Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 310: Linjiang Old Scenery


Looking at the Jiulai River winding through the city in the distance, Song Shi stopped and said, "We're here."

At this moment, on an undeveloped mountain peak, Song Shi looked down at the undulating contours in the distance.

Linjiang City is far from prosperous. At a glance, there are only a few private shuttles flying among the high-rise buildings. It is far from being compared with the abnormally developed transportation industry in the corporate alliance.

At least here, it is difficult to see shuttles flying fiercely over the streets in broad daylight, with firepower exchanging blows.

Ai Lu didn't say anything, but carefully observed the nearby mountains and cliffs, trying to find a hiding spot suitable for assassination.

"Linjiang City, it's eight seventeen minutes and fifty-four seconds now." Lapis Lazuli said: "Do you want to stay for a night or go directly to the target location?"

"Do you know where I'm going?" Song Shi didn't look back.

"No, I don't know." Lapis Lazuli replied: "But there is data analysis and it is speculated that you came to Jiang City to go to a certain place."

Song Shi laughed twice and was noncommittal.

He just took two steps forward, crossed the edge of the stone cliff, stepped out, and fell suddenly.

Seeing this, Lapis Lazuli and Ai Lu quickly followed. One jumped down and the other floated down at a constant speed, following the young man towards the city.

The speed of the three was not slow. In less than an hour, they officially entered Linjiang City.

The senses gained from close personal contact are far richer than those viewed from a height.

The bumpy streets, rusty signboards, vehicles covered with dust that have obviously been parked for who knows how long, and residential areas that are randomly squeezed together as if they were squeezed by big hands, the cramped space under the dense arrangement, the sunlight must be It took a lot of effort to get a few strands through.

"It's so run-down." Ai Lu said honestly.

"There is no way. This place was originally a small village by the Jiurai River. However, during the Seven-Soil War, this area served as the front line for a while, so the East Rift Republic ordered the engineering team to build high-rise buildings on the spot and forcibly built A city comes out."

Song Shi stopped and gestured to look under the tree over there.

There was a dark green thing the size of an adult buffalo lying there. A closer look revealed that those "green" things were clearly vines that had existed for countless years, and the rusty mechanical structure of what they were wrapped around could be vaguely seen.

"Troop-carrying combat vehicle." Lapis Lazuli scanned it: "A very old model, with backward technology, and more than 78% of the main structure is missing."

"After the Seven Soil War, a lot of unwanted ordnance was left here. In order to snatch this kind of troop-carrying chariot, a bunch of people would beat their brains out. The dismantled equipment can be sold for money, and pry The parts are not cheap either. Even if the armor plates are cut and then welded to the prosthetic body to serve as protective modules, some of them are collected by people.”

"Once it was dismantled, no one took away the remaining parts, so we just left it here. Over time, it became like this."

As Song Shi was talking, he suddenly became excited: "Guess what is the most exaggerated thing here?"

Without waiting for an answer, he said the answer directly.

"On the square in front of the city hall, there is an armor plate - the armor plate of the space carrier!"

Song Shi opened his hand and gestured: "During the Seven-Earth War, the previous generation space carrier of the Eastern Continent Republic, 'Zuan Lun Tian', was killed here by a knight commander of the Vampusta Empire. The five-ring psychic wielded a sword from afar, destroying the armor layer on the spot. The largest piece of it fell into the Jiulai River. When the war was over, the armor plate was salvaged and towed back as a souvenir. ”

"The performance of the previous generation product has indeed lagged behind." Lapis Lazuli briefly searched the data and made a judgment: "No wonder it can be penetrated by the armor layer with one blow, not as good as the Groden Glory."

".Is that the point?"

Song Shi sighed deeply.

"In short, after the war, this place had no resources and no foundation. Except for a bunch of heavy and durable buildings, the rest should be evacuated or moved. Linjiang quickly declined."

"Let's go, find a place to eat first."

Lapis Lazuli and Ai Lu followed Song Shi, only to see the latter making twists and turns, walking through the streets and alleys with ease, and finally stopped in front of a half-opened restaurant at the entrance of an alley.

Song Shi knocked on the window. After a few seconds, a middle-aged man's head poked out from behind the window. He glanced at the two people standing outside: "It's time, we won't sell it anymore. Look at what it's like now." Ordered?”

"I'm really sorry to bother you so late." Song Shi clasped his hands together with a sincere expression: "We are from out of town and have long heard that there is a Master Sun in Linjiang who is very good at making crucian carp soup. We will only stop for one day. Sorry for your trouble. Are you accommodating?”

With that said, Song Shi took out a few silver coupons and handed them over.

Hearing such compliments, and the most important thing was seeing the silver coupons, the middle-aged man called "Master Sun" suddenly beamed, but suddenly remembered something, and he hesitated: "All the fresh goods were sold out during the day, now Now I can’t kill you, can you accept it?”

"It doesn't matter."

So, the half-opened shop door was raised, the dim electric light was turned on, and the stove was re-ignited. Song Shi and Ai Lu sat at the round table covered with red plastic cloth. Within a moment, Master Sun was carrying a large basin of crucian carp soup. , let go down heavily.

"There's nothing left. You eat first. I'll make two small stir-fried dishes for you." Master Sun patted his apron and said, "You don't charge for it, just treat it as a gift from me."

"Sorry to trouble you."

Song Shi nodded to the other party, then unpacked the chopsticks: "Try it. Without prosperity, there is no development, so the raw materials of food are relatively intact, which is one of the few advantages of Linjiang."

In the stainless steel basin, large pieces of tofu and fish meat were crowded together, rising and falling in the oily, milky fish soup. Song Shi had no expression, just drinking it. After a while, several plates of stir-fried dishes were also served.

Ai Lu was taciturn. Song Shi didn't speak, and he didn't speak either. As an intelligent machine, Lapis Lazuli was not suitable to speak.

So for a while, there was only the sound of spoons scooping soup. The two of them ate one bowl after another in silence until they finished everything, thanked Master Sun, and went out. After a long time, a new voice suddenly sounded.

"How does it feel?"

Song Shi asked.

"It's delicious." Ai Lu replied in seconds: "I didn't find it addictive. He is operating with integrity."

"My question, I shouldn't ask you." Song Shi sighed.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the silver outline in the sky. The neon light pollution in Linjiang was not serious. The outline of the setting moon was clear, and the nearby starry sky was also quite brilliant.

"I think it's normal." Song Shi stared at the setting moon: "Sure enough, some things should be kept in memory, otherwise every time you take them out, they will only increase oxidation and corrode them."

Song Shi shook his head and said nothing more.

Under the night, they shuttled through the quiet streets until a certain moment, and stopped.

"You guys just wait for me here."

Song Shi touched the rusty signboard, the seven big characters on it, and the paint had already peeled off most of it.

- Linjiang City Third Welfare Home.

"I'll go to confirm something." Song Shi pushed open the iron gate: "Don't worry, it won't take too long."

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