Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 320 Yin and Yang Qi


Thunder roared in the sky again, and the fourth-ring psychic did not hide his anger: "Can't cross? Then you drive them out, or you get out of the way, and I take it myself!"

"Zang, are you mentally retarded? Can the fourth ring be the same as these?"

Zhang Mingyuan stood upright, like an unsheathed sword: "You want to cross the border at your level? Yes, go and apply to our marshal. As long as you get approval, I will get out of the way without saying a word."

"No room?" The other party's voice suddenly calmed down.

"Every inch of land must be fought for." Zhang Mingyuan said word for word: "Either get cross-border approval, or get out of here."

"Or." His tone was a little more ferocious: "Do it?"

".Do you insist on blocking this disaster for them?"

"Can't you understand the human language? I am stationed at the border of the Beiting Defense Front to perform my duties."

Zhang Mingyuan paused and said coldly: "Besides, since they didn't die in your hands just now and successfully broke into this place, their fate is still there. Together with Dayuan, I blocked this for him today." Jie, what are you going to do?"

The voice was silent for a moment, the calmness was torn apart, and turned into a thunderous roar again.

"——Then follow your rules!"

"I've been waiting for it for a long time!"

The coldness on Zhang Mingyuan's face melted away in an instant. He threw away the cloak, and the cloth wrapped around the sword in his palm faded away. Underneath, his true appearance was composed of one white and one black, which seemed to be a stream of light composed of pure particles, intertwined in a spiral. The four-foot sword edge.

Zhang Mingyuan grasped the edge of the sword with five fingers and passed it by, and something began to expand rapidly in the gap between his clenched fingers.

Yin and Yang are intertwined and metamorphosed.

At the same time, the value of the Geiger indicator module in Lapis Lazuli began to soar crazily.

Zhang Mingyuan laughed wildly, pointed towards the sky, and slashed out with a sword!

"——You must first eat this sword and not die before you can talk about our rules!"

During the collision of two different energy bodies, the self-gravity atomic nucleus and the thermal neutron, a huge amount of light and heat burst out, accompanied by the newly born Yang energy, which collided with the Yin energy and fissured, and then turned into more Huge torrent of light and heat!

The sky suddenly became extremely bright, and the brilliance of the sun seemed extremely dim at this moment.

Looking from a distance, everyone could only barely open their eyes and saw a ball of super-expanding spherical sword light, flying into the sky from the billowing foene wind carrying radiation dust.

The sky cracked.

It was not split by this sword.

The moment before this Sword Immortal Secret Slash was struck, something huge seemed to rise up, and the sky was overwhelmed. The originally huge and thick clouds surged, shattered and melted, revealing the outline behind it!

It was a 100-meter-tall golden-armored general with armor all over his body covered with strict patterns, a mechanical cloak dancing, and his four arms raised to the sky, roaring toward the sky!

Pan-Eastern Continent Federation, Eastern Continent Republic, General Su Wei.

The fourth ring [Transcendence], "holding the sky with one hand", hiding the sky!

His second grandfather, Kurano Tei!

Among the broken clouds, God will be entrenched.

Facing the ball of light coming towards him, he raised his dark golden steel fingers to lift up the giant mechanical mace. The latter was like a Rubik's Cube, with countless tiny modules on the surface rising and falling, switching at high speed, and turning into a weapon that spewed ultra-high plasma currents for a length of The magic weapon with a painted halberd, which was hundreds of meters tall, swung out wildly!

Boom boom boom boom!

Then everyone saw a series of exploding light clusters flashing in the sky, followed by the two people fighting, climbing higher and higher, and both sides chose the stratosphere as the main battlefield.

"Another box of blood-activating tablets." Song Shi vomited blood and shouted to Lapis Lazuli.

Hearing this, the latter took out all the medicines in his reserve, piled bottles and cans on the floor, and then returned to self-repair.

Although it was not hit directly, its body suffered considerable damage due to the impact of its second-level attack on a fourth-level target and its overloaded speed to escape.

Song Shi didn't take it seriously. He picked out a few bottles of medicine, poured half of it for himself, and handed the remaining half to Ai Lu: "You want to try it too? The products from Jade Pharmaceuticals are guaranteed to be effective."

Ai Lu took the medicine bottle, thought about it, and still did not choose to forcefully drink it like the other person did. He only took a few pills and put them in his mouth.

Song Shi squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky. After a while, he praised: "It's very good. This person's swordsmanship is proficient and refined. The yin and yang are kneaded just right. When the two stimulate each other, the killing power can be called amazing."

Ai Lu took the medicine, thought for a while, and said, "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that it focuses too much on killing, and the sword moves are too sharp, advancing without retreating, and there is a lack of variety."

Song Shi commented, just saying, and sighed: "Okay. Actually, it can't be said to be a flaw. With something as extreme as Yin Yang and Qi, it is indeed too difficult to control it at will in the fourth ring."

Song Shi sighed again and came to the conclusion: "But just because of the current situation, I can afford to have good means and be qualified to run rampant."

"Hmm." Ai Lu wiped the blood from his eyes and asked, "Who do you think will win?"

"What do you think?" Song Shi asked with interest.

Ai Lu gave the answer: "I don't know."

"Their energy level is too high." He pointed to the bleeding eyes, and his tone did not fluctuate: "I can't see clearly now, so I can't judge."

"That's true."

Song Shi nodded and pointed to the sky: "Their strength is quite close. If they fight until the end, it's hard to say who will win or lose. It's possible for anyone. But they won't be able to fight to the end."

If it really comes to that, it can be said that life and death will be decided. Neither the Beiting Defense Front nor the Donglu Republic will accept a core member dying here.

"So Zang Tian will suffer a heavy loss." Song Shi commented: "Zhang Mingyuan's killing power is amazing, and Zang Tian's golden body is stable. It is hard to say if the battle between the two will drag on, but in a short period of time, Zang Tian will only be suppressed and beaten, and probably will be stabbed into a few holes."

Song Shi suddenly sat up, he sat cross-legged and stared at the sky.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Ai Lu said while picking up the medicine for practicing: "Wait here until they decide the winner."

"Yes, but you can walk a distance inside first."

Song Shi patted his thigh lightly. He was hit by an angry blow from a fourth-ring psychic. Although he was not dead, he had shed several liters of blood and broken a lot of bones. It was quite painful: "Are you hungry? Or should we eat something first and then leave?"

Suddenly, the conversation stopped.

In the distance, the sound of a shuttle breaking through the air was heard, and then it hovered. Finally, a series of rustling footsteps came from afar and walked towards here.

Ai Lu saw their appearance clearly. Most of them were wearing the uniforms of the Tenth Bureau. There were more than ten people, who stopped together 20 meters away, looking at him with complicated expressions across an invisible line.

After hurrying all the way, these people who accompanied Zang Ye Ting finally arrived here.

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