shi turned around and looked at the young man who was still pressed on the ground.

The latter looked to be in his early twenties. Under his loose coat were two bionic prosthetic limbs that looked the same as those of natural people. The exposed parts were gloved, and the black pupils that had been replaced with prosthetic eyes were staring at him at this moment, gritting his teeth and trying his best to move.

Song Shi sighed and asked Lapis Lazuli to release the gravity field.

"Don't move or shout, or I'll crush you again." Song Shi sat on the sofa opposite: "You heard what I said just now."

Perhaps it was because a series of events happened too quickly and the impact was too strong. The young man's Adam's apple bulged and the mechanical five fingers wrapped in gloves clicked, but he took a deep breath and calmed down a bit, without making any big movements.

"Who are you?"

While speaking in a hoarse voice, the other party kept looking at the pile of ashes.

"I just know who you are, Lu Yun." Song Shi said: "You saw it, it was the hired man who drove drunk at night and killed your whole family."

The young man, no, "Lu Yun"'s expression instantly became distorted.

He gritted his teeth, his teeth clicked, and his whole body trembled.

He suppressed his anger and made his voice sound clear: "He just said. He's family"

"Yes, that's the He's family you're thinking of, a fourth-class family, Xiyuan He's family. You're a local, so you should be more familiar with this name than I am."

The Donglu Republic has 19 counties under its jurisdiction, Fangquan is one of them, and Xiyuan is an area in Fangquan County.

As a Fangquan native, Lu Yun certainly knows this name!

Although the He's family is not as good as the third-class family "Fangquan Zhao's family" from which the current Fangquan County Magistrate came, it is only second to them. In Fangquan County, they are still ordinary citizens - "heavenly people" that "eighth-class people" like me can't even look at!

But because of this, let alone any offense, I have never come into contact with anyone related to "Xiyuan He's family"! Why.

"Because it's fun."

Song Shi looked at the other party and said calmly: "Women are tired of playing, and they have reached the limit of eating and drinking. No matter how bizarre the scenery of the virtual network is, it is fake after all, not down-to-earth. The more advanced ways of playing are beyond the reach of my level, so the only objects of fun are people."

"Let me ask you a question. After your whole family was gone, you 'accidentally' found out that someone hired a killer to kill you. Then you contacted the black market within a month and accumulated all these illegal prosthetics. You turned from a college student into a master of fighting without being caught. Do you think it's possible?"

Lu Yun was stunned.

These days, after a series of mistakes, he occasionally thought about these things at night. However, he had not yet avenged his great hatred.

"Forget it, don't think about it. If you think about it again, I'm afraid your head will explode."

Song Shi took out a reagent and a vacuum injection pump from the necklace, or more precisely, the lapis lazuli storage bin, and threw it over: "You stuffed yourself with so many prosthetics in a short period of time. Cyberpsychosis is at least in the middle stage. Haven't you found that your brain is a bit muddy recently? Or irritable and angry?"

"Anyway, give yourself an injection first. It's a best-selling product of Jade Pharmaceuticals. It has a good inhibitory effect."

In a daze, Lu Yun subconsciously took it and gave himself an injection.

After a dozen breaths, he suddenly found that his brain, which had been drowsy, seemed to be a little lighter?

"Well, I found out who it was." Song Shi browsed the data tablet. Lapis Lazuli was exerting force, and lines of messages popped up automatically on it: "He Haowen, deputy district chief of Guqiu District, Sanqiu City."

"Wait-wait! I have never seen or heard of him!" Lu Yun suddenly roared: "And how could he! Completely arrange my behavior!"

"Even if he is not from the direct line of the He family, but only a side branch, he has the status of "fifth class", far above you. The higher the status, the higher the authority over the monitoring network."

Song Shi shook his head: "A few coincidental and psychologically consistent catering information pushes can determine your idea of ​​​​lunch with a high probability. He really can't control every action of yours, but with the guidance of the monitoring network, your overall direction of action will not change."

"By the way, you have installed a prosthetic privately, and you have not been arrested by the "monitoring network" so far. He also helped to cover it up."

Song Shi slid the data tablet and browsed the information: "It is In general, your revenge clues will only end at this underground intermediary, and you will be discovered by the monitoring network when you are about to take revenge on him, arrested by the police, charged with privately installed prosthetics, intentional injury, etc., thrown into prison, and executed later. "

"Finally, He Haowen will come on stage, run to visit you in prison, and confess that he is the real murderer behind the scenes. Appreciate your expression at that moment, probably find it very interesting, which is also the old routine of this gang. But don't worry, I will cover it up for you temporarily, although it can't be concealed for too long..."

"--Okay, it's over."

Song Shi turned off the tablet and finally raised his head: "I've seen enough."

"I, I." Lu Yun looked stunned, angry and sad. Suddenly, he knelt down on the ground: "I-I want revenge! Please teach me how to do it!"

In just a few breaths, Lu Yun's forehead was broken, rotten, and blood splashed, but he didn't care at all, tears streaming down his face, without saying a word, just kowtowed vigorously, more and more fiercely.

Song Shi tilted his head and looked at him for a few seconds.

Then a palm chopped down, hitting the back of the neck. Lu Yun only had time to groan before his body limp down.

"How long will it take for He Haowen to notice that something is wrong here?"

"Forty minutes." Lapis Lazuli answered cautiously: "If the situation is urgent, I can extend the shielding for another fifteen minutes, but then the counterattack of the 'monitoring network' will increase significantly, and I may..."

"Then forty minutes."

Song Shi stood up: "Separately, you take this guy to the suburbs and find a safe and hidden place to wait for me. Humph, I am always punctual."


The necklace peeled off spontaneously, and Lapis Lazuli turned into a suction cup, attached to the lying Lu Yun's arms, took over the prosthesis, and at the same time increased gravity, forcibly propping him up.

"Isn't that too much? Can't you just ask me what I'm going to do?"

"Okay, what are you going to do?"

Song Shi walked into the bedroom, opened the closet, thought for a while, took out one of the gray coats, put it on himself, and picked up a fisherman's hat next to it.

So the young man put on the hat, walked across the messy floor, picked up the black umbrella hanging in front of the door, and walked into the thousands of rain lines outside the house.


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